Should KC Dealers Be Posting On The Forum?? (3 Viewers)

Should KC Dealers Be A Part of the Poll Posting Forum?

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Basic rights here. Anyone should be allowed to participate. We all have an agenda of some sort when it comes to TS. Dealers/manufacturers want to sell and collectors want to buy. Love makes the world go round. --Al
I protest the deletion of my poll "Should Monkeys be Allowed to Fly" I think it every bit as valid as this poll. And why is it in the K&C section. It isn't "Should K&C Dealers be Allowed to Post" Or is it?


Mine hurts too.

First of all and on a personal level, some of the dealers are very good friends of mine and it would be a great shame if they were not allowed to post because of their profession. Also, one member who was unhappy at censoring of legitimate points of criticism re K&C on this forum (and declared this to be similar to what we fought against in WW2) has now voted no to dealers being allowed freedom of speech on here. Now to me this does appear to be blatant double standards and possibly a desire to crush all positive comments in favour of negative only. Just my view of course.

Rob, its not about freedom of speech its about a conflict of interest. I work for the Government in my state and when it comes to voting I am required to pass on my vote if there is a conflict of interest that I am aware of or face removal from my position. It is a part of our ethics policy that is similiar to all other states in America. Example if I voted yes to awarding a construction contract to a company owned by a friend of mine or voted yes to anything where I could benefit financially directly or indirectly than I cannot vote on that issue. You seem to be confusing conflict of interest with freedom of speech. I can vote for any candidate during elections,thats one of the things my country fought for which I think you are referencing. I have a massive K&C collection that can rival just about anybodys so I like their work when its right and good but for the last 4 years or longer it has taken a nose dive and needs to rise up to what it once was. I'm so frustrated by the lack of quality they now have and when dealers,collectors and whoever ignore this. I too look forward to their new releases but only because I hold out hope that they get it right this time. Sorry if it always sounds negaitve but K&C has made me pessimistic. Keith
Rob, its not about freedom of speech its about a conflict of interest. I work for the Government in my state and when it comes to voting I am required to pass on my vote if there is a conflict of interest that I am aware of or face removal from my position. It is a part of our ethics policy that is similiar to all other states in America. Example if I voted yes to awarding a construction contract to a company owned by a friend of mine or voted yes to anything where I could benefit financially directly or indirectly than I cannot vote on that issue. You seem to be confusing conflict of interest with freedom of speech. I can vote for any candidate during elections,thats one of the things my country fought for which I think you are referencing. I have a massive K&C collection that can rival just about anybodys so I like their work when its right and good but for the last 4 years or longer it has taken a nose dive and needs to rise up to what it once was. I'm so frustrated by the lack of quality they now have and when dealers,collectors and whoever ignore this. I too look forward to their new releases but only because I hold out hope that they get it right this time. Sorry if it always sounds negaitve but K&C has made me pessimistic. Keith

Keith, if you have a legitimate concern/complaint re K&C purchase you have absolutely every right to raise it here, absolutely. But I believe if we all have freedom of speech we can't surely exclude one group can we? Now I totally understand what you mean by conflict of interest, but If you take dealers like Tony,George or Brett I don't think they wave the flag as much as people like myself do. They may come on and say something is in stock, or it will be arriving soon etc etc, but I don't think (my view) they ram it down folks throats. I think it would be ridiculous to ban people in case they promote a product, if someone openly advertises their services (which I believe is against the rules, not to mention etiquette ) then their threads could be flagged. Also some of these suppliers have contributed over many years here and their absence would be to the detriment of this forum. By general consensus here it would appear not be a popular move.


