The American Civil War Diaries (18 Viewers)

I find it ironic that so many that was hurt by McCarthy in the 50's are acting just like him.

I am glad to hear that you are healthy and safe. It is as big a mistake to give in to the far left lunatics as it would be to give in to the far right lunatics. Be proud of your knowledge and your interests. Ask yourself, where would many of these far left couner-culture people be if the people who won the Civil War, like Grant and Sherman, and World War II, like Churchill, had not stood up and fought? This forum is a safe place to stand up against the counter culture, we all love and respect history. So post some of your excellent dioramas!

"D@#n the torpedoes and full speed ahead" seems an appropriate quotation here Bob. Keep posting sir, don't let the alternative history, counter culture ignorant fools win.
Bollocks to them Bob and keep posting your fantastic photos ! :salute::

I'm with the others here Bob. You're work is one of, if not, the best here on the forum. Your dio's are always educational and a joy to look at.

Besides, to fight against the looney left we need to rebel against them. Since REB is in your name I think you're a natural to lead the rebellion. :salute::

You are always welcome here Bob.People like you make the forum very enjoyable.
Bollocks to them Bob and keep posting your fantastic photos ! :salute::


I couldn't agree more Bob.....remember how we used to put the World to rights with our little chats at the London Show^&grin.....and that was before you know who arrived on the scene last year:mad:

Stay safe mate

Good to hear from you :salute:: UKREB. Like others I must insist you continue you to post your fabulous dios and stories on here. The forum has your back !
Hi guys

All OK here from the land of blighty - make that "blight" as we are still in total lockdown.

Reason for wrapping up my threads has been the "Cancel Culture" that seems to have swept the UK and it would seem the US. As the Froggers on here are aware my interest and figure collections are solely ACW/Alamo and FIW eras. Consequently and unfortunately it became very obvious to me that over the last year or so my historical interests have become somewhat "Taboo" in particular the Confederacy what with tearing down or defacing the statues of Bobby Lee and other Southern dignitaries and damming their association with slavery. The subject has even caused a hell of a fuss here in the UK when Churchill's statue in Parliament Square was defaced with paint spelling out "racist". My collection of Native Americans and Mexicans would probably downstream attract the same diatribes. Like most of you on here what we all collect and display in dioramas is "history" but unfortunately there are a growing number of academics and talking heads demanding we hang our heads in shame for what our forbears undertook.

Therefore under the current climate to carry on relating the history of Lee/Grant/Longstreet/Sherman through dioramas I decided would become fraught with problems.

Stay safe guys and many thanks for remembering me

Bob still the UKReb but now undercover.:(

Sorry to hear about this Bob, but sadly, it's the world we live in today.

I recently had a dust up with Ebay, wasn't sure where to post it, might as well do it here.....

A good customer of mine passed away recently very suddenly, quite a shock, I found out from his sister. He was an avid K & C collector, was of German decent, had about 150 WWII single German figures; generals, soldiers and some LAH as well.

I offered to sell the figures for his sister, would rotate the profits to her minus any fees, Ebay has been a great vehicle for me on vintage/retired items, all of which these are.

I understand their half assed rules; no Confederate flags, no German flags, no German leaders/personalities, no LAH with swastikas or banners/flags....................I took my own photos of the LAH figures with banners, hid the swastikas, did not display the flags but indicated in the listings they come with the figures..................they were all up for about a week; until yesterday.

I got a notification from Ebay that "A NUMBER of my listings have been taken down as they are offensive in content", my account was suspended for three days as well; first time offense, no warning, no nothing.

Pigs *** to that, so I rang them, got some ballbag on the phone who explained their policies, he took into account it's my first "offense" and reinstated my account..............oh, and he also went through my listings and pulled another 20 or so "offensive" figures.

So; where do you draw the line.......Egyptian dancing girls, A Barbarian holding up a Roman soldiers head, a Saracen killing a Crusader, ANY Confederate General or soldier, an indian scalping a 7th cavalry trooper................and remember the **** storm here over the Boxer figure killing a priest? Or what about WWII German generals.............or SS troops in where exactly do you draw the line?

