Pricing, where's your limit?? (1 Viewer)

.....did someone say they're selling glossy's at Target now........or was it plastic's.......I'm soooo confused^&confuse^&grin:wink2:
That's why we have choice. I assume you are referring to FL. I just received their Union artillery set and it's spectacular, as good as the Aero Art one I have. However, not everyone wants to spend that kind of money. It's all individual choice. I'm glad I have the option.

Some people are happy with Chevys or Nissans. Others want a Lexus or a Mercedes Benz. All about choice.

Assumptions tend to do nothing more than take a guess at what was refered to. Like I said there is no need to pick on any one brand as they all have their own style, design and price points. It is quite true though that just like an automobile
one can go from the low end of the spectrum to the High end of pricing for our beloved collectibles. As a collecting community we are all fortunate enough to be able to spend $40.00 to $65.00 + for one single hand painted foot figure.
I have no gripes or regrets for paying what I currently own on my Toy Soldier shelves, as to me they are true miniature works of art which I enjoy everyday that I look at them !
I thought I’d mention what some might consider an interesting observation regarding the commentary on this thread.

So it appears that all of this back and forth between the K&C and FL fans highlights the fact that the “Great Game” does in fact continue to this day. Only now instead of competing for dominance over the sub-continent the Russians and Brits are vying for the top spot in the Toy Soldier Industry.

Could this be history repeating itself??? ^&confuse {sm5} :rolleyes2:
I thought I’d mention what some might consider an interesting observation regarding the commentary on this thread.

So it appears that all of this back and forth between the K&C and FL fans highlights the fact that the “Great Game” does in fact continue to this day. Only now instead of competing for dominance over the sub-continent the Russians and Brits are vying for the top spot in the Toy Soldier Industry.

Could this be history repeating itself??? ^&confuse {sm5} :rolleyes2:

I think it's more a case of posts and threads repeating themselves. {eek3}^&grin The never ending battle between good and evil. :rolleyes2:

definitely begs the question... who is good and who is evil????
So, now collecting toy soldiers is like Star Wars or LOTR? ^&grin {sm4} :rolleyes2:
Well I have come to discover that there is collecting and then there is this forum; quite different things it seems. As to the forum though, your analogy seems apt although the weapons are for the most part, not nearly as damaging.
:rolleyes2: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :wink2: Oh, I must have drifted off to the dark side and caught some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's
I thought I’d mention what some might consider an interesting observation regarding the commentary on this thread.

So it appears that all of this back and forth between the K&C and FL fans highlights the fact that the “Great Game” does in fact continue to this day. Only now instead of competing for dominance over the sub-continent the Russians and Brits are vying for the top spot in the Toy Soldier Industry.

Could this be history repeating itself??? ^&confuse {sm5} :rolleyes2:

A bit of a stretch to make your interesting observation / comparison to the Great Game. You may recall a previous reply to you pointing out FL is in China and not Russia. I am pretty sure Matt (an American) does not regard FL as a Russian business and I have never seen anybody refer to FL as a Russian business before. However if it helps your innacurate historical comparison my apologies for repeating myself. Any confusion seems to be of your own making.
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Don't you think that's a tiny bit harsh? Shane hasn't been active all that long and I believe Matt's partner, Konstantin, is Russian. Moreover, I believe the figures are sculpted in Russia although painted in China.

A bit of a stretch to make your interesting observation / comparison to the Great Game. You may recall a previous reply to you pointing out FL is in China and not Russia. I am pretty sure Matt (an American) does not regard FL as a Russian business and I have never seen anybody refer to FL as a Russian business before. However if it helps your innacurate historical comparison my apologies for repeating myself. Any confusion seems to be of your own making.

Hey ALice, lighten up!

Don't you think that's a tiny bit harsh? Shane hasn't been active all that long and I believe Matt's partner, Konstantin, is Russian. Moreover, I believe the figures are sculpted in Russia although painted in China.


