Thanks Ken (1 Viewer)


They are indeed great looking figures and well displayed amongst the rest of your stunning Chinese collection.

I shouldn't ask this really but have you won the Chinese lottery as it looks to me like a hell of a lotto new figures you have there :D


Ummm....nope Reb, I happened to win the Chinese lottery 9 years ago when I persuaded Missus Heid to, eeeerrr, “take up” with an itinerant Scotsman who happened to be assigned to a job at the local shipyard in Dalian for a couple of weeks at the time.
:eek::eek::eek: :):)

If she EVER finds out the true cost of these figures I present her with every time I turn up on her doorstep, I do believe my life will take a turn for the worse. Aye – much worse…!!!

Still, she was delighted with that rare black-coloured Tahitian Pearl set on a white gold pendant and platinum chain that I picked up in a clearance sale at Duty-Free in Hong Kong Airport, (and, hmmm, "doctored" the receipt) – so I got away with it again....this time, cos I know for a fact that none of her friends owns anything similar. It's a Chinese "face thing" of course.

What she doesn't know yet - and I'm too cowardly to mention it yet - is; on 6th June, she's humping home a First Legion order and a K&CUK order which should both be getting delivered to my employers office in Beijing pretty soon, while I escape back to Bangkok for the following 4 weeks.
So that particular wee surprise is going to cost some more jewelry I suppose - maybe even a certain kind of gold ring - at long last. Why else would we be visiting the Brit Consulate in Beijing so often recently?

Harry is a bad man. He's got me looking at the East of India figures. Just what I need.....more figures!:)
Harry is a bad man. He's got me looking at the East of India figures. Just what I need.....more figures!:)

Aaaah, but what amazing figures they are...!!!
The EoI website only gives you a glimpse of just how good they really are. Once you see them in person? Well, I was hooked rather easily.



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