Rob, its not about freedom of speech its about a conflict of interest. I work for the Government in my state and when it comes to voting I am required to pass on my vote if there is a conflict of interest that I am aware of or face removal from my position. It is a part of our ethics policy that is similiar to all other states in America. Example if I voted yes to awarding a construction contract to a company owned by a friend of mine or voted yes to anything where I could benefit financially directly or indirectly than I cannot vote on that issue. You seem to be confusing conflict of interest with freedom of speech. I can vote for any candidate during elections,thats one of the things my country fought for which I think you are referencing. I have a massive K&C collection that can rival just about anybodys so I like their work when its right and good but for the last 4 years or longer it has taken a nose dive and needs to rise up to what it once was. I'm so frustrated by the lack of quality they now have and when dealers,collectors and whoever ignore this. I too look forward to their new releases but only because I hold out hope that they get it right this time. Sorry if it always sounds negaitve but K&C has made me pessimistic. Keith

A government official in a position of power to vote on contacts who must follow strict guidelines on ethics is hardly comparable to a toy dealer talking up his product. Toy dealers have no conflict of interest - it's their job to promote and sell their products. People still have free choice whether to buy the toy or not. Besides, with the track record of politicians and government officials in the last several years, I think the toy dealers are more trustworthy.

Rob, its not about freedom of speech its about a conflict of interest. I work for the Government in my state and when it comes to voting I am required to pass on my vote if there is a conflict of interest that I am aware of or face removal from my position. It is a part of our ethics policy that is similiar to all other states in America. Example if I voted yes to awarding a construction contract to a company owned by a friend of mine or voted yes to anything where I could benefit financially directly or indirectly than I cannot vote on that issue. You seem to be confusing conflict of interest with freedom of speech. I can vote for any candidate during elections,thats one of the things my country fought for which I think you are referencing. I have a massive K&C collection that can rival just about anybodys so I like their work when its right and good but for the last 4 years or longer it has taken a nose dive and needs to rise up to what it once was. I'm so frustrated by the lack of quality they now have and when dealers,collectors and whoever ignore this. I too look forward to their new releases but only because I hold out hope that they get it right this time. Sorry if it always sounds negaitve but K&C has made me pessimistic. Keith

You might be interested in Peter's post earlier which was :

"The Treefrog forum has a policy that dealers must identify themselves as such. That way people are aware that their responses may reflect that dealership. People then have the ability to make judgments for themselves".

Obviously if I or any dealer / manufacturer says a particular thing that appears to favour a brand then the forum member may assume some bias or simply judge it using their common sense. Comparing issues on this forum to issues of a State employee's ethics and conflicts of interest over contracts etc is taking things a bit too seriously. In your case if you have a conflict of interest it may actually amount to a criminal offence or corruption. In the case of my opinions on this forum they are visible to all whether they like them or not.

If you have some examples of posts by me that you feel indicate a conflict of interest that forum members should be protected against please let me know. As this stage I am just assuming any conflict of interest is that I tend to be positive towards K&C as opposed to you who in your own words "always sounds negaitve". For example your comment about K&C "for the last 4 years or longer it has taken a nose dive and needs to rise up to what it once was. I'm so frustrated by the lack of quality they now have and when dealers,collectors and whoever ignore this". I think we can see your frustration expressed in a number of posts but that does not mean the majority who frequent the K&C area of this forum agree with your point of view. I will just express my opinion here but my personal experience from seeing all K&C items released in the past 10 years does not indicate a "nose dive" in quality in the past 4 years.


PS I not surprisingly agree with Terry's post that went up just before mine.
My short and dirty is of course they should. Just cause they sell the stuff doesnt mean their input isn't legit. Admittedly, there are some on this forum who seem particularly smitten (ie "man crush") with the KC brand and ACN in particular but discerning buyers can see through that and adjust their buying patterns accordingly, if they chose to at all.

All the dealers I throw my American dollars to are straight up face to face. Some of them have had less than generous comments to make about all brands- and I respect that about them which is why they get my business. I said it once before but I think KC's Dealers are the backbone of the company and do a better job representing the company than "senior leadership" and am still not convinced otherwise.

I think the required "dealer disclosure" is a bit harsh but thats me. I certainly respect TF's requirement that it take place.

