The American Civil War Diaries (6 Viewers)

Great shame we are no longer privileged to Bobs wonderful dioramas, for whatever reason. I have been inspired by those magical works for a long time. I find my self in a position now to deluge my interest in the Civil War, I will enjoy my interest and hobby here by posting images of what I enjoy and have an interest in creating because that is my desire. While appreciating others points of view I hold to no PC view of History. There are some normal old fashion standards I am mindful of when posting but I consider that common sense! I express no right or wrong of the war, or any conflict which the hobby covers or if it seems that one side or the other is posted more often, it will be because of available figures. Well that's my yearly rant! Post what you enjoy and PC be buggered! Hope you start posting again Bob.

Wayne, as a dedicated ACW enthusiast, starting with my attending the centennial re-enactments (yes, I'm that old), I am thoroughly enjoying your latest dios. You have a unique photographic style which is captivating. Keep 'em coming. Chris
Not sure of what all happened or what was said to upset Bob and his displays but last I checked this was a toy soldier forum where anything from Waffen SS, Hitler, Custer, African Wars, Civil War and every other War and topic on display in photos, dioramas, all accepted here, not to say some may not agree with certain topics but I believe we all understand that members here are welcome to post whatever they collect....I get what Bob feels, as I posted a small WWII diorama on a Facebook page and a Swastika was visible and you think I was a raging Skin head by some responses!!! So I had to edit the flag out 🤣...anyway, I truly hope Bob returns as he is missed by many, a true gentleman in every sense of the word.
The master explained his feelings ,,,Some time ago when the Carolina state flag trouble was happening ,,I was selling a confed. color sgt mounted w a flag,,at a small Fla odd sounding woman appeared and began the usual ,,"why are you selling that ??", I just informed her if she bought it she could freely destroy it,,,chew the parts up etc.
It appears our friend terp has stepped up and now fills the breech,,Bravo to him
I am one Southerner who loathes the Southern cause, but Bob presented history, no glorification of war or a cause. I know what is in my own heart and won't apologize for my own collection, which is about 40% Confederate and 60% Union. It is high time for a bit of correction in Civil War history, but people took it too far in going beyond attacking glorifications of a bad cause to attacking history itself. My local bookstore no longer has a Civil War section, and I had a sale of a 1938 Gettysburg reunion button blocked arbitrarily simply because of the presence of a Confederate flag on it. If you view Civil War videos on YouTube now, the comments are frequently turned off. The reason? Both sides of the debate are blind to reality. Bob's work was top notch, and I trust he will weather this storm of controversy. I hope.
6[SUP]th[/SUP] Wisconsin thanks for the post it’s nice to know I’m still remembered on the forum. So much so I felt it necessary to explain further my decision to stop posting ACW dioramas.

For a number of years I have written articles for an Australian movie magazine now primarily on old classic films released on the new 4K Ultra HD format. I also run for them a Facebook Blog named Bob J’s Classic Movie Club. Along with that and being known as a bit of a British Movie Buff I also deliver lectures on old Hollywood filmmaking at a local university. Now both mag and Uni have strict rules on what one can write for publication and also verbally deliver to a young audience. I can assure you today if one steps out of line, one is soon cancelled – permanently. It’s happened to two of my lecturing pals.

As I’m sure you know a number of subjects today are now absolutely taboo to even discuss intelligently especially online - the ACW definitely being one of them hence my decision to retire my blue and grey regiments. Unfortunately, today common sense when discussing history with a growing number of certain individuals has gone out of the window. On that note I remember my dear old Dad’s quote from years ago that is still most appropriate today “Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it the most never use it”.

6[SUP]th[/SUP] Wisconsin thanks for the post it’s nice to know I’m still remembered on the forum. So much so I felt it necessary to explain further my decision to stop posting ACW dioramas.

For a number of years I have written articles for an Australian movie magazine now primarily on old classic films released on the new 4K Ultra HD format. I also run for them a Facebook Blog named Bob J’s Classic Movie Club. Along with that and being known as a bit of a British Movie Buff I also deliver lectures on old Hollywood filmmaking at a local university. Now both mag and Uni have strict rules on what one can write for publication and also verbally deliver to a young audience. I can assure you today if one steps out of line, one is soon cancelled – permanently. It’s happened to two of my lecturing pals.

As I’m sure you know a number of subjects today are now absolutely taboo to even discuss intelligently especially online - the ACW definitely being one of them hence my decision to retire my blue and grey regiments. Unfortunately, today common sense when discussing history with a growing number of certain individuals has gone out of the window. On that note I remember my dear old Dad’s quote from years ago that is still most appropriate today “Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it the most never use it”.


Nice to hear from you. I was just in your country 3 months ago.
Good to hear from you Bob, I hope you and Miss Trudi are well.

Isn't it odd that the ones who are always yapping about diversity, inclusivity, and freedom of thought and expression are always so quick to silence anyone who's thoughts and ideas don't align with theirs .... funny that!

Taks care mate

Always great to hear from you Bob, hope you are well, you're missed around these parts, sorry for the nonsense.......................
Wow Bob! What a nice surprise to see a post from you. Like others, I miss your wonderful ACW posts and story lines. Keep in touch my friend . . . All the very best,
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Thanks for all your comments guys and good advice lenswerk so last night I knocked up a more appropriate back-drop for the dio.
Damien I haven't got the Britains Lone Star set in my collection figures used are new&old Britains, Conte (both flag-bearers) and ONWT.

Louis thanks for the excellent tip but as Kevin will tell you, you just cant take a dio outside in the UK due to the d*mn persistent rain, it rarely stops. Now if I lived in Arizona or Utah Or Nevada or California..........



Next photo is another little vignette I am currently working on to include in the overall dio entitled "Save the Colours" just had to give those Yankee's a turn.

miss your work very much,,there is a lot of civil war,,flags etc these days ,,why not you again,,

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