Tally-Ho indeed Damian.

I just hope that Wales will have 15 fit players left by that time. As the match last year at the Millenium Stadium showed - South Africa CAN be beaten (Wales 12 - S.A 6) - but Wales will need their best side on-field to do it.
Japan also showed - just the other day - what CAN happen.{eek3}
As I've already said - in my opinion, it all depends what players Wales will have left after the pool stages have finished. Both Australia and Wales are already through - BUT - at what cost??
For the future of the Rugby World Cup - I hope the officials take a long hard look at how these Pool games are to be arranged in future. Seeding has to take account of more up-to-date data - than the current almost three year period of pre-arranging matches in these pools. I for one, would feel that it would be a somewhat hollow victory, if one of the teams in one of the easier pools went on to win - whilst a strong team, (say) only got to the final - after they had fought their way through far tougher matches and opponents, and lost half of their first-choice players through being injured along the way.
I disagree profoundly with the statement made earlier in this discussion - that England would not have got through in any of the other pools. I think that they would probably have - and indeed, the Wales v England match was a MUCH closer run thing than the result indicated. Also - at what cost to their opponents Wales? - who eventually ran out narrow winners - but with a much reduced pool of players left - eventually playing in somewhat curious positions for some - as they were running out of replacements.
The pools need looking at again for the next World Cup - and seeding of the top sides should take account of far more recent - and therefore relevant data. I read just today, that Warren Gatland agrees with me - so - I'm not alone.
Cymru am Byth - jb