Stuka (2 Viewers)

How about lets actually get back to the actual issue? Design issues with FIGARTI products and, in this case the Stuka
How about lets actually get back to the actual issue? Design issues with FIGARTI products and, in this case the Stuka

Well Mitch, I know we are getting a bit sidetracked but the difficulties with this Figarti Stuka seem to have worked themselves out for the most part....As said prior in this thread I think that if Figarti wants to use magnets on the Landing Gear in the future it must be supplemented with a precise square peg/ square hole design press fit in order to prevent rotational problems....It would also allow collectors to easily cement the landing gear in place if they so choose. These simple adjustments are important to address and can be easily accomplished. I think that Figarti has learned much with this issue and will make the necessary changes. Overall they are on the right track with resin aircraft. "Polystone" will never work with larger planes or Stukas due to the wings......Wood models for the most part are not the best answer as they do not allow much detail and realism....also at K/C prices are cost prohibitive for most of us....Again KUDOS to Figarti for their innovation and willingness to experiment with cutting edge style. E-nuff said

while I agree with you about detail on wooden aircraft and, before anyone says anything I have seen a few I am not sure that E-Nuff said cuts mustard. You say well done to Figarti for experimenting but, that's what they have done and at a rather high price. Nothing IMO has deserved any praise here from seeing one and the way they ''experimented'' with the design so, collectors had to deal on their own with this issue.

I think, on this occasion I would have to differ from all those who are actually praising Figarti for letting them fork out a lot of money and then having to repair (in whatever way they choose to fix) a model because a firm wants to experiment with manufacturing.

If I want to buy a kit then there are very detailed 1/32nd and 1/24th scale kits which, are highly detailed and more so even than Figarti and K&C will ever get near but, collectors in this market and hobby don't want to buy items with bits ready to attach. If that's the case then accordingly the price should be reduced significantly. It does not say on the figarti box glue and modelling skills required. Maybe, it should. For me their silence is deafening at Least Andy will respond whether people like the explanation or not to his credit

As I said very early on in this thread they did the Owl which I think is stunning and a great aircraft. I was rather impressed with that all round but, not so with the Stuka's and that's why I did not order one.

You mention resin aircraft but, resin and plastic kits don't have these issues and parts are able to maintain the weight etc. Not that the stuka feels overly heavy IMO so, resin is one way but, clearly as we see has limitations and drawbacks.

Nothing here really to celebrate and praise a company for as they did not from what I have heard and visually seen achieve anything to be praised for

Well Mitch, I know we are getting a bit sidetracked but the difficulties with this Figarti Stuka seem to have worked themselves out for the most part....As said prior in this thread I think that if Figarti wants to use magnets on the Landing Gear in the future it must be supplemented with a precise square peg/ square hole design press fit in order to prevent rotational problems....It would also allow collectors to easily cement the landing gear in place if they so choose. These simple adjustments are important to address and can be easily accomplished. I think that Figarti has learned much with this issue and will make the necessary changes. Overall they are on the right track with resin aircraft. "Polystone" will never work with larger planes or Stukas due to the wings......Wood models for the most part are not the best answer as they do not allow much detail and realism....also at K/C prices are cost prohibitive for most of us....Again KUDOS to Figarti for their innovation and willingness to experiment with cutting edge style. E-nuff said

I have to take exception with you about the wood versions not being highly detailed. You may be thinking about the ones made by K & C prior to 2000 or the models of other makers. Of course, neither Figarti's nor K & C's models will be as detailed as, say, Corgi's but that is something different. As far as affordability, the wood models are very expensive so Figarti does have the edge there.

Please see the below photos, one of the Figarti and the other the K & C Desert Stuka they made a few years ago.




I have to take exception with you about the wood versions not being highly detailed. You may be thinking about the ones made by K & C prior to 2000 or the models of other makers. Of course, neither Figarti's nor K & C's models will be as detailed as, say, Corgi's but that is something different. As far as affordability, the wood models are very expensive so Figarti does have the edge there.

Please see the below photos, one of the Figarti and the other the K & C Desert Stuka they made a few years ago.


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Thank for posting the pictures Brad , can I asked what price is the KC Stuka ?
Brad,Thanks for posting the photos....much appreciated....I must admit that they are both good looking planes....I assume they are both 1:30th or is K/C 1:32......Is the K/C version all wood except for the canopy??... I would guess that the K/C version is over $1500 ....Figarti $289 for the same level of detail.....Overall I still think that resin models are the way to go for most aircraft in regards to detail and affordability for most collectors. Best Frank
....Figarti $289 for the same level of detail....

