Stalingrad 1942-43 (3 Viewers)

Fantastic pictures! Have you considered converting them into black/white?

Thanks for sharing these with us.


Thanks Oliver,

Some pictures can be enhanced with black and white while others can lose something. These pics fall into the latter category . Subtle nuanced color is an integral part of these compositions.

A supply column from 24.Panzer-Division carefully wends its way forward, wary of the ever present partisan threat.




Very nicely done Frank . . . . Simply "eye candy" for the TS collector . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Outstanding work !
Eye Candy ? That's a frickin' FL feast ! {sm4}
Always great to see you posting on your thread Frank, I always wonder what new project you have come up with before I open the latest post, and as always another great set-up, maybe you could do us a calander of your favorites pics:) the Opels really look great with your scenery, now just throw in a new prime-mover and it will be even better!!...Sammy
Wow! Another totally realistic and seemless dio Frank. {bravo}}

Hi Frank ,
That you gets a rating of {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}} "s and a :salute:: Just wonderful stuff .. Thanks for sharing Gebhard
Thanks a lot guys.

Looking forward to getting my hands on the new Sd.Kfz.7 prime mover. Stay tuned.


Stunning realism on display once again. Thank you for sharing your fantastic work. I really enjoyed these images.

Terrific as as usual Frank. I'm gonna have to start a album of your pics. They some of the best I have ever seen.
August 30 1942,

Just south of the Volga-Don canal a Kriegsberichter snaps a series of pictures of a 15cm sFH 18 as it is repositioned in order to support the thrust north. This particular gun belongs to 8. Batterie, Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 4, 14.Panzer-Division.




The table of organization for Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 4. A Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment was normally authorized to to have 2 batteries of 4 x 15cm guns (8 total).

Excellent photo. It really gives a sense of the vastness of the Russian steppe the Germans tried to occupy.

Nice Frank. I'm enjoying following all your threads and the excellent photos they contain.
Some great looking photos of the new Prime mover Frank, looks fantastic!!! hope you have time at some point to do a convoy of vehicles together...Sammy
Its fun to play with the Black and white pics, it can capture the ultimate feel of the times. Alex
The B&W pic's are awesome Frank, but could you post some colour one's as well?

Great job Frank (as always!). I love the black and white, would also welcome a few color shots of this great dio. The FL prime mover and arty piece are SO on my wish list.
Great job Frank (as always!). I love the black and white, would also welcome a few color shots of this great dio. The FL prime mover and arty piece are SO on my wish list.

I hear you and agree{sm4}:rolleyes::)...but at $400 plus{eek3}...Santa is having a hard time to say OK to me......I may not get it for Xmas....^&confuse;)

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