Thanks Ken (2 Viewers)


Date Masamune, the one-eyed dragon, and Kuroda Nagamasa – who appears to prefer a quite-fetching shade of green apparel.








Those figures are simply magnificent so much so even Akira Kurosawa himself would have been well impressed. Many thanks for posting


Those figures are simply magnificent so much so even Akira Kurosawa himself would have been well impressed. Many thanks for posting


Why, thank you very much for the kind comments my Good Grey Man.
And thank you, ever so much, for your continuing excellent work in the Diodrama section.

Good show Harry. I just came upon this thread.


Beautiful figures and great photos. There's some work in posting all those photos. Thanks for taking the time and thanks for sharing. I've enjoyed looking at it all.
Nice work Harry- you are doing a great job at promoting Ken's work- hopefully you can help him grow the fanbase- I think it is unfair that there is a select few who know the secret.

Next time you chat with Ken, see if he can arrange to score you one of those mounted Kenshin vignettes (SCD205 I believe). :D Also see if he feels like giving out some advanced intel on the Roman opposition and if there is anything new in the "Persian" range ;)
Good show Harry. I just came upon this thread.


Beautiful figures and great photos. There's some work in posting all those photos. Thanks for taking the time and thanks for sharing. I've enjoyed looking at it all.

Thanks Russell.
I've really enjoyed posting them. More coming up soon.

Nice work Harry- you are doing a great job at promoting Ken's work- hopefully you can help him grow the fanbase- I think it is unfair that there is a select few who know the secret.

Next time you chat with Ken, see if he can arrange to score you one of those mounted Kenshin vignettes (SCD205 I believe). :D Also see if he feels like giving out some advanced intel on the Roman opposition and if there is anything new in the "Persian" range ;)

Nice as it is Chris, neither SCD205 nor any of the other mounted Samurai figures are in my EoI collecting strategy. I don't even know if it's still available. Some of these sets are getting pretty scarce and I had to adjust my July order this morning because of it.
I've no idea what EoI might be considering as Roman opposition, although I want to get the Eastern Mercenary Archers for use with the Ancient Greek and Persian sets I already have. Actually, a fair few of the existing Persian sets would work with the Roman range.
Mark Antony vs Parthia.

By the way, for anyone looking in here who doesn't already know, the Might of Rome range is brilliant. The figures really "come to life" when you see them up close. I myself may get a few of the Roman figures early next year, but only after I've got my present "priority" sets home first.


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