Interesting commentary.
WB has also released a Harris figure and a fighter pilot. Could be the beginnings of a new range, certainly appears that way. WB appears to be giving some thought to being more aggressive about 20th Century subjects.
That's right, excuse me. Heaven forbid that anyone raise questions or observations about what K&C is doing in the pricing department. Yes, Andy is a God and is beyond reproach.
Don't get me wrong, I still buy K&C products along with WB and FL. I've made purchases from some of the others as well. I'm saying that it seems from this discussion as though some collectors have gone away from K&C
figures to Britain’s because of price. Are you wishing to ignore this? I do find it interesting that the K&C fans wish to deflect attention away from the fact that Britain’s has done a much better job of controlling their prices. Is this in some way contradictory? Or is there some other underlying personal agenda when accusations are made in an attempt to discredit an opinion because certain individuals might not agree with said opinion?
If you're not interested in the in's and out's of the industry then why continue to engage in a discussion regarding the in's and out's? When I first started collecting while I was in high school and college, WB figures were $25, K&C figures were $25 and St. Petersburg was in the $100's. There seems to be a bit of a disparity between current pricing of WB and K&C figures, wouldn't you agree? Plus, FL has come into the game with products that are close to St. Petersburg in quality for a fraction of the price.
Personally, I admire what Andy has done. He has constructed a fine business that puts out great products that I enjoy. I also enjoy products from the other makers as well. I also personally believe that Ken Osen is the best figure sculptor and that FL produces high quality painting on their figures. These questions and observations are raised because I wish to engage in a discussion about where other collectors think the market is heading. I do not wish to engage in a knock down drag out fight over whose company and products are the best, worst, etc... We all have our own cultural, educational and professional backgrounds and sources of information that help us shape our individual perception of the market. Fortunately we also have this forum to gain other perspectives.
IMO all of our favorite TS companies have their own special appeal. I've never met a TS I didn't like. And frankly, the sky's the limit as far as I'm concerned. But, as a discerning collector who appreciates his purchasing options, I am interested in the changes (pricing and otherwise) that occur within the market.