Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (3 Viewers)

I have a nikon D5100. On most of the photos, I use the nikon 40mm Macro, but I also use the 28-55 zoom that came with the camera for some.
I have to start using the tripod more. In the real close-up ones when I move a micro-inch, they get blurry.
Louis XIV This is a casting from MasterClass painted by Daria Molosnova


$_57 (1).JPG
I bargained with the guy. I was on the fence at full price, but he gave me a little discount and then I had to go in
I just picked these up at the show in Woburn, MA.
The first is EW2 - King Louis XIV and the second is PB25 - Landsknecht Officer with Oversized Flag. Both are Arsenyev for the St. Petersburg Collection.


Very very NICE! Two thumbs up!!!:salute::

I just picked these up at the show in Woburn, MA.
The first is EW2 - King Louis XIV and the second is PB25 - Landsknecht Officer with Oversized Flag. Both are Arsenyev for the St. Petersburg Collection.


I know, I know, I keep doing it...BUT....this is my new favorite!

Seated Samurai from Nevskaya Miniatura. This was my first piece that I got directly from them. Couldn't have been easier and Tatiana was very helpful. Highly recommended both as to quality and customer service!




I just picked these up at the show in Woburn, MA.
The first is EW2 - King Louis XIV and the second is PB25 - Landsknecht Officer with Oversized Flag. Both are Arsenyev for the St. Petersburg Collection.



You are like a magnet for the finest miniatures created by man. The EW series Sun King?!?!? {eek3} A brilliant example of the piece you have scored my friend. And that PB Landsknecht is top shelf as well. Congrats on two more stellar acquisitions, and thanks fort he posting the pics.

Since Zach caused me to fall off the Russian Jewelry Wagon, I thought I would post some purchases under his thread. :)

Here is a Napoleonic Marshal Bessieres.

Napoleonic Marshal Besseries 1.4.JPGNapoleonic Marshal Besseries 1.5.JPG
Continuing the Zach onslaught of my limited bank account....

Here is the Praetorian Commander from Aeroart.

RO212 1.1 Praetorian.jpgRO212 1.2 Praetorian.JPGRO212 1.3 Praetorian.JPGRO212 1.4 Praetorian.JPGRO212 1.5 Praetorian.JPG
More Damage. My wife is going to kick me out soon. I'm going to move in with Zach or Joe. Whichever one will take me in. And then again, Sammy deserves much credit for the First Legion purchases. Lets not forget Konrad/Kogu, Mike, and a few others. Brad is also about to contribute as well with an Honor Bound purchase.

And I the one with the problem? :) I've been working with way to many millennials I thinks! ^&grin

So here is the next purchase. I looked for this figure for a long long time. I discovered it at Sierra Toy Soldiers along with another beautiful figure which I'll post next. Myska was very helpful and a joy to work with. It was packed very, very well and survived the trip! This figure was done by Grenada Studio's by their Master Class artist. Probably another name for rust coating like at a dealership but I felt good and not so robbed. :) I'm just poorer and will have to postpone retirement a few more years.

I digress.... its age.

So here is a Napoleonic Chasseurs A Cheval based on some famous painting that I've seen in a Marshals or TJ Max somewhere. No kidding. But I went back to get it and it was gone. Probably some Toy Soldier collector bought it out from underneath me. :)

Chasseurs A Cheval Painting 2.jpgChasseurs A Cheval 1.1.JPGChasseurs A Cheval 1.2.JPGChasseurs A Cheval 1.3.JPGChasseurs A Cheval 1.5.JPG
One last purchase for the day! Thanks for letting me piggy back on your thread Zach! I always enjoy on what you purchase and share for all!

Here is a Burgundian knight. It is an Arsenyev piece and is listed way back in the St. Pete Catalogue. I'm to lazy to dig up the number! I saw it, I liked it, I purchased it. One of the sword hilt was broken but that was just the way it was. It was a consignment piece by Sierra/Myska and its a rare figure.

burgundian knight 1.1.JPGburgundian knight 1.2.JPGburgundian knight 1.3.JPGburgundian knight 1.4.JPGburgundian knight 1.21.JPG
Fantastic!!!! I tried to get you out of trouble with your wife and you dug yourself right back in!!! (time to sell me some more stuff :) )

I've always loved that Praetorian!
It appears as if Zach's has awoken the Russian figure collecting beast within!{eek3} I have the same affliction, but have kept in check lately. But it can only be contained for so long!:tongue:
Congrats on the acquisition of the four beautiful mounted pieces, and thanks for posting the images! I was so curious to see what you had ordered. The Napoleonic figure on the rearing horse is a stunning sculpt and really pops like the 3D painting it is! {eek3}
You landed a great example of the mounted Praetorian as well! I remember when Thor first made these. Thor told me a customer special ordered this piece painted as a Praetorian. The customer ordered two and Thor had two extras made. I was incredibly lucky to be able to get one of those first four produced as a Praetorian. At the time there were no plans to make anymore like that, but the black clad Romans have proved to be quite popular, so the mounted Praetorian, to the delight of many I'm sure, joined Aeroart's catalog as a regular production piece. It's always been one of my favorite sculpts, that's for sure! I don't recall ever seeing that particular Arsenyev knight on armored horse- excellent piece! I'm also very glad to see that everything arrived intact.

Not this year and definitely not with my wife! That mall across the hotel cost me more than the troops! Once she figured out how the shuttle worked, all I kept was seeing bags come in the hotel door! ^&grin

I guess we won't be seeing you in Chicago Tommy {eek3}
I just picked these up at the show in Woburn, MA.
The first is EW2 - King Louis XIV and the second is PB25 - Landsknecht Officer with Oversized Flag. Both are Arsenyev for the St. Petersburg Collection.



Two brilliant pieces! Do not see them around much anymore, glad you found them. The Landsknecht is one superb figure, one of the true classics.
Seeing as it's been a while, I decided to break out the big boys for today's post.

The first is Cardinal Richelieu (120mm) from Arsenyev/St.Petersburg Collection #RIC
(sorry about the blur in the photos. I didn't use a the tripod...LAZY!



And now, I've done it again...I have a new favorite

Beyond the artwork on this one, what shocked me the most was the weight. A 90mm mounted figure weighs a lot!

This is Russian Nobleman, w/Religious Flag- 1380 (90mm) from St. Petersburg Studios /St.Petersburg Collection #817





Such incredible eye candy Zach! Congrats on these stellar finds. The paint work on the Arsenyev 120mm piece is exceptional, particularly the decorative armor. And the 90mm mounted certainly don't see many of those! Such a stunning flag, and I love the way the horse is painted. Thanks for the pics!


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