Don't think so. Two different products for two different markets. The K&C woods are pristine models, not weathered, made to look pretty on a desk as if you are walking into a museum a century after the war. The K&C polystone & Figarti's have some semblance to 'in use'. If the Figarti looked like a K&C wood, I never would have bought it
I too appreciate the fact that Figarti undertook the task of producing the Stuka but............I still honestly feel they are still having issues getting it right. The first release "Rudel" had problems with the wheels and tail section parts
"FALLING OFF" in the box during transit. If you were one of the luckier recipients yours possibly arrived intact. Now we have magnets being used to resolve the wheels coming off during transit situation which seems to be having its own
array of issues keeping the plane upright and supported properly. Anyone paying $289.00 + simply wants a durable model to take out of the box and display without having to worry about re-gluing or fabricating things to make it work as
originally intended. Not attacking Figarti here the facts are what they are. Comparing a wooden aircraft made by another company has no bearing on the issue at hand. The other company did not make the Stuka with the magnets....Figarti did !

The K & C wooden Stuka was $995 a few years back, more expensive than the Figarti version.

Blowtorch is essentially correct. Figarti's try to have a weathered look while the wooden warbirds are more museum-quality pieces that are beautifully made. However, some of the K & C polys like the Kittyhawk and Desert Me 109 look a lot like their wooden counterparts.

I too appreciate the fact that Figarti undertook the task of producing the Stuka but............I still honestly feel they are still having issues getting it right. The first release "Rudel" had problems with the wheels and tail section parts
"FALLING OFF" in the box during transit. If you were one of the luckier recipients yours possibly arrived intact. Now we have magnets being used to resolve the wheels coming off during transit situation which seems to be having its own
array of issues keeping the plane upright and supported properly. Anyone paying $289.00 + simply wants a durable model to take out of the box and display without having to worry about re-gluing or fabricating things to make it work as
originally intended. Not attacking Figarti here the facts are what they are. Comparing a wooden aircraft made by another company has no bearing on the issue at hand. The other company did not make the Stuka with the magnets....Figarti did !

Ace out of the seven Rudel you got how many we're damaged out of interest ? To honest the people who have the new version not one been on here asking for there money back have they so it can't be all bad and who else will make one ?
Ace out of the seven Rudel you got how many we're damaged out of interest ? To honest the people who have the new version not one been on here asking for there money back have they so it can't be all bad and who else will make one ?

Well Subs, To be honest back at Ya I had 10 of them and out of 10......6 were damaged. I also had ONE of the new Stuka's pre ordered for myself and immediately cancelled my order after hearing Vezzolf's comments after getting his.
Like we say in Texas Mate...... Fool me once...... Shame on me......Fool me twice.......Shame on YOU ^&grin
Well Subs, To be honest back at Ya I had 10 of them and out of 10......6 were damaged. I also had ONE of the new Stuka's pre ordered for myself and immediately cancelled my order after hearing Vezzolf's comments after getting his.
Like we say in Texas Mate...... Fool me once...... Shame on me......Fool me twice.......Shame on YOU ^&grin

Fair comment mate .
I also had ONE of the new Stuka's pre ordered for myself and immediately cancelled my order after hearing Vezzolf's comments after getting his.

I'd really urge you to reconsider. I checked out the glue job this morning before I left for work & those mothers are in rock solid- I used a gap filling two part 5 minute epoxy made by the zap a gap people. And while I only saw the Rudel at a show, from memory, this model surpasses in finish. It's really nice. I would still recommend taking the magnets out for long run stability, but there is no rush. You can get one & just store it until you decide one day what to do. That way you at least have one
When I was reading on Velikiye Luki, it was mentioned that Stukas were used to dive bomb supply cannisters into the tiny pocket. WOuld there be any interest in having Figarti make a supply cannister that is interchangeable with the bomb?
Don't think so. Two different products for two different markets. The K&C woods are pristine models, not weathered, made to look pretty on a desk as if you are walking into a museum a century after the war. The K&C polystone & Figarti's have some semblance to 'in use'. If the Figarti looked like a K&C wood, I never would have bought it

I must agree in that if the Figarti Stukas looked like the K/C wood Stuka I would not have bought it....Not very realistic looking IMO....Too toy like for me in appearance...I like the weathered look....Also I would never pay $995 or more for a wooden Stuka....That's me....Maybe I would feel differently if I saw it in the flesh but from what I can see by the photos...I'll Pass....Still would much rather have the Figarti product. More bang for the buck....IMHO of course.:wink2:
Well Subs, To be honest back at Ya I had 10 of them and out of 10......6 were damaged. I also had ONE of the new Stuka's pre ordered for myself and immediately cancelled my order after hearing Vezzolf's comments after getting his.
Like we say in Texas Mate...... Fool me once...... Shame on me......Fool me twice.......Shame on YOU ^&grin

I also cancelled my two that I had on order. Why should you have to "fix" a problem that cost a lot of money. I have the first Figarti Stuka so I really did not have a problem. My hero Mitch says "it like it is" so why take a gamble that it will not hold up. Plus glue jobs are not my strong point. I played ball for Hardin-Simmons so I listen to and sometimes trust anything coming out of Texas. Regards, Larry.
Just received my two Stukas. I'm happy with the magnets or the option to glue them if I so choose. Thank you Figarti for making one of my favorite planes.
have to ask. Is the gaze.. my god! did I buy this or, I am glad I bought this??

Mitch, I was going to ask the same thing but you beat me to it. That's why you are my hero. Going to recruit you to be A Green Beret one way or another. Larry.

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