while I agree with you about detail on wooden aircraft and, before anyone says anything I have seen a few I am not sure that E-Nuff said cuts mustard. You say well done to Figarti for experimenting but, that's what they have done and at a rather high price. Nothing IMO has deserved any praise here from seeing one and the way they ''experimented'' with the design so, collectors had to deal on their own with this issue.
I think, on this occasion I would have to differ from all those who are actually praising Figarti for letting them fork out a lot of money and then having to repair (in whatever way they choose to fix) a model because a firm wants to experiment with manufacturing.
If I want to buy a kit then there are very detailed 1/32nd and 1/24th scale kits which, are highly detailed and more so even than Figarti and K&C will ever get near but, collectors in this market and hobby don't want to buy items with bits ready to attach. If that's the case then accordingly the price should be reduced significantly. It does not say on the figarti box glue and modelling skills required. Maybe, it should. For me their silence is deafening at Least Andy will respond whether people like the explanation or not to his credit
As I said very early on in this thread they did the Owl which I think is stunning and a great aircraft. I was rather impressed with that all round but, not so with the Stuka's and that's why I did not order one.
You mention resin aircraft but, resin and plastic kits don't have these issues and parts are able to maintain the weight etc. Not that the stuka feels overly heavy IMO so, resin is one way but, clearly as we see has limitations and drawbacks.
Nothing here really to celebrate and praise a company for as they did not from what I have heard and visually seen achieve anything to be praised for
Well Mitch, I know we are getting a bit sidetracked but the difficulties with this Figarti Stuka seem to have worked themselves out for the most part....As said prior in this thread I think that if Figarti wants to use magnets on the Landing Gear in the future it must be supplemented with a precise square peg/ square hole design press fit in order to prevent rotational problems....It would also allow collectors to easily cement the landing gear in place if they so choose. These simple adjustments are important to address and can be easily accomplished. I think that Figarti has learned much with this issue and will make the necessary changes. Overall they are on the right track with resin aircraft. "Polystone" will never work with larger planes or Stukas due to the wings......Wood models for the most part are not the best answer as they do not allow much detail and realism....also at K/C prices are cost prohibitive for most of us....Again KUDOS to Figarti for their innovation and willingness to experiment with cutting edge style. E-nuff said