Thanks Zach! Glad you like 'em. Charlemagne was actually never in stock. Those are pictures of the prototype on the Aeroart website.
WOW! what a fantastic group, just beautiful!
A bit of a departure, but were other members aware that the growing consensus among historians is that one of the triggers of the Viking age was Charlemagne's massacre of Saxons nobles who had surrendered after a rebellion sparked by the destruction of sacred groves from their old religion?...
I'm not so sure I agree with that explanation. The Vikings were already raiding the coasts of northern Europe when Charlemagne ascending to the kingship of the Franks, and they were bound to range out from Scandinavia eventually. I think the two are coincidental, rather than that one caused the other. I am certainly skeptical that the Vikings raided because they thought the Franks or anyone else broke an oath or any other agreement.
That's a great figure, but there's one problem, and that's his crown. I don't think he wore a crown with fleurs-de-Lys on it. There is a crown called the "Crown of Charlemagne", similar to the one on this figure, but he never wore it; it was forged a generation after his death. Same goes for the crown in the old Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, with its eight hinged plates, it was forged at least a generation after his death, though it came to be associated with him, in images in later centuries.
This page shows two more likely examples of the crowns he may have worn:
There was a similar issue a couple of years ago, with a figure bust of Alfred the Great, showing him with a crown with fleurs-de-Lys, which I think are an anachronism for the King of Wessex. But they looked cool, so the sculptor used them.
For me, i collect the Russian figures for the appearance of them. I have many that are absolutely not historically accurate. It doesn't bother me at all because in my collection, they are mainly stand alone figures. If making a diorama I can see that accuracy would matter. basically for me - if it's pretty I'm in! {sm3}
Although not the norm for this thread, this was sculpted by a Russian, so figured it was close enough to post here!
This is called "Is it Serious" Scuplted by Nelya Vitvitska and Painted by Christos Panagiotopoulos
I think it is absolutely amazing and am so happy to add it to my collection! The casting was stock and I commissioned Christos to paint it for me...
Although not the norm for this thread, this was sculpted by a Russian, so figured it was close enough to post here!
This is called "Is it Serious" Scuplted by Nelya Vitvitska and Painted by Christos Panagiotopoulos
I think it is absolutely amazing and am so happy to add it to my collection! The casting was stock and I commissioned Christos to paint it for me.
Although not the norm for this thread, this was sculpted by a Russian, so figured it was close enough to post here!
This is called "Is it Serious" Scuplted by Nelya Vitvitska and Painted by Christos Panagiotopoulos
I think it is absolutely amazing and am so happy to add it to my collection! The casting was stock and I commissioned Christos to paint it for me.