That's my belief too Brad.
Once again, my apologies if anyone has in some way taken offense to my remarks. In the future, I will make more of an effort to take into consideration that not everyone will understand my dry sense of humor.



Since no one is talking about pricing now isn't it time to end this thread.
Once again, my apologies if anyone has in some way taken offense to my remarks. In the future, I will make more of an effort to take into consideration that not everyone will understand my dry sense of humor.





You did nothing wrong for which I see an apology is needed. If anything, we owe you a debt of thanks for all the historical discussions you have started and/or re-invigorated.


Since no one is talking about pricing now isn't it time to end this thread.

Interesting point, so in an attempt to re-focus the discussion on pricing, I find it interesting that Britain’s has released a WWII RAF range. This seems to be in direct imitation of K&C’s successful WWII aviation products. A question that immediately comes to my mind is if Britain’s makes a more aggressive foray into WWII subject matter will we see an eventual price war between Britain’s & K&C over this market?

This possibility could be good for collectors who have become disenchanted by the recent K&C price increases. Though, I think that Britain’s is going to have to do well on these new releases in order to be able to make such a move.

Of course no one possesses a crystal ball on these matters, but the accuracy or inaccuracy of these observations will eventually be proven in due time.


Britain's have always done these dio type releases and, they seemed to indicate that it was a result of the forthcoming commemoration of this event which prompted the release which, is excellent but, is not cheap per se. so, its hardly a range in the sense you suggest. Your comments here seem to contradict each other somewhat in relation to K&C.

If Britain's are jumping on the success of K&C's warbirds and aviation ranges (which I don't see) how are collectors disenchanted with K&C prices? The range if that's the case must be seen by a large company like Britain's as a success and that would mean happy K&C collectors not disenchanted.

Its as easy to say JJD producing WWI aircraft or similar could have created a price war or TG doing WWII or CS and FL it just does not happen.

Are K&C collectors disenchanted at all? I have no evidence for that people are still buying sets and, without knowing all the details which, don't interest me, have all companies seen a drop in sales as all prices have risen?

We have spoken about pricing and even your own comments seem to say they sit in the middle of pricing across manufacturers. Why are K&C collectors disenchanted anymore than FL, Figarti or JJD collectors all have high prices and, some have really serious quality issues IMO and experience.

I think its a bridge to far to read so much into a special release by a company like Britain's who knows we may see something similar from K&C in the near future which, I would also buy

Interesting point, so in an attempt to re-focus the discussion on pricing, I find it interesting that Britain’s has released a WWII RAF range. This seems to be in direct imitation of K&C’s successful WWII aviation products. A question that immediately comes to my mind is if Britain’s makes a more aggressive foray into WWII subject matter will we see an eventual price war between Britain’s & K&C over this market?

This possibility could be good for collectors who have become disenchanted by the recent K&C price increases. Though, I think that Britain’s is going to have to do well on these new releases in order to be able to make such a move.

Of course no one possesses a crystal ball on these matters, but the accuracy or inaccuracy of these observations will eventually be proven in due time.


Britain's have always done these dio type releases and, they seemed to indicate that it was a result of the forthcoming commemoration of this event which prompted the release which, is excellent but, is not cheap per se. so, its hardly a range in the sense you suggest. Your comments here seem to contradict each other somewhat in relation to K&C.

If Britain's are jumping on the success of K&C's warbirds and aviation ranges (which I don't see) how are collectors disenchanted with K&C prices? The range if that's the case must be seen by a large company like Britain's as a success and that would mean happy K&C collectors not disenchanted.

Its as easy to say JJD producing WWI aircraft or similar could have created a price war or TG doing WWII or CS and FL it just does not happen.

Are K&C collectors disenchanted at all? I have no evidence for that people are still buying sets and, without knowing all the details which, don't interest me, have all companies seen a drop in sales as all prices have risen?

