So,after all the chat..who's getting one?! (3 Viewers)

Some very nice pics of your Jagdtiger and goes well with the K&C konigstiger.
There's no way I can justify shelling out so much for a single vehicle, but that's why it's "strictly limited". It's a shame that it hits the $300 mark, because I really like the paint scheme. Honestly, I never thought I would be interested in a Jagdtiger, but seeing it with the Volkssturm is so cool.
Ultimately, I decided to pass on the JT, but I will purchase "Panzerfaust warriors"--finally another Hitler Youth figure for a Berlin diorama. I'm eagerly anticipating more Volkssturm next month. Perhaps some with Volksgewehr MPs. (I can dream, can't I?) In any case--the more late war Germans with odd uniforms the better.
Great Job, Andy and Co, even if I can't afford the JT this time!
Because of the price issue, I am going to have to pass the KC vehicle and hope CS does their own version. Off past history, I believe a version by CS will be much more affordable (I'm betting nearer $200 than $300). If CS doesn't do a JT, or it is close to as expensive, then I lose the bet and I'm SOL. I like the KC version and this is purely a financial decision. -- Al
The more I look at this, the more I like it. I'm beginning to weaken.....:redface2:
The more I look at this, the more I like it. I'm beginning to weaken.....:redface2:

Yeah, I am like that too. I am waiting for one TS company to make an announcement regarding a new line or two- that will make the decision for me.

Still- even if I am to get one, I am fond of multiples of the Figarti Abrams- this JT won't detract me from getting the alloted quantity that my ground forces demand ^&grin

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