Thanks Ken (1 Viewer)

This one reminds me of my long-ago schoolday’s;
Go on Mister, gonna give us a puff?”

Sorry – can’t help myself sometimes....:D:D....:eek::eek:


First of all I will have to repeat myself when I say that is one tidy old collection you have there made better by your background displays and furniture! :)

I haven't got around to replying to your email yet - sorry :eek:.....but will do soon.


Nice as it is Chris, neither SCD205 nor any of the other mounted Samurai figures are in my EoI collecting strategy. I don't even know if it's still available. Some of these sets are getting pretty scarce and I had to adjust my July order this morning because of it.
I've no idea what EoI might be considering as Roman opposition, although I want to get the Eastern Mercenary Archers for use with the Ancient Greek and Persian sets I already have. Actually, a fair few of the existing Persian sets would work with the Roman range.
Mark Antony vs Parthia.

By the way, for anyone looking in here who doesn't already know, the Might of Rome range is brilliant. The figures really "come to life" when you see them up close. I myself may get a few of the Roman figures early next year, but only after I've got my present "priority" sets home first.


Hey Harry

The new pics look fantastic.

The SCD205 vignette is probably the most sought after piece in the EOI Samurai line. I purchaed mine at Michtoy back in late 2001. It has long since faded to history as you say. Ken did tell me he had a few so if he shows you them, they are amazing. I sold mine in 2007 to a rabid samurai collector in California and he has Kenshin cutting a great swath through some samurai. Ken did give me the virtual slap up side the head for selling the set at retail as he knows they go for far more than that- ahhh, live and learn- was happy to help a fellow collector.

The other neat thing about the set was that it came in a wooden box (pine I believe)- it was a box to truly get excited about.

The new Romans are splendid. I think the auxiliaries look a bit more crisp than the legionaires. Ken said the line is to focus on the battle of Britain so I gotta think we will see some ancient Celtic British soon.


First of all I will have to repeat myself when I say that is one tidy old collection you have there made better by your background displays and furniture! :)

I haven't got around to replying to your email yet - sorry :eek:.....but will do soon.



Thanks Jeff,

The background picture to neen to be adjusted; all five of them need to be lowered a few inches, but that can be done at the next major dusting session.

Hey Harry

The new pics look fantastic.

The SCD205 vignette is probably the most sought after piece in the EOI Samurai line. I purchaed mine at Michtoy back in late 2001. It has long since faded to history as you say. Ken did tell me he had a few so if he shows you them, they are amazing. I sold mine in 2007 to a rabid samurai collector in California and he has Kenshin cutting a great swath through some samurai. Ken did give me the virtual slap up side the head for selling the set at retail as he knows they go for far more than that- ahhh, live and learn- was happy to help a fellow collector.

The other neat thing about the set was that it came in a wooden box (pine I believe)- it was a box to truly get excited about.

The new Romans are splendid. I think the auxiliaries look a bit more crisp than the legionaires. Ken said the line is to focus on the battle of Britain so I gotta think we will see some ancient Celtic British soon.


I can think of several British Barbarians stgraight off the bat, wm Ken can use as models for any Ancent Celtic range.Cheers
Great photography, Harry. I see you are mastering your new camera ...

I am looking forward to seeing more of your Samurai collection. There seem to be some really interesting pieces ... :)
Great photography, Harry. I see you are mastering your new camera ...

I am looking forward to seeing more of your Samurai collection. There seem to be some really interesting pieces ... :)

THere's only so much I can do with the figures I've got so far. But all is not lost. July's order should offer more possibilities.

Three aristocratic ladies have decided to go for a Sunday afternoon B-B-Q at the local pub, with only one retainer, (rather asking for trouble if you ask me):-
So, rather predictably, they've been accosted by some band of Outlaw Ronin - And these guy's ain't no Robin Hood.

“Stand and deliver. Your money or your life – and maybe both”
:eek: :eek:

Mind you, it looks to me like they're well on the way to talking themselves out of trouble.
They might just throw in their lot with the Outlaws - and become Manga Female Ninja Cavalry. Who knows?
Depends on the manufacturer's I suppose.

As for the cowardly "faithful" retainer who went Hands-Up at the first hint of danger and is trying to surrender his personal weapon; well, I reckon he's for the chop - literally.






