Pricing, where's your limit?? (3 Viewers)

I agree with you regarding the Union Artillery set. I saw it in person today and the pictures you see don't do it justice. Outstanding piece. From the other Brad ;)

My whole attitude toward this price thing is collect what you can afford (don't go into debt) and enjoy it. Whether it be FL King and country, Britains, Jenkins or any.
That's why we have choice. I assume you are referring to FL. I just received their Union artillery set and it's spectacular, as good as the Aero Art one I have. However, not everyone wants to spend that kind of money. It's all individual choice. I'm glad I have the option.

Some people are happy with Chevys or Nissans. Others want a Lexus or a Mercedes Benz. All about choice.

I would love to see some pics of the artillery set on the FL forum sometime. ;)
I agree with you regarding the Union Artillery set. I saw it in person today and the pictures you see don't do it justice. Outstanding piece. From the other Brad ;)

My whole attitude toward this price thing is collect what you can afford (don't go into debt) and enjoy it. Whether it be FL King and country, Britains, Jenkins or any.
260+ posts to get to this basic truth. Seems simple enough. Spend what you can afford and enjoy it AND let the other guy do the same. :wink2: -- Al
If figures are 45 now, then there has been a doubling of price over the last few years, remember the good ole days when you got 4 for 89:cool: ... . Glad I'm not starting from scratch today. While the chinese salaries might have doubled over that time period mine sure didn't{sm4} ...
I paid £75 for the FL samurai archer a single figure but, it was worth every penny IMO. I went on and bought a few more to make a line and, several doubles in the samurai line. I have just got all the mounted samurai at £125 and they are excellent value for what they are in terms of sculpt and painting.

I would however not pay TG prices (absolutely no disrespect to TG as I think they make very good products) for Stalingrad or DAK line as they have horrible facial sculpts and a few other things that make me think they are not worth their higher prices. £180 for a set of four!!! I have ordered the Waffen SS troops as these look much better but, it will be a release by release decision if I get any more.

I have bought some Britain's Zulu and some WWI figures which are superb but, I don't like their WWII ranges much and, they are really well priced.

I personally would not pay £1 for Naps ACW etc as I find them mind numbingly uninteresting as ranges but, I do like looking at them displayed on mass

Its a personal taste issue as to what you buy and what you think is worth the price on the tag.
I paid £75 for the FL samurai archer a single figure but, it was worth every penny IMO. I went on and bought a few more to make a line and, several doubles in the samurai line. I have just got all the mounted samurai at £125 and they are excellent value for what they are in terms of sculpt and painting.

I would however not pay TG prices (absolutely no disrespect to TG as I think they make very good products) for Stalingrad or DAK line as they have horrible facial sculpts and a few other things that make me think they are not worth their higher prices. £180 for a set of four!!! I have ordered the Waffen SS troops as these look much better but, it will be a release by release decision if I get any more.

I have bought some Britain's Zulu and some WWI figures which are superb but, I don't like their WWII ranges much and, they are really well priced.

I personally would not pay £1 for Naps ACW etc as I find them mind numbingly uninteresting as ranges but, I do like looking at them displayed on mass

Its a personal taste issue as to what you buy and what you think is worth the price on the tag.

These days I find myself buying the same way - on a case by case basis. There is no price per figure limit - it's an overall budget limit and when that is spent, that's the end for the year. With the higher prices these days, I don't just look at who made the item but how much I like it and whether I think it's worth it. That is why recent purchases include $65 FL Renaissance figures, $34 95th Rifle figures from TGM, the occasional AFV from K&C and a few select figures at $44. There is so much choice these days with several manufacturers making the same series there is no need to buy unless you really like it. And if a model doesn't meet your standards, just wait and someone else will produce it at a better price or a better quality.

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I don't care how high the prices go for First Legion. I just hope K&C and Britains don't chase after them in the "realism" quest. I prefer the way K&C look.Even though they're matte figures they still have a toy soldier look to them. I prefer the way they're painted.So I hope they don't go after the ultra realistic look and raise prices accordingly. There's nothing wrong with being a toy soldier. I prefer looking at the painting on $20-25 Imperial Napoleonic than a First Legion figure.
.... I prefer looking at the painting on $20-25 Imperial Napoleonic than a First Legion figure.
I hear you. Only problem for me with the less expensive figures is that everyone and
his brother has the same thing . A production run of 10,000 or one of 150. I'll take
the 150 production run every time. Might as well shop at WalMart. Glad those $20-25
are available for you however.
I hear you. Only problem for me with the less expensive figures is that everyone and
his brother has the same thing . A production run of 10,000 or one of 150. I'll take
the 150 production run every time. Might as well shop at WalMart. Glad those $20-25
are available for you however.

Imperial is a long time , well thought of gloss mfg. of TS. Thanks for taking a shot at us glossy collectors. :( Michael
...Thanks for taking a shot at us glossy collectors.
I have a few glossy. Mostly one-off or commissioned. {sm4}
You must have missed where I said this "Glad those $20-25
are available for you however." I repeat, "Glad those $20-25
are available for you however."
I hear you. Only problem for me with the less expensive figures is that everyone and
his brother has the same thing . A production run of 10,000 or one of 150. I'll take
the 150 production run every time. Might as well shop at WalMart. Glad those $20-25
are available for you however.

I don't know if you don't know what Imperial Production toy soldiers are but they hardly had runs of 10,000. And the last word I would use in a sentence with them is Walmart.They were beautifully painted gloss soldiers and for my taste better than ultra realistic figures. I was just trying to make the point that First Legion, Russian figures are apples and oranges with the toy soldier companies. If they want to charge $100 for a figure, fine. The other companies don't have to try and compete with that.
I hear you. Only problem for me with the less expensive figures is that everyone and
his brother has the same thing . A production run of 10,000 or one of 150. I'll take
the 150 production run every time. Might as well shop at WalMart. Glad those $20-25
are available for you however.

I don't care if it's a $20 figure from Walmart if I like the figure and the quality is good.I like LE's also but if it's something I like I don't care if the run is 100,000.I only know one guy in my area that has figures and he has what I have given him so it's not like I know a lot of people who collect.
I repeat, "Glad those $20-25
are available for you however

I don't know if you don't know what Imperial Production toy soldiers are but they hardly had runs of 10,000. And the last word I would use in a sentence with them is Walmart.They were beautifully painted gloss soldiers and for my taste better than ultra realistic figures. I was just trying to make the point that First Legion, Russian figures are apples and oranges with the toy soldier companies. If they want to charge $100 for a figure, fine. The other companies don't have to try and compete with that.
I repeat, "Glad those $20-25
are available for you however

Yes this a hobby for the elite 5 percentors and we don't really recognize, or want to have to associate with, you Walmarters and other low price glossy collectors........................
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When did Walmart start selling glossy toy soldiers. How did every forum member miss this important event.;)

Man this thread has covered everything from tipping in the states to shopping at Wal-mart:) I guess there's no limit to it:)...Sammy
When did Walmart start selling glossy toy soldiers. How did every forum member miss this important event.;)


Ask BL,since he is the one that equates low priced Imperial glossy with Wallyworld

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