I also think that its very easy for us at home on our pc's to say they should do this and they shouldn't do that, but its a ' Walk a mile in my shoes ' scenario, when soldiers cross the line as some call it we have no idea at all about their circumstances or events.Acts like this should not be encouraged and should be frowned upon, but I wouldn't want these soldiers punished, a severe dressiing down etc certainly. But their morale is just as vital as winning over the population, these are not Sunday school teachers but Soldiers, Soldiers do bad things sometimes. A rollocking and move on I say.{sm0}:salute::
Rob, I agree that they shouldn't face severe punishment, but I disagree with the gist of your first statement. It's a step in the direction towards the "chicken hawk" argument that some use here in the States to shut down debate on military matters. Some of us can speak from direct experience in military matters, including combat, and others can't speak from that experience, but I think we can all still discuss those issues. Indeed, along with interest in toy soldiers, discussing military history is a bug chunk of what we do. We have to be careful, then, to discourage discussion on the basis of having no direct experience in a given subject. Otherwise, we couldn't talk about any period other than our own, and any lives but our own.
Having said that, I'll make full disclosure, I haven't served, but I think I'm still qualified to say that it's pretty poor judgment to use the SS-runes, or a symbol that so closely resembles the SS-runes, on a flag like this, let alone to have taken a picture of it. Maybe they were ignorant of its meaning, which, yes, would be a said commentary on their education, but I suspect they know its origins. I can even understand that there is admiration for the skill of the German army and the Waffen-SS. But that admiration has to be tempered with the acknowledgement of the evil that those institutions fostered and defended.
I agree with the earlier comment that said that someone really needs to look at who the unit's CO was, and how much he knew. Understood that young men in combat will be keyed up, but officers are supposed to show superior judgment.
And as for Kiss, and their deliberate choice to make their logo look like the runes, well, it was for shock value, wasn't it, and I'm not sure that it's a valid argument either way in this discussion.
In any case, I stand by my statement, it shows rather poor judgment.