Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (2 Viewers)

Here is the real thing!


what a wonderful find! You will have to fill me in on details next month at MFCA!
It's even better than the real thing!!!
You can never have enough photos of something so magnificent!
A truly unique and gorgeous piece from back when Sineus was in their prime.
Congratulations on your Holy Grail score!!!! It is just beautiful and in immaculate condition as well.
Thank you for the all the photos. It's one of those pieces I've always wanted too.
You must be so incredibly happy!!!!!!
Enjoy my friend,
It's really something very special. Love it !
I can't get over how glorious this is Zach. It is so much to take in....overwhelming beauty and the perfect crown for your collection. Thank you again for sharing the photos of this exquisite piece of art.

A while back we had a thread on here about our "holy grail" figure/set. In that thread, mine was Catherine the Great's Carriage. I had been looking for it for years and had no luck at all. Well....Call me Indiana Jones because the grail has been found! I apologize for the sheer number of photos, but I just love this thing and it's huge and want to show it all!!! ( I also apologize that some of the photos aren't the best, but I can't fit this thing in my light box to take proper photos)

That is a true "Museum Piece".

It is unfathomable to me, how people can put that kind of detail into a comprehensive work of art like this.

Sincere congratulations and thank you for posting.
I showed the pics to my wife, Zach - and the first thing she said was:

"You're not having one!"

What can I say - it's wonderful - and my dearest is quite right!:salute:::cool:

Being single w/ no dependents makes collecting this stuff a lot easier!
I showed the pics to my wife, Zach - and the first thing she said was:

"You're not having one!"

What can I say - it's wonderful - and my dearest is quite right!:salute:::cool:

My ex wife tried to say that a lot
RV-53 from Nevskaya Miniatura. Pavise features Gerard David's "Altar of Archangel Michael" 1510.

No, sorry, those were purchased on the secondary market. Their Civil War figures date back to the late 1990s, if I'm not mistaken, and are no longer in their online catalogue. However, occasionally, they will put some on eBay. I have most of their Civil War Generals but am still looking for a few.
No, sorry, those were purchased on the secondary market. Their Civil War figures date back to the late 1990s, if I'm not mistaken, and are no longer in their online catalogue. However, occasionally, they will put some on eBay. I have most of their Civil War Generals but am still looking for a few.

Thanks for the information. Nice to find bits and pieces of info like this.

Looking at the figures, especially the connection of feet to earth, physiology, paint, my initial reaction was, 'How can this be AeroArt', but given a 20-30 year context it seems to fit well enough.

Guess you could say that they are comparable to certain leading manufacturers say 3-5 years ago?
Do you mean Russian manufacturers or other companies such as First Legion?
I think they are, overall, better than the non-Russian manufacturers. With respect to First Legion, AeroArt and FL figures go well together. I think there are several AA Civil War figures that are not as good as others they made such as some of the standard bearers and Custer, which is poor in my opinion.
Aeroart has made several figures depicting the various leaders of the First Crusade and they've just released the latest addition to the group- Papal Legate Adhemar Le Puy. This figures has a lot of character, and I'm really enjoying it. I hope someday Aeroart produces Godfrey of Bouillon w/ standard. That would complete the group and would really be the icing on the cake for me!


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