So,after all the chat..who's getting one?! (2 Viewers)

Im going to sell some SS stuff to finance it,mainly action figures,im going to just collect non-action figures............:cool:
Well thats the new plan.....................:D
My wife's family have just contacted me and said they are ordering one with a few other bits and bobs from their local shop.

You gotta love relations but, the down side is it will come over with them on their next visit which, sadly, is at the end of may!!!!!!
It's a nice piece, but you can get a lot of panzerfaust-carrying late war Germans for that kind of money, with change to spare. I think that's what I'll be going for......
My wife's family have just contacted me and said they are ordering one with a few other bits and bobs from their local shop.

You gotta love relations but, the down side is it will come over with them on their next visit which, sadly, is at the end of may!!!!!!
You are a lucky man, Mitch. May isn't that far away and not too long to wait for a gift like the JT, IMO:D. Lucky man. -- Al
lol, I guess if you say so. This is exactly why this hobby is so discouraging. Coming from a new blood who is only 32 these prices are just to much. $289 :eek: You don't even get a full bodied figure with it.

Got to agree & when you look what CS are charging £145.00 for a King tiger make you think what your getting for a extra £120.00 , so for me it a no
lol, I guess if you say so. This is exactly why this hobby is so discouraging. Coming from a new blood who is only 32 these prices are just to much. $289 :eek: You don't even get a full bodied figure with it.

Got to agree & when you look what CS are charging £145.00 for a King tiger make you think what your getting for a extra £120.00 , so for me it a no

You are getting a K&C;)


I know. I have a great set of in laws.

You are a lucky man, Mitch. May isn't that far away and not too long to wait for a gift like the JT, IMO:D. Lucky man. -- Al
Just placed my order with K+C UK
Stunning looking tank:cool:and figures:cool:
As I thought, sounds like its not going to be around too long at this rate, and we are but a tiny part of the market, I'm sure they will be very popular at the show in London in March:cool:

You are getting a K&C;)


I do not discriminate between the two. If it is something like the Grant, That I have been wanting for, since I started two years ago. And The CS easy eight that caught my eye When I saw a KC version. I bought both. it is just a matter on what it is and if I will enjoy having it. If I wait for a particular piece, and wait for it to be Produced by just one particular Company, It will take me Forever. To have all the pieces I want. ;)
I do not discriminate between the two. If it is something like the Grant, That I have been wanting for, since I started two years ago. And The CS easy eight that caught my eye When I saw a KC version. I bought both. it is just a matter on what it is and if I will enjoy having it. If I wait for a particular piece, and wait for it to be Produced by just one particular Company, It will take me Forever. To have all the pieces I want. ;)

Absolutely, we all have our own way of collecting and we all know what we want in our collections, I personally prefer K&C's style over all others with Figarti in second, but thats just my way:)


Does that mean for instance in your case if two Jagdtigers came out at the same time and one was say, £150 cheaper would your brand loyalty mean you would pay for the most expensive??

Its not probably appropriate in the dispatch thread but, would make an interesting topic elsewhere about collecting habits etc
it looks fabulous and i would like to get two, i just have to find away to change the turret number. i wonder if kc could do it for me.

Its a very simple job to do. and it would not even require repainting as there are some fab markings on the market or, you could make your own.

it looks fabulous and i would like to get two, i just have to find away to change the turret number. i wonder if kc could do it for me.

Does that mean for instance in your case if two Jagdtigers came out at the same time and one was say, £150 cheaper would your brand loyalty mean you would pay for the most expensive??

Its not probably appropriate in the dispatch thread but, would make an interesting topic elsewhere about collecting habits etc


Good question. Brand loyalty might suggest its only about the name, and yes that does play its part, but for me its about K&C's style of AFV and figure. The JT is a good example actually. I will only be getting one of these beasts even if K&C release another, so yes I would always go for K&C's. I'm pretty picky (anal the wife says!) about how my collection looks and works together. K&C,CS,Figarti all have their own style and I find often they don't mix without being obvious,does this make sense?. But I mean absolutely no offence to any other producer, its just what I like and what I'm used to.

Even with my K&C discount :), it,s too rich for me!
I agree with a few other posters, this is the problem for us with not so deep pockets.
Do none of your dealers offer you the opportunity of layaway where you can spread the cost of these more expensive items????

Or, is it all about snaffling the cash as soon as poss?? Its got to be an option

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