The American Civil War Diaries (3 Viewers)

Excellent Reb, long time no see your explosions, they are the finest...:eek:

Excellent montage, so good that you don't need any photo transformation.

Yes Reb you are not allowed under any circumstances stop this diodrama!!! I knew hardly anything about the Civil War before reading your thread. So it is doing some of us some good :)

And if people don't like it then can simply move along, there are those of us that do !!! and I find that the Civil War is far less gruesome than events of WWII.
As Lee turned to Hill to order him to withdraw from the field......a roar of cheering from the south end of the clearing reached his ears.
A brigade of Confederate infantry veered from the woods into the clearing forming into battle lines without losing their stride. One of Lee's aides pointing shouted
"General Lee it's..................."
But Lee was not listening as he spurred Traveller towards the troops now assembling alongside a rail fence.


Lee pushed his horse towards the guide line
"What troops are you my boys?"
"The Texans" the men yelled
Lee felt the sudden warm rush of exhilaration-Longstreet's men!

The next few moments were to become an indelible part of the Lee legend. Various interpretations tend to imply that Lee actually intended to lead the Texas Brigade into action.
But as the Texans realised this the shout went up "Go back General Lee" and this became the monument of "Lee to the rear".
This shining moment, demonstrating the devotion of Lee's men for their general, entered folklore with the finest traditions of a people's past.


Meanwhile the Federals still under fire from Poague's battery were reforming, due primarily to their veteran officers and NCO's shouting encouragements such as:-
"Keep moving men another half mile and Lee's army will be broken"
"Final victory is a mere 30 minutes away"
The men responded with alacrity and the immense mass began to move forward again.


No legend should obscure the performance of young Poague and his scant amount of cannoneers serving those guns. They stood to their guns continuing to fire without infantry support and were now on the verge of envelopment. In the final moment of ultimate danger and his crews now receiving withering musket fire Poague turned and yelled.
"Boys we can do no more. Time to save yourselves"
"Spike the guns and move to the rear"


Numbering less than a thousand the courageous Texans negotiated their way through Poague's now abandoned guns. Their officers knew they were bringing to the field as tough a fearless and fighting brigade as could be put into battle.
With mounting impetus they moved towards the advancing waves of blue


Brilliant; as always, an excellent presentation and highly educational. I missed seeing your last episode until now and catching up was its usual treat. What's this talk about stopping?:eek: We'll have none of that. You would be disappointing the entire membership here and ,yes selfishly, certainly me. Besides being motivational and informative, your episodes bring this conflict to life as few mediums have. I know you inspired me to obtain Troiani's Civil War just to follow along. So kept them coming mate, we will follow you to Appomattox.:D
It is Unbelievable all the variety of soldier you have....again my friend very nice set up.

I havent been active on the boards here in few days. School just started up again.

In any case... as always Reb its nice to log in and find a good story to read and wonderful pictures to look at.

Reb does we need another tawkin' too? I wood have to hate to git over yonder whar yer at an' tel ya so! We got a 'hole slew o battlin' ta dew! I been feelin' poorly so i'll jes hav to giv yar a brake!

Ya gota sho' dem yankees a few triks still.

P S Did yer a notis Ah spelt still rite?
Reb does we need another tawkin' too? I wood have to hate to git over yonder whar yer at an' tel ya so! We got a 'hole slew o battlin' ta dew! I been feelin' poorly so i'll jes hav to giv yar a brake!

Ya gota sho' dem yankees a few triks still.

P S Did yer a notis Ah spelt still rite?


You've been at that "garlic" again haven't you!

Outstanding - AGAIN !

I am very impressed too - with all the Civil War Figures you have - WOW! :eek:

I would venture to say that you own every Modern Civil War figure made by K&C, Conte, CS, and Britians !! :D
As the Texas Brigade began their suicidal charge into the Federal II Corps cheers resounded from the rear of the Tapp clearing.

Longstreet and his staff had finally arrived on the field


Immediately riding to Lee, Longstreet offered compliments to his Commander. Lee acknowledged his Corps Commander and said
"General would you please deploy your brigades and drive those people from the field"
Longstreet replied
"General Lee sir! My boys are sure spoiling for a fight and they wont stop until old Sam Grant has got his feet wet in the Potomac on his way back to Washington"
Lee allowed himself a slight smile Longstreet turned to his horse and concluded
"Sir, with your permission I will deploy my battle lines"


Longstreet swiftly moved to support Gregg's desperately fighting Texans sending in Benning and Anderson's Georgians flanked by Law's Alabama brigade supported with Kershaw's South Carolinians. Keeping Humphrey's Mississipians in reserve.


The clearing now resounded to the shrill of hundreds of Rebel Yells clearly heard above the gunfire as the Confederate First Corps smashed into the utterly surprised and dis-organised Yankee regiments.


To receive Longstreet's attack Hancock quickly detached his reserve force under General Gibbon, but Hancock's men were now on too narrow a front. Having had to negotiate an advance through thick undergrowth and the unexpected barrage from Poague's guns had caused an inevitable disorder in the troops who were now massed in depth.

Having to face five Confederate brigades could the tightly packed lines of blue hold their position????

Bob, that must have taken ages to set up :eek:.

You have got really good at this now and I mean keeping us in suspenders untill the next episode :D.


Bob, that must have taken ages to set up :eek:.
You have got really good at this now and I mean keeping us in suspenders untill the next episode :D.

Come on now Jeff. We've talked about what you can reveal on a public forum, and what is best left private. :D:eek:

Bob, another resounding story line and fantastic battle scenes. Out of curiosity (and ignorance :eek:), would there be a lot of flags deployed on the battlefield. I only ask, as whenever I see ACW dios from anyone, there always seems to be no shortage of flags deployed on both sides. Curious as to how they were deployed / issued etc.

Reb AGAIN and AGAIN it is a pleasure to see your set ups, there are so many soldiers, but you managed to placed them perfectly...

belissimo my friend...l
Excellent again Bob; these make one feel you are in the midst of the melee. Can you talk a bit about how / what you use from the ground cover and how you set up for the photos?
Great job again. I anxiously look forward to the next installment.
Thanks a lot Reb.Thanks to you I've started picking up ACW figures again.
Bob, one word; outstanding.

This is your best one yet, and that's saying something.

Very nice again. I think I see the wounded Longstreet coming soon that you mentioned. I could swear I see my Great Great Grandfather in that mix somewhere, trying to show that those North Carolinians could outfight the Virginians, regardless of what history books want us to believe.
Union General Hancock directed his Division Commanders to hold their ground against Longstreet's frontal attack by continually aligning their troops and plugging the gaps. His attention to his front was interrupted by a shout from General Birney

"Sir! Our artillery has got through"

The Union engineers had finally cleared a rough pathway through the dense Virginia Wilderness allowing Hancock the luxury of a small battery of cannon.


Quickly turning to Colonel Franklin Sawyer of the 8th Ohio Hancock literally bawled

"Colonel get those guns unhitched and bring them in line immediately. And Colonel double canister if you please"


The first cannon blast took out part of the Texan frontline and a rousing cheer rose from the Union ranks


But the impetus of the Confederate assault was not to be stopped by mere cannon fire and the Texans now supported by the Tarheel regiments renewed their attack


The battle raged all along the line and began to spill over into the Tapp farm outbuildings. Laws Brigade of Alabamians under the temporary command of Colonel William F Perry smashed into the Union right wing. Perry noticed that this constant hammering by the now rejuvenated Southern troops was taking it's toll on the blue line as it slowly started to give way.


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