In short, if I go to a widget dealer, I am going to expect him to give me the speal about widgets- biased or not. Buyers always have to be aware.
While I’m new around here and may not know the particulars, but how can the below statements remotely be considered biased??? It is his opinion, nothing more and nothing less. He was just stating another perspective.
This whole poll is silly and makes me think there might be some ulterior motive for it being created in the first place ^&confuse

Trying looking at it from the point of view that you were the Danish K&C dealer and those figures are an iconic Danish thing that many locals and tourists would relate to (comparable to the Guards outside Buckingham Palace). In addition the fact they are parade figures means people likely to buy them in multiples.

Nothing random at all but good business by the Danish dealer. Hopefully that helps give a different perspective.

This is a great poll mate! Very thought provoking well done!^&grin:wink2:

Not sure why I was listed in a previous thread as being a K&C dealer. I sell 1/6 WWII action figures exclusivity. That being said, who gives a rats heiny who wants to post ? I like reading what the dealers have to say.
So now there is a poll asking if K & C Dealers should be posting on the forum?


This place gets goofier by the minute.

Actually, there are nine people (so far) who think the answer to that question is no.

K & C dealers should not be allowed to post here.

Ok then.
Noted. Nothing like WWI and WW2 at all{sm4}.

More like the Soccer War :smile2:

Or like one of my favorite scenes from "Radio Days", where the narrator says, "My parents could argue about anything", and we see his father pursuing his mother from the kitchen into the living room, saying, "No way the Atlantic is a greater ocean than the Pacific!"

Thanks for everyone point of view on this poll.

One angle was to see just how many hits/ views/ replies it would get in short order. It is amazing that a diorama that someone spends days or weeks building gets roughly 75% less views then a thread that has disagreements or something to argue about.

Look at Robs thread on annoying polls. It has over 7000 views in less then 7 hours. That it just amazing, or the hits this thread has gotten versus a display post.

I guess we humans are drawn more to tenacity then harmony.

Thanks for everyone point of view on this poll.

One angle was to see just how many hits/ views/ replies it would get in short order. It is amazing that a diorama that someone spends days or weeks building gets roughly 75% less views then a thread that has disagreements or something to argue about.

Look at Robs thread on annoying polls. It has over 7000 views in less then 7 hours. That it just amazing, or the hits this thread has gotten versus a display post.

I guess we humans are drawn more to tenacity then harmony.


Hey Ludwig, I started the thread in 2008 as a joke against myself as I posted lots of polls in those days!:wink2: But folk do like polls!

All the best

As goofy as those dios we saw in May, George? ;)


Thanks for that Brad, I just had a true LOL moment thanks to you.

Thanks as well for the perspective; nothing is goofier than those dioramas.

Not even this thread.
A government official in a position of power to vote on contacts who must follow strict guidelines on ethics is hardly comparable to a toy dealer talking up his product. Toy dealers have no conflict of interest - it's their job to promote and sell their products. People still have free choice whether to buy the toy or not. Besides, with the track record of politicians and government officials in the last several years, I think the toy dealers are more trustworthy.


Amen to that Bro' -but it changes the whole relationship between Andy and PM :)
Dear Brett

Congratulations on your crushing victory in the battle of the two pollsters. It would appear that when John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus, he forgot to mention that your popularity was bigger than both. But what a collection of supporters - across Australia, Americans from sea to shining sea, the English, the Scots, the Canadians. You are a mini United Nations. I see no French Canadians, of course, but from memory you have been a touch abrupt with them so I do not blame them for not offering their support.

But how to describe your victory? I was tempted to go with big Arnie's rip off of Genghis Khan when he argued that the greatest joy in life is to 'to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.' In the end I have gone with Sally Field's Oscar acceptance speech - you know the one that ends with "...I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!"

Nevertheless, you are better off than me. I particpate in a contentious discussion and offend almost no one, Larry agrees with me reluctantly, Ludwig says he is going to ignore me, Keith lists people who think they are always right and doesn't mention me, the mods don't call...I am tempted to start a thread saying I am leaving, but no one will post on it.

Anyway - what do you think the new dispatches will be like? Word has it you think they will be great!

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