Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (2 Viewers)

and now let's travel to a realm with more warmth and definitely more sand (the guy in my next post - not this one - knew about this all too well...stay tuned!)

Sultan Saladin from St. Petersburg Studios /St.Petersburg Collection #370


for part three of this installment, enter The Lionheart! Richard I, Medieval England's own King Arthur! If there is one color that St. Petersburg does best, it's red! I love the blending of the shades on this (and all the Romans, etc.)

King Richard the Lionheart w/ Flag from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #3327.3


For Joe and Zach,
This russian television series is primarily about flats but this first part has an interview and a little pat on the back of your favorite Russian manufacturer. :salute::

Thanks for the link Ray!!! That was awesome! There's nothing like toy soldiers no matter what size, shape, style, etc. I think the narrator really nailed it in trying describe the magic we feel from toy soldiers and the enduring values they hold.
I'm amazed by the creations that come from Russian Vityaz. It's mind-blowing what human hands can do.
That has got to be the best version of Sir Henry de Bohun i have seen! All versions are nice, but your version has a lot of added detail that really makes it pop! Congrats on yet another fine acquistion! I've been hoping to add both of these pieces to my collection for a long time. I'm glad you took the pic when you did because in another two seconds Roberts the Bruce's axe would be ripping through Henry's helmet!! {eek3}


Get ready folks. It's been a while, so lots of updates to come over the next few days! To those unfamiliar with the Russian made figures, take note, weapons are sharp! Sir Henry de Bohun (seen below) impaled me with that **** lance! {sm2} hahaha

I recently got Henry in the mail. I already had Robert the Bruce, but as Robert killed Henry at the battle of Bannockburn, I decided to reunite them! At the battle, Henry lowered his lance to attack Robert the Bruce, at the last moment Bruce maneuvered his mount nimbly to one side, stood up in his stirrups and hit de Bohun so hard with his axe that he split his helmet and head in two. A story to lasted from the time of the battle was the Robert's only regret from that battle was that in Killing de Bohun, he broke his favorite axe. And now....

Henry de Bohun from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6179



for part three of this installment, enter The Lionheart! Richard I, Medieval England's own King Arthur! If there is one color that St. Petersburg does best, it's red! I love the blending of the shades on this (and all the Romans, etc.)

King Richard the Lionheart w/ Flag from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #3327.3



Awesome piece, thanks for the pics. I'm lucky enough to have this one too, and it's one mt absolute favorite. It just brings King Richard the Lionheart to life for me.
an interesting "what if" of history - what if Henry de Bohun didn't miss....hmmmmmm
Thanks for the link Ray!!! That was awesome! There's nothing like toy soldiers no matter what size, shape, style, etc. I think the narrator really nailed it in trying describe the magic we feel from toy soldiers and the enduring values they hold.
I'm amazed by the creations that come from Russian Vityaz. It's mind-blowing what human hands can do.

Thanks Joe, really glad you liked it, I found the whole series pretty interesting, was really stunned to hear talk of solid gold crosses and actual precious gems used in the some figures, really makes you wonder what kind of over the top high, high end collections are out there!
Off we go to Agincourt to say hello to Henry V from Arsenyev:

And what would Henry do without his buddy, Sir John Codrington?


And they'd both be screwed without some archers....

This is the Agincourt English Archer (Limited Edition) from Arsenyev/St.Petersburg Collection #AG 7

These guys are late, but they are the corned Beef delivery service...

aka: Celt Chariot with Three Figures from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #5170

I know, I know, I keep doing it...BUT....this is my new favorite!

Seated Samurai from Nevskaya Miniatura. This was my first piece that I got directly from them. Couldn't have been easier and Tatiana was very helpful. Highly recommended both as to quality and customer service!


I was on the fence about buying these two. I have to say, now that I see them in person, if you see them, grab them! I think they are great!

They are the Arab Warriors on Camels 076.2 and 076.1

Although not the most exciting pieces in the world, I had been hunting these out for a long time, so was very excited when i finally was able to add them to the collection!

They are the Assyrian Fighting dogs from Arsenyev.


It's not often that I don't know the subject matter, but this one I had to look up..

He is a Novgorod Warrior from Arsenyev (I had no idea what a Novgorod warrior was)


Fast forward a few years and we meet JEB Stuart on the fields of Gettysburg!

And last but not least in this installment in a "Night and the Lang Museum", we have

Ramses II and his chariot made by Arsenyev


and a close-up of the Pharaoh's pony

Background look familiar on a lot of these? I'm going to make an Agincourt Dio on it (with First Legion figures), but as long as it was on my counter it made a great backdrop for all of these photos! Definitely happy with my purchase!
It's not often that I don't know the subject matter, but this one I had to look up..

He is a Novgorod Warrior from Arsenyev (I had no idea what a Novgorod warrior was)



The Novgorod Republic produced a specific kind of hero, an adventurer rather than a noble warrior in 12-13 century. Many of them became the characters of Russian fairy tales unders the name bogatyr or vityaz. Russian Vityaz is a name of Arsenyev company. Novgorod is a city in the Russian Federation.
Background look familiar on a lot of these? I'm going to make an Agincourt Dio on it (with First Legion figures), but as long as it was on my counter it made a great backdrop for all of these photos! Definitely happy with my purchase!

Hi Zach,
I'm so happy to hear and see that you are enjoying the castle diorama so much! It is indeed quite versatile and looks great serving as a background to your stunning array of new acquisitions!!{eek3}{eek3} I love the Sir John Codrington figure, Henry V, and the Ramses II chariot among others!! That's awesome that you were able to get one of the Aeroart Celt chariots! It took me years to get one of those. It was just reintroduced by Aeroart and only two were available. One sold instantly at the Westcoaster, and I see you got the other one- congratulations on that mega-score!! I have to ask you what camera and lens do you use for your pics? I must invest in a new camera if I can ever successfully divert money away from figures! Great pics- thanks for sharing.


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