Looks to me like the Management’s remonstrating with these reprobates and inviting them to vacate the premises and take their disgusting habit with them.
Hey – I didn’t know they had no-smoking restaurants in medieval Kyoto.
Well I never did….???
Aye, Sir Walter Raleigh had a lot to answer for.
Well, he did actually. King James 1st (and 6th) had him executed for treason – but I think it was really for introducing the dreadful weed to England from Virginia.
Mind you, it could’ve been for sucking up to Queen Lizzie 1st (Kate Blanchette) with his cape yon time it had been raining in London. Or maybe it was revenge for Kate Blanchette having his Mum, Mary Queen of Scots, heid chopped off on some trumped-up charge of treason. Seems there was a lot of treason going on in those far-off days.
So anyway, it was “Tatties ower the side for Sir Wally”.
(Scottish slang – and a wee side reference to potatoes).