Should KC Dealers Be Posting On The Forum?? (4 Viewers)

Should KC Dealers Be A Part of the Poll Posting Forum?

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Interesting thing about viewing stats - as many after the thread went to humour as when it was simply contentious, which points to perceptions of entertainment as perhaps the top drawcard - perhaps we could do a poll :)
... perhaps, it just the waiting for the next Dispatches ^&grin

Interesting thing about viewing stats - as many after the thread went to humour as when it was simply contentious, which points to perceptions of entertainment as perhaps the top drawcard - perhaps we could do a poll :)

Some people will stop and look at a car crash, others post in threads like this!
Voted "No", but I meant to vote yes. Not sure how to correct my vote. :eek:


spoken like a true chicago politician brian. i should wonder if australians should be able to post, just kidding. but it seems the forum has been overrun by an austrailian invasion. what happened to all the collectors in the usa.
Thanks Brian, I knew you'd have my back on this one; and Chicago is not complete until you and Greg, aka, Martin and Lewis, come by rooms 5340-5342 and do your comedy routine, Greg and I were just talking about Chicago today.

Less than two months to go, coming up soon............
Thanks Brian, I knew you'd have my back on this one; and Chicago is not complete until you and Greg, aka, Martin and Lewis, come by rooms 5340-5342 and do your comedy routine, Greg and I were just talking about Chicago today.

Less than two months to go, coming up soon............

George I'm hoping to be there (Chicago) this year, nothing set in stone but we'll see, as far as dealers posting doesn't bother me...Sammy
George I'm hoping to be there (Chicago) this year, nothing set in stone but we'll see, as far as dealers posting doesn't bother me...Sammy

Sammy, hope you can make it, the show of shows in the United States, a lot of positive waves going on there, no nonsense, no buffoonery, no talking ragtime, just talking toy soldiers 24/7..........

Oh and nice win tonight, 11-5 over the Yankees, 9 of 12 they've lost, congrats to the Orioles for hanging in there all year long, looking good for one of the wild card spots....................
Think George set a good example of how a dealer should carry on a forum , informative and love the hobby {bravo}}
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Think George set a good example of how a dealer should carry on a forum , informative and love the hobby {bravo}}

Now here is a post for all posts. As they are absolutely spot on. George/ Warrior is exactly the way a dealer on the forum should carry on. The entire point for the thread in a nut shell.

Bravo....somebody got it.
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You could have posed the question differently if you wanted this answer and save all the stuff thats went on. should they post is completely different to how they conduct themselves.

You should have asked would I like my kids spoken to in the manner that some are spoken to on a forum?
You could have posed the question differently if you wanted this answer and save all the stuff thats went on. should they post is completely different to how they conduct themselves.

You should have asked would I like my kids spoken to in the manner that some are spoken to on a forum?

Would of, could of, should of......we all have are different approaches and that is what makes the world offense to you, you painting master!!

On the kids on the forum....that ended for any kids around me reading the forum with the post that had the nude dancing girl toy soldiers, in sado masochistic bondage, marching with the LAH in a LAH diorama. If you missed lasted five days before it was pulled.

Und nun viel Spaß!

nothing wrong with it IMO and, I always have fun

Would of, could of, should of......we all have are different approaches and that is what makes the world offense to you, you painting master!!

On the kids on the forum....that ended for any kids around me reading the forum with the post that had the nude dancing girl toy soldiers, in sado masochistic bondage, marching with the LAH in a LAH diorama. If you missed lasted five days before it was pulled.

Und nun viel Spaß!

Re George. It wouldn't matter if George was a dealer or not, he posts the way he does for one reason. He is quite simply one of the nicest, most genuine and decent people in this whole hobby, fact.

"Think George set a good example of how a dealer should carry on a forum , informative and love the hobby"

The point being made here is unclear to say the least.
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