We have spoken about pricing and even your own comments seem to say they sit in the middle of pricing across manufacturers. Why are K&C collectors disenchanted anymore than FL, Figarti or JJD collectors all have high prices and, some have really serious quality issues IMO and experience.

I think its a bridge to far to read so much into a special release by a company like Britain's who knows we may see something similar from K&C in the near future which, I would also buy

Interesting commentary.

WB has also released a Harris figure and a fighter pilot. Could be the beginnings of a new range, certainly appears that way. WB appears to be giving some thought to being more aggressive about 20th Century subjects.

That's right, excuse me. Heaven forbid that anyone raise questions or observations about what K&C is doing in the pricing department. Yes, Andy is a God and is beyond reproach.

Don't get me wrong, I still buy K&C products along with WB and FL. I've made purchases from some of the others as well. I'm saying that it seems from this discussion as though some collectors have gone away from K&C figures to Britain’s because of price. Are you wishing to ignore this? I do find it interesting that the K&C fans wish to deflect attention away from the fact that Britain’s has done a much better job of controlling their prices. Is this in some way contradictory? Or is there some other underlying personal agenda when accusations are made in an attempt to discredit an opinion because certain individuals might not agree with said opinion?

If you're not interested in the in's and out's of the industry then why continue to engage in a discussion regarding the in's and out's? When I first started collecting while I was in high school and college, WB figures were $25, K&C figures were $25 and St. Petersburg was in the $100's. There seems to be a bit of a disparity between current pricing of WB and K&C figures, wouldn't you agree? Plus, FL has come into the game with products that are close to St. Petersburg in quality for a fraction of the price.

Personally, I admire what Andy has done. He has constructed a fine business that puts out great products that I enjoy. I also enjoy products from the other makers as well. I also personally believe that Ken Osen is the best figure sculptor and that FL produces high quality painting on their figures. These questions and observations are raised because I wish to engage in a discussion about where other collectors think the market is heading. I do not wish to engage in a knock down drag out fight over whose company and products are the best, worst, etc... We all have our own cultural, educational and professional backgrounds and sources of information that help us shape our individual perception of the market. Fortunately we also have this forum to gain other perspectives.

IMO all of our favorite TS companies have their own special appeal. I've never met a TS I didn't like. And frankly, the sky's the limit as far as I'm concerned. But, as a discerning collector who appreciates his purchasing options, I am interested in the changes (pricing and otherwise) that occur within the market.


Interesting point, so in an attempt to re-focus the discussion on pricing, I find it interesting that Britain’s has released a WWII RAF range. This seems to be in direct imitation of K&C’s successful WWII aviation products. A question that immediately comes to my mind is if Britain’s makes a more aggressive foray into WWII subject matter will we see an eventual price war between Britain’s & K&C over this market?

This possibility could be good for collectors who have become disenchanted by the recent K&C price increases. Though, I think that Britain’s is going to have to do well on these new releases in order to be able to make such a move.

Of course no one possesses a crystal ball on these matters, but the accuracy or inaccuracy of these observations will eventually be proven in due time.

As you know I sell both K&C and Britains.

I have no idea what Britains plan for future RAF or WWII releases but releasing three RAF items is
hardly going to impact or create any kind of war with K&C over the WWII market. As far as WWII goes
Britains have a long way to go to have any kind of WWII range compared to FL, TG, and CS let alone K&C.

The question of more interest is will a K&C collector who already has a pilot and Bomber Harris type
figures buy two Britains ones which are not compatable in size and style ? Or on the other side are there
Britains collectors who have not already bought K&C RAF items who will buy the Britains ones ? I do not
count the Dambusters set in this as that is a unique high value item that is a stand alone item.

As Mitch said these appear to be a release to co-incide with 70th of Dambuster raids rather than any
major expansion into WWII.

Just some thoughts.

This thread has been, and will remain the same, people buy what they buy. Allegiances and loyalties aside, in the end your dollar is the vote that has the greatest impact.

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