Rather poor judgment (2 Viewers)

I saw that photo yesterday (I think) and my first reaction was that it wasn't anti-semitic but what are they thinking. I'm not sure of the thought process that goes into that kind of nuttiness.
I would seem to be a rather poor choice of symbol to display on a unit's flag. I am with you guys in assuming there was no intentional connection to the German SS and their legacy. It does make me wonder though, why not just avoid any possible issues and choose a different graphic/artwork/symbol for the flag when it was first made?

There must have been a Officer among that group or some where near by, if so you have to question the competence of such an Officer.
There must have been a Officer among that group or some where near by, if so you have to question the competence of such an Officer.

A regular "S.S." for Sniper Scouts on flag in some other font and color just doesn't look as "baaaad!" I'd check to see what the unit chaplain is preachin' as well.
Not making excuses here, but as these are all young men and are products of an educational system that does not stress history, it is possible that just plain ignorance is in part responsible for this. As unlikely as it seems, it is possible that the true meaning behind the SS emblem is just not clearly understood to a younger generation that could well be lacking in the historical knowledge that many of us are so familiar with. -- Al
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Not making excuses here, but as these are all young men and are products of an educational system that does not stress history, it is possible that just plain ignorance is in part resposible for this. As unlikely as it seems, it is possible that the true meaning behind the SS emblem is just not clearly understood to a younger generation that could well be lacking in the historical knowledge that many of us are so familiar with. -- Al
It's very sad to think that you may be totally right about that.:(
It's very sad to think that you may be totally right about that.:(

As a history educator of many years experience I wish I could take offense at your readiness to criticise the state of history education.

I cannot.

You are right.

It is very sad.{sm2}{sm2}{sm2}
As the son of teachers and friend of many other teachers, I too wish that this factor was not to blame. I would bet these guys saw this flag online, noticed the "SS", connected it to Scout Sniper, and had no idea what it was.
Was this the puppy tossing unit?

Its just two lightning bolt "S" on a banner and had the reference to it being a symbol used by the Nazi's not been made and brought to everyones attention none of us would have seen this pic.
Yeah they could have picked "S" in another shape but given its meaning in this context i dont see it being the biggest issues facing people of the Jewish community, or the Polish or Communist or Gypsy or intectually handicaped comunities today.................NOW if they where standing in front of this symbol doing a Nazi salute that would be completely different.
Always someone wanting to make two and two and making five. How long, if anyone can tell me, has this banner been used by the snipers???

Thousands dying all over the world in wars etc and, opression of many people by many countries and, this is what people have to whine about. Glad to see the priority of the important things has not been skewed!!!

Don't even see this as a newsworthy story!!!!!
Up till 5 years ago I wouldnt even have known that it had some kind of attachment to the nazis. I do okay with understanding German equipment but unit insignia is a blank for me- heck, I think even Spinal Tap uses/d these types of runes for some of their concerts.

Good, bad or indifferent, there is a very healthy admiration/respect for the German Army amongst US military forces. I really believe this is a chain of command decision, some units are allowed to somewhat openly display pictures of Rommel (like was done with a picture of Rommel in a TOC APC during the Persian Gulf, battle of 73 easting) then there are some that disapprove, which happened to a Ranger buddy of mine who scored a AK Helmet outside a market in Baghdad and then told upon leaving the country he wasn't allowed to have it and sold it to some other dude. Really hit or miss on this type of thing.
Jeez,surely there is something better for peopkle to worry about?

There was, if memory serves, a row a short while back about some US troops urinating on some corpses. Now if this was some yobbo out of his skull in the high street urinating on a War memorial, I would like others call for the rodent to be birched. But we take these young men, teach them to be efficient , agressive killers, arm them to the teeth and send them to some of the most dangerous violent places on earth where they face injury or death at anytime and then we say 'Ooooh loooook, they did a wee wee on a dead man ' :rolleyes2: I guess its not very respectful to the dead and generally unpleasant, but these guys are out there fighting to stop terrorists from infecting our respective countries, I'm not going to get too upset if they let off a bit of steam (no pun intended) in unusual and unorthodox ways . These guys are Soldiers not angels.

Didn't Wellington call the men under him 'the scum of the earth', didn't stop them doing the business to Napoleon did it:wink2:

These guys don't seem think it's a big deal and some of them are Jewish.


Some young guys being bad ***. Nothing nefarious IMO. That said, probably not the smartest thing to take to take a picture in these days of hypersensitivity.
I have to disagree. We are really getting away from the point here. History will show that an army that disrespects the dead (whether by urinating on them, or using symbols of past armies that committed atrocities) will face a hostile public wherever they go. Today a large part of warfare is psychological, and is about winning the public over to your side, especially in this case, where the enemy gets all of its troops from civilians who feel wronged by our forces. So it is really the duty of troops to help on this mission too. So in other words- I would preach forgiveness, but not and never tolerance for this kind of behavior.
...and really, how many service aged people today do NOT know that the silver/white SS's on black is not the "bad guys?" Most Americans get the "Hitler Channel" so I'm told. Cripes! My father made me stop wearing a WW II German forage cap around back in the 60s.

I have an idea, use the Eye Of Sauron as a unit symbol.


There are even badges.

I have to agree here. There is nothing wrong with the flag IMO which, the thread is about. but, we are trying to import the western way (at least a form of democracy) onto some countries whether we like to accept that or not!!! If our troops do these acts then it engenders an even greater hostility towards them and, civillians at home. I hear we are winning this war against terror but, when acts like urinating on dead bodies and, a host of other acts that have been done by the allied troops are highlighted this creates the hatred that fuels future acts and upholds the hatred.

Hearts and minds are not won with such acts and, letting of steam is no excuse. You don't get locals to think they can trust you and, that you respect them (whether real or not) if you antagonise them in such stupid ways

I have to disagree. We are really getting away from the point here. History will show that an army that disrespects the dead (whether by urinating on them, or using symbols of past armies that committed atrocities) will face a hostile public wherever they go. Today a large part of warfare is psychological, and is about winning the public over to your side, especially in this case, where the enemy gets all of its troops from civilians who feel wronged by our forces. So it is really the duty of troops to help on this mission too. So in other words- I would preach forgiveness, but not and never tolerance for this kind of behavior.
Its funny how circular these things are - in the late seventies there was a social/dance club attached to the school I attended which was intended as a means for the all male student body to mix with the girl's school across the road. It was called the Kiss Club (although for some of us it was the 'Stand in the corner with our mates all night club') and the Prefects used the lightning bolt S's on their posters. One of the teachers in charge was Romanian and I can remember, as though it was yesterday, her pointing at the poster and referring to 'these people and what they did'.
I also think that its very easy for us at home on our pc's to say they should do this and they shouldn't do that, but its a ' Walk a mile in my shoes ' scenario, when soldiers cross the line as some call it we have no idea at all about their circumstances or events.Acts like this should not be encouraged and should be frowned upon, but I wouldn't want these soldiers punished, a severe dressiing down etc certainly. But their morale is just as vital as winning over the population, these are not Sunday school teachers but Soldiers, Soldiers do bad things sometimes. A rollocking and move on I say.{sm0}:salute::


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