So,after all the chat..who's getting one?! (1 Viewer)

The price is a tad bit high for me . There were only 70 tiger II ( Jagdtiger ) tanks built with its 128 mm gun.
I was really looking forward to the JT and I was equally fearing that the price would be beyond my reach. I was not wrong on either. The JT is fantastic looking, though I would have preferred a darker ambush type paint scheme, and would love to own it. But as I feared it is WAY out of my price range. It is only a few dollars less than the OOP HB Tigers and the new, excellent, FL vehicles, both of which I would also love to own, but could not afford, either financially or mentally. The HB and FL caused sticker shock in me and so has the JT. I don't care how big or heavy it is, or whether the price seems "reasonable in todays market". The fact is $289 (+tax), is too much money for models, IMO. Still, knock off $60 and add the ambush paint scheme and maybe.... -- Al
Some had the 88mm gun mounted
I didn't know this. Seems like a wasted effort to build that big a vehicle for a gun that had been mounted in numerous lighter and cheaper vehicles, for years. Was the 88 mounted as a stopgap until the 128 was available? An 88 in a JT sounds like overkill to a hard pressed war economy. -- Al

None of my books state exactly how many. Sources have said possibly max 12 some have said 4 in may 1945 were given the 88mm Pak43/71 made at Nibelungen and were numbered 305085-88.

I have a couple of pics with them mounting the 88 and will post them when I get chance. I think if I recall they were called Tiger Hunters or something similar

None of my books state exactly how many. Sources have said possibly max 12 some have said 4 in may 1945 were given the 88mm Pak43/71 made at Nibelungen and were numbered 305085-88.

I have a couple of pics with them mounting the 88 and will post them when I get chance. I think if I recall they were called Tiger Hunters or something similar
Mitch, thanks for the info. -- Al
I was really looking forward to the JT and I was equally fearing that the price would be beyond my reach. I was not wrong on either. The JT is fantastic looking, though I would have preferred a darker ambush type paint scheme, and would love to own it. But as I feared it is WAY out of my price range. It is only a few dollars less than the OOP HB Tigers and the new, excellent, FL vehicles, both of which I would also love to own, but could not afford, either financially or mentally. The HB and FL caused sticker shock in me and so has the JT. I don't care how big or heavy it is, or whether the price seems "reasonable in todays market". The fact is $289 (+tax), is too much money for models, IMO. Still, knock off $60 and add the ambush paint scheme and maybe.... -- Al

Well said & totally agree
The JT is a nice replica but it was one that I never was seriously excited about or likely picking up. There are just too many other competing pieces out there for my dollar that I want more. If it were priced around $89 like the good old days then maybe I'd pull the trigger at some later date but at over $300 with tax its too rich for me. We're getting into FL territory and I've always stayed away from those due to cost.
The JT is a nice replica but it was one that I never was seriously excited about or likely picking up. There are just too many other competing pieces out there for my dollar that I want more. If it were priced around $89 like the good old days then maybe I'd pull the trigger at some later date but at over $300 with tax its too rich for me. We're getting into FL territory and I've always stayed away from those due to cost.
Exactly right. -- Al
So far there's about ten collectors just on this thread going for this new Jagdtiger,can't wait to place it alongside the Snow Tiger and KT for a size comparison.

I'm going to have to pass on this one. Price is out of my reach. Like others sometimes you just have to draw the line. Ron
I'm still undecided, it's not the price, it's the restrictions of use in a historically accurate dio. However it is awfully tempting, and I'm sure it will be a sought after piece when it's gone.
Well, she sure is a beaut of monsterous proportions, but I'm going to hold off until I see this one in the flesh. I would like to see the paint scheme w/ my own two eyes, but the pics in the dispatches look much better than the pic on the flyer, which was almost a lime green (most likely a printing error I'm guessing-not so much a photographic one). In any case, this big cat sure is impressive, but buying this behemoth would mean $289.00 less that could be spent on soldiers or another AFV or a combo thereof, so I will select very carefully. After all, I can't have everything, and if I could, it probably wouldn't be as much fun anyways. But I wonder, if I don't grab one of these now, when will it ever be produced again in this scale? So that distinct possibility along w/ the low production nos. make this pretty beast even more appealing. Hopefully Andy rolls one of these out at the Westcoaster for all to marvel at. Congrats to K & C for producing another apparent instant classic- well done!:)


It may be done again as CS indicated they will produce one. Will K&C do another variant early days but, when Andy announced it I must say, thought straight away it would be tri camo and a cert to be Otto Carius last tiger. But, **** it, look what we ended upo with. A superb rendition in K&C's way so, can't complain.

Perhaps a version like this down the line in the 250 series would be nice and, as someone once stated ''you can never have enough tigers'' I would not sit on the fence long as I think this will vanish quite quick
Because of the price issue, I am going to have to pass the KC vehicle and hope CS does their own version. Off past history, I believe a version by CS will be much more affordable (I'm betting nearer $200 than $300). If CS doesn't do a JT, or it is close to as expensive, then I lose the bet and I'm SOL. I like the KC version and this is purely a financial decision. -- Al
Last month the Snow Tiger was the best tank we ever saw, not any more after this one...this is a great looking tank, i must say..$289...hhhmmm..well ok, i guess..then what's next? another $289 tank..gotta have that one too, i guess..then after that, gotta have that...and so on....I think i'll start building plastic tanks again, painting them to my specs, right back where I'll save a lot of money in the long run and I'll still have a version of the same tanks..can no longer criticize Figarti for their expensive trains and railway guns....where does it all end? gotta pass on this one
the nice thing with this set is that a.) we had more than the usual advance notice it would be rolling out and b.) it's still a couple weeks away. Collector's do have sometime to make moves in their budget to try and get it if they want.

It may be done again as CS indicated they will produce one. Will K&C do another variant early days but, when Andy announced it I must say, thought straight away it would be tri camo and a cert to be Otto Carius last tiger. But, **** it, look what we ended upo with. A superb rendition in K&C's way so, can't complain.

Perhaps a version like this down the line in the 250 series would be nice and, as someone once stated ''you can never have enough tigers'' I would not sit on the fence long as I think this will vanish quite quick

Hi Mitch,
That's very good news that CS will be producing one too.
And I always forget about the K & C 250 series...that would be a perfect way for K & C to reintroduce this giant piece in another variant. I think you are right in saying that these will most likely vanish quick. I'm hoping to be able to see it first before deciding, but they might be gone by this time next month if they're as popular as we think they'll be. She sure is brilliant looking, but a big chunk of change....a bit like putting all your eggs in one basket.....I'm going to go back and look at the TF upcoming release pics of it now....

Well I'll have to pass as well mainly due to price. It is a nice looking piece though although I'm not sure about the paint coloring from the flyer, and it does look better in these later pictures posted by Rob. I'll have to just stick with the 1/32 Jagdtiger I have already for now. It's from 21st Century and I picked it up for around $20 a few years ago and I added a small amount of weathering to it. Here are a few shots of it (with a FOV commander) and one alongside the K&C early King Tiger.


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For £260.00 I think there should be better detail on the tank track sprocket if HB can do it on there Tiger tank why can't KC even my £45.00 FOV jagdtiger has better track detail , for me this would make the tank even better & should have it for the price there charging

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