Public Service Announcement (1 Viewer)

Dear Raymond:

Soon after Trophy officially went out of business the very end of 2006 I noticed that instead of only getting about 50% of original costs on eBay for Trophy sets one could get about 50% MORE than original costs. I would well assume that the price of the eBay sale of January 14, 2012 that you noted sold on eBay at $121.38 USD represents something over a 50% profit based on pre 2006 prices which is not bad. As one can not just buy from current made Trophy sets anymore I would assume that many collectors who like making up displays and dioramas may ignore looking for Trophy sets as one can not depend on getting certain sets to be added on to new displays. I still have a great many Trophy Zulu War sets and a few other type sets, but I am not looking for any more Trophy sets since about 2003.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

Hi Gary,

I guess I may have missed telling you I was a fan of Trophy camels. My collection is small, but very precious. I was happy to pick up my first set in 2007 for under USD $100.00, but those days are over, at least for now. Nowadays, whenever I get the insane urge to bid on Trophy camels on eBay, I just tell myself that "you can never have too many camels".

Cheers, Raymond.:)

PS: Have I told you about K&C camels .....? ^&grin:p:D
Hi Raymond

I have noticed recently that some early Trophy Camels without bases have been selling for less than $100

You can never have toooo many Camels;)


Hi Raymond

I have noticed recently that some early Trophy Camels without bases have been selling for less than $100

You can never have toooo many Camels;)



Hi Martyn,

I must confess I did not factor in the Camel Corps sets without bases in my reply to Gary (Iron Brigade).:eek:

To be honest, I was not sure if these were Trophy, but many thanks for confirming these as early versions.

Cheers, Raymond:)
Hi Gary,

I guess I may have missed telling you I was a fan of Trophy camels. My collection is small, but very precious. I was happy to pick up my first set in 2007 for under USD $100.00, but those days are over, at least for now. Nowadays, whenever I get the insane urge to bid on Trophy camels on eBay, I just tell myself that "you can never have too many camels".

Cheers, Raymond.:)

PS: Have I told you about K&C camels .....? ^&grin:p:D

Hello Raymond:

I did not know you have a real "special" interest in camels, especially those made by Trophy. However, I do recall you having me look for certain Trophy sets at the Old Toy Soldier Show in 2009 near Chicago which I think included one or more camels made by Trophy.

Karen liked all my camel sets by K&C from their 1990's era of production glossy sets as well as the camel sets made by Somerset of USA & old Alymer of Spain. Karen also purchased two Camel sets made for the St. Petersburg Collection line which were made in Russia. These two sets related to Mongol Warriors of the 1700's. We decided to sell them about a year ago on eBay. I do not believe I had any Trophy camels, only figures mounted on horses. Karen was against my selling off my assorted camel sets. I still well remember the splendid prices I got on the circa early 1990's made camels by K&C (Grenadier Guards, circa 1884 in the Sudan) that I sold in 2005 on eBay. I do not recall any data about you and K&C camels of any vintage. By the way, how is your K&C "Streets of Old Hong Kong" collection coming along?

Best regards, Gary
Hello Raymond:

I did not know you have a real "special" interest in camels, especially those made by Trophy. However, I do recall you having me look for certain Trophy sets at the Old Toy Soldier Show in 2009 near Chicago which I think included one or more camels made by Trophy.

Karen liked all my camel sets by K&C from their 1990's era of production glossy sets as well as the camel sets made by Somerset of USA & old Alymer of Spain. Karen also purchased two Camel sets made for the St. Petersburg Collection line which were made in Russia. These two sets related to Mongol Warriors of the 1700's. We decided to sell them about a year ago on eBay. I do not believe I had any Trophy camels, only figures mounted on horses. Karen was against my selling off my assorted camel sets. I still well remember the splendid prices I got on the circa early 1990's made camels by K&C (Grenadier Guards, circa 1884 in the Sudan) that I sold in 2005 on eBay. I do not recall any data about you and K&C camels of any vintage. By the way, how is your K&C "Streets of Old Hong Kong" collection coming along?

Best regards, Gary

Hi Gary,

I did not know you had camel sets from a variety of manufacturers including K&C, Somerset, Alymer and St. Petersburg. It is pity that you do not have any sets by Trophy. However, I do recall your sale of the K&C Grenadier Guards Camel Corps. As this is the Trophy subforum, I had better desist in further discussion of K&C.:eek:

Cheers, Raymond. :)
Keep up the camels discussion! My interest in camels started with the old K & C glossy line, of which I have about seven or so. As they are based on the Somerset I also have a number of them. I've supplemented them with the two or three glossy camels Britains did a couple of years back. I also recently added one of those baseless Trophy camels. To top it all off, I have a Beau Geste hospital camel.

I never developed any interest in other companies' camels as they seemed a little emaciated :smile2: However, Little Legion's seem nice.

Hi Gary,

I did not know you had camel sets from a variety of manufacturers including K&C, Somerset, Alymer and St. Petersburg. It is pity that you do not have any sets by Trophy. However, I do recall your sale of the K&C Grenadier Guards Camel Corps. As this is the Trophy subforum, I had better desist in further discussion of K&C.:eek:

Cheers, Raymond. :)

Hello Raymond:

Yes, I did think about not bringing up NON Trophy sets as this is a Thread under the "TROPHY" section of the Forum. However, this Thread I see started nearly 3 years ago with just a notation about a Trophy Zulu War set for sale by the now defunct Trophy dealer of Trophy of Texas. It seems that this particular Thread has gone in many directions since the start of it. Perhaps we can "talk" again at another section of the Forum that is newer?

Best regards, Gary
Keep up the camels discussion! My interest in camels started with the old K & C glossy line, of which I have about seven or so. As they are based on the Somerset I also have a number of them. I've supplemented them with the two or three glossy camels Britains did a couple of years back. I also recently added one of those baseless Trophy camels. To top it all off, I have a Beau Geste hospital camel.

I never developed any interest in other companies' camels as they seemed a little emaciated :smile2: However, Little Legion's seem nice.


Camels, elephants and steam boats. You can never get enough of them
Oh-Yeah!{eek3}A casting might be £12.50 Martyn - IF you could find a cheap one. ^&grin

Much as I like the Trophy marque, mercifully, just collecting isn't my hobby - so I'll leave them to the lads who DO like doing that!:p Doesn't stop my admiration for a Master at work though - or my somewhat lesser attempts to get anywhere near how good they look! As to value - I don't give a hoot! They are worth - well - what someone else is willing to pay for them. I could never part with any of mine!:D

It was just such a surprise to see your rare Pony Express figure just a short while ago - and then spot another one on offer at such a lowish starting price, so soon afterwards. I thought - well - someone might want one! I'll be making my version later on this year - I hasten to add!^&grin
I look forward to seeing your version jb............I know it will be excellent:salute::;)


Why do you think it won't sell?
The toy market and the rest of economy are depressed. This "white box" set is not as a scarce as BB one. I remember a similar set was sold for around 2K last year. However this set did not do well at the last Old Toy Soldier auction. We do not know if the set at eBay even has a color lithograph and a certificate. I was quite surprised by the fact that much more scarce HAD set (even incomplete) was sold for $250 a couple weeks ago at eBay.
I guess people who wanted it for 2K, got it already.
I have both BB and white box set (missing a couple figures). I would part with white box set for much less...but would not part with BB set because it's a really hard to come by..
Just me 2 cent :)

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