Some Horses (2 Viewers)


Sep 10, 2008
Going though my collection of horse conversions, I selected three for future projects. These were further animated and is WIP.


I also came across an old Britains QEII figure minus her horse Burma. I had used the horse as Traveller for a General Lee figure.

I have now matched QEII with a Historex horse and will try to do this up as a miniature figurine instead of a toy soldier.
I've actually smoothed out a number of these horses and they will serve as mounts soon.

Meanwhile I created a saddle and straps for the QEII figure. I added putty underneath her skirt to mate it with the saddle. The riding crop was snipped off (too thick) and I laboriously drilled a small hole to take a new riding crop. The diecast figure material is really hard to drill into.

Will work on the rest of the straps. The figure was given a basic enamel undercoat.

I looked around for a couple of mounted subjects for the other converted horses. Inspired by some web paintings on ladies riding side saddle, I decided to model a couple of them from the time of Louis XIV. The sculpting and conversions went very well and I've decided to show some stages of the work here.

These show simple Preiser nudes being used as armatures here. The heads are from Hecker and Goros or Puchala.

The manes were sculpted. The large dresses were sculpted in stages.

Hello CanesBart,

Thanks for your comment.

I added tails and ears to the horses. The dresses were made fuller and more detailing is being done. The hat brims were made from copper sheet and crowns and feathers were sculpted. The hair is being sculpted.

Hi All,

I haven't posted for a while. I had been busy assembling this hoard of F. Eisenbach horses which I had been eyeing for some time. In the modeling world, these represent the epitome of metal horse kits which can be assembled in modular fashion. similar to Historex kits. The Eisenbach horses include some heavy horses. These are the results of some basic epoxy fitting of the horses. I want to make more cavalry figures.

I didn't realize the amount of work required to assemble and knock up these metal horses. I had heard about the Eisenbach horses and seen some of the magnificent work done by other modellers with these horses. I was hesitant to order them previously due to the costs but decided to take the plunge recently.The horses come in several sizes - ponies, light (compatible to historex), medium and heavy horses. The difference in sizes is obvious.

I found that their horse halves are slightly disappointing with suspect anatomy. Their horse quarters are very good to excellent with many varied and exciting poses. What I am doing now is cleaning up and filling in the seam gaps and also changing some poses to improve the anatomy. So far, the work is very promising and I will post pictures here later.
Here are a couple of the bad horse halves which I modified.

The first one had a very short neck with the head looking straight ahead. I snipped it off and am making a new neck for it.

The second one was dreary, looking like a rocking horse. I cut it up into parts and repositioned all the parts. Now filling in the gaps with putty.

One of the earlier horses has had its neck finalized and mane added. Another has a mane added. Both medium heavy size horses.

I've spent some time getting these horses prepped for cavalry figures. Note the amount of filling and cleanup work required with putty.

Large horses with some conversions but without manes.

Medium horses.

medium horses with extensive work and sculpted manes.

historex sized horses with some conversions and sculpted manes.
I also worked on this beautiful Metal Modeles horse. Except that its neck was unbelievably thin and I thickened it with putty. Note that the pic lens is distorted as it shows an elongated neck.

This is another Metal Modeles horse. It suffers from the same thin neck (and head problem). The head on view distorts the head but it is unbelievably thin. I can't fathom how a topline model kit can have this kind of poor production. A pity though as the side view shows good head harness details. I will be substituting a Historex head for this.

As I am now redoing the del prado knight, I cam across nice pictorial references to various heralds. So I searched out my three Starlux horses which look like destriers to select one as a mount for the herald. You may ask why I don't use one of the many Eisenbach horses that I have just assembled? Well, I didn't want to waste these plastic Starlux beasts and also, I am looking for a smaller compact horse, presumably more suited for a herald than an knight.

I don't quite like the heads which look too toylike and may substitute a Historex head for one of these.

This is another Metal Modeles horse. It suffers from the same thin neck (and head problem). The head on view distorts the head but it is unbelievably thin. I can't fathom how a topline model kit can have this kind of poor production. A pity though as the side view shows good head harness details. I will be substituting a Historex head for this.

View attachment 230831View attachment 230832

Have you tried slicing through the head and then putting in a shim?


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