Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (6 Viewers)

This one is a total random purchase. On the bottom it says "World 54mm" St. Petersburg Miniatures. I liked the knight and decided to give it a whirl. Overall I am happy with the purchase and the quality of the piece.


This is my first (probably last)Russian figure.I just had to have this.Well actually I don't have him yet as he is on his way.It is a Pegaso casting done by Kolobob.

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Mark, I have him in my collection as well. You won't be disappointed when he arrives!
What made me get this is the tatooing.I have other painted figures painted by a professional but not Russian so it should be interesting to compare them.
I've been on the hunt for this one for quite some time! Patience pays off:

This is Edward III w/ Sword. It part of the Elite Warrior Series from AeroArt #EW6



The EW series King Edward III is awesome- it's one of my favorites too! That's so cool you were able to find one! Congrats again!
Just got my new ACW figure from Toy Soldier Brigade (aka Paul). I've loved the flag on this one for so long and was thrilled to finally get one!

This is Union Cavalryman w/ Flag from Romanenkov Studio/St.Petersburg Collection 3919.3


Next up is Mongol Warrior with Hunting Hawk on Arm (I love the creative names!!!) from St. Petersburg Studios /St.Petersburg Collection #3303


I think this one if technically something really clever like "Knight w/ Sword", but I bought this one directly from Thor and Nikki and there was a note inside saying he is Austrian Knight, Herman II, Graf Von Cilli . It is by AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #5101
I absolutely love the painting on the shield. It completely looks like the fabric on it is wrinkling at the edges. How these people paint with such detail, I will never understand, but always stand in awe of!


And last but not least...for now:

This is Knight of the Golden Fleeece, Guy de Pantailler, Sire de Talmer 1433 from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #ME17
This was another with a note inside from Thor. In the catalog, this one is Knight w/Sword!


Ooops, I lied! Just found one more on the desktop of my computer!

This is Lady Justice from Amber Studios. They aren't the paint quality of some of the others, but I do like a lot of the subjects that Amber does. I figured every Lawyer toy soldier collector should have one of these!


I would like to pick something like this up as well as a St. Michael figure.
This is my first (probably last)Russian figure.I just had to have this.Well actually I don't have him yet as he is on his way.It is a Pegaso casting done by Kolobob.

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Well he arrived Friday and he matches very well with my other figures which is a compliment to my painter.He looks shorter than them but that is because they are on higher bases.Will post pictures if I ever figure this phone camera out.
Did you figure out the camera yet? :rolleyes:

I'd love to see him with your other figures
Well I took some pictures.I don't know how to send from my phone to the forum so I tried to download them to my computer.Well my computer didn't have the right software so I installed some updates pertaining to my phone being hooked to my computer.Well that wasn't enough so I had to download some software from Samsung and was finally able to download the pics to my computer,so far so good,even with the things I had to do everything was coming together.So I went here to post the pics and when I tried to insert them here I guess they are too big and it said to manually resize them.Well I have no clue how to do this so I still have no pictures here.One thing I can do is email them so Zack if you want to see them send me your email and I'll send them to you.Well at least I tried.
A+ for effort -

Mark, If you want, email them to me and I'll post them here for you.

zblang @ lawdoctors dot com
Here are Mark's photos -
I'll let him chime in with comments about what they are etc...





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