Found some banners and flags kicking around that I thought might look okay with my EoI figures.
Absolutely no claims are made here for historical accuracy – but I reckoned the colours were so close to that worn by the Oda clan they would work. Course I had to add counter-weights to the standards – but I reckon they work as well;



I’m unreliably informed by Missus H that this banner actually says;


I told “The Cross I Bear” some time back to throw those glass perfume bottles away, cos they were, “no good for nuthin’ and were just cluttering up the place”. As usual I was ignored – which in this particular case, makes me more than happy – cos they seem to work okay in this display that continues to evolve as I allow my imagination to run riot.




Hey, how did she manage to get past the guards on the gate?


Of course, all this messing about means I’m going to have to change July’s EoI order for the 3rd time in as many days to include more of these guys. Mister India might blow a gasket at these continual changes, so I reckon I’ll leave the revised order until Monday.



Whoa Harry, I know you've been busy photographing some of your latest aquisitions, but have finally just seen these last batch posted. Between the items on display and the temporary set ups you've used here, this is easily the best diplayed collection I've seen on TF. I can see why you have been so keen on the EoI Samurai range. Really looking forward to seeing more, and honestly, to having a closer look at the last 10 pages or so already posted here, as I'm sure there are loads of details I've missed. Most impressive, and good to see Ken back on the main menu now too, btw. :)

Whoa Harry, I know you've been busy photographing some of your latest aquisitions, but have finally just seen these last batch posted. Between the items on display and the temporary set ups you've used here, this is easily the best diplayed collection I've seen on TF. I can see why you have been so keen on the EoI Samurai range. Really looking forward to seeing more, and honestly, to having a closer look at the last 10 pages or so already posted here, as I'm sure there are loads of details I've missed. Most impressive, and good to see Ken back on the main menu now too, btw. :)



Internet banking is a wonderful invention. The fee we agreed upon is at this very moment winging its way to your account via telegraphic transfer.
Speaking for myself, I'm not too chuffed about Ken being front page news. I'm still playing catch up on items that are now becoming very scarce.
EoI being on the main index of this forum could mean renewed interest from existing collectors - and bring his brilliant ranges to the attention of new collectors - hot dang...!!!

David Bailey
Whoa Harry, I know you've been busy photographing some of your latest aquisitions, but have finally just seen these last batch posted. Between the items on display and the temporary set ups you've used here, this is easily the best diplayed collection I've seen on TF. I can see why you have been so keen on the EoI Samurai range. Really looking forward to seeing more, and honestly, to having a closer look at the last 10 pages or so already posted here, as I'm sure there are loads of details I've missed. Most impressive, and good to see Ken back on the main menu now too, btw. :)


PS Dave,

Just wait for 1 to 3 months when I have a few Boxers and Colonial opposition figures to post. I think you'll easily see then exactly why I've benn droning on and on about that range as well.

Something of a “Rogue’s Gallery” today guy’s.
Heaven help me if Mister India looks in here and sees what I’ve done to some of his “Babies”.








Harry, your photography of the collection is now top notch. I love the collection - and recognise so much that I have read about in the books.

On banners: If you do ever wanted to check some famiy banners, this might be helpful:

And if you wanted to print your own:

Hey, thanks very much for the links Andreas. Haven't had a chance to look at the first one yet, but I've added the 2nd one to my favourites folder and I'll get a good look at them when I head back to the prison hulk I work on in Thailand.
I was just messing around with those flags and banners - especially when I noted the similarity in the colours of the yellow and black ones to the Oda Clan colours. It was too good an opportunity of winding up Mister India to pass on. Which reminds me, I need to get in contact with him next week and finalise the July order. The mutually agreed venue for the exchange of miniature figurines and a certain sum of "Coin of the Realm" also needs to be decided - but he's got around 5 weeks on that one to come up with some place which has a suitably bucolic ambience.


Congratulations on almost-I repeat almost :D-single handedly highlighting EoI's incredible body of work-I for one had absolutely no idea of the range of their excellent sculpted/painted figures until viewing your very professional photographs.

Many thanks for posting


Congratulations on almost-I repeat almost :D-single handedly highlighting EoI's incredible body of work-I for one had absolutely no idea of the range of their excellent sculpted/painted figures until viewing your very professional photographs.

Many thanks for posting


Why, thank you for your very kind comments My Fine Rebellious Chum. I do believe you're being somewhat overly generous in your description of the quality of my photography - which has a long way to go before it begins to match your superlative examples - but I do confess that I believe I'm getting closer to being a wee bit happier with my rather shoddy efforts.
If you think these EoI Samurais are good, then just wait until I get my hands on the Boxer and Colonial stuff I have reserved - I guarantee you'll be blown away, same as I was when I first saw them up close and personal.


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