How about if Ebay pulls ALL toy soldiers then as don't they portray war and appeal to "war mongers?".................

This PC/cancel culture/"woke"/"Karen" crap has got to stop...................what a world.

Bob; don't let the few and the moronic silence you/stifle your creativity and the passion and joy you have for your hobby.............share it with the rest of the world mate, we're all here for you...................
There is something mentally wrong with these woke clowns and we have to get rid of them. People need to vote out their leaders.

Bob: It's your right and privilege to bow away from posting your incredible depictions of past events of ACW military conflict. For the unenlightened and misinformed the subject of toy soldier collecting particularly in contentious conflicts (aren't they all?) is often given inaccurate narratives. We live in a present world of extremism whereby moderation and sound reasoning are currently on the back burner. I created a picture gallery on Pinterest. The subject: American Civil War Cavalry. I put a header on the board explaining in detail full disclosure that more or less rationalizes why I created the board. Here is the text of the opener:

"A virtual museum about the cavalry branch's of the Union and Confederate Armies during the American Civil War 1861-1865. It's a thoughtful display of the subject through the lens of men fighting on horseback in an intense conflict. It is important to portray the pins onto a visual motif to give this type warfare proper context. Please consider this board to be a well interpreted source of material on this subject. It is designed for educational and informational purposes."

Clever ,creative and enlightened people should understand that history is not subject to revision. Interpretations are open to opinion and conjecture but presenting gathered facts with proper evidence, documentation and verification is the essence of portrayal and reasonable explanation. Good luck in the future. Your art work has been very enjoyable to view.
Hi guys

All OK here from the land of blighty - make that "blight" as we are still in total lockdown.

Reason for wrapping up my threads has been the "Cancel Culture" that seems to have swept the UK and it would seem the US. As the Froggers on here are aware my interest and figure collections are solely ACW/Alamo and FIW eras. Consequently and unfortunately it became very obvious to me that over the last year or so my historical interests have become somewhat "Taboo" in particular the Confederacy what with tearing down or defacing the statues of Bobby Lee and other Southern dignitaries and damming their association with slavery. The subject has even caused a hell of a fuss here in the UK when Churchill's statue in Parliament Square was defaced with paint spelling out "racist". My collection of Native Americans and Mexicans would probably downstream attract the same diatribes. Like most of you on here what we all collect and display in dioramas is "history" but unfortunately there are a growing number of academics and talking heads demanding we hang our heads in shame for what our forbears undertook.

Therefore under the current climate to carry on relating the history of Lee/Grant/Longstreet/Sherman through dioramas I decided would become fraught with problems.

Stay safe guys and many thanks for remembering me

Bob still the UKReb but now undercover.:(

Hey Bob,

I just read this thread, "Say it ain't so, Bob!"

Wow, they've beat you...****!

Raise up the white flag of surrender and hideaway until they breakdown the door and expose you!

Okay, I didn't mean disrespect, because I love your work and it accuracy to history. I've been viewing your dioramas for years with envy of your talent.

All of us feel that we have to self censor or else. To do otherwise, would be viewed as courage or folly.

I choose the former.

I made this some years ago and don't plan to remove it. Maybe YouTube will some day.

Again Bob, I still respect you.

Thanks for the memories and I hope you continue.

Am I the only one who misses Bob's amazing dioramas, and wishes that we could just enjoy the history without being cancelled?{sm4}
There is something mentally wrong with these woke clowns and we have to get rid of them. People need to vote out their leaders.


Mark, unfortunately the idiots have been allowed to take over the asylum. Its what happens when you allow liberal lefties take control of our universities and learning facilities. Common sense and free speech comes with conditions these days apparently. Heaven forbid if you offend anyone now a days.

Bollocks to the lot of them I say......

'REB' come back to us mate, you're among friends here. :salute::
Hi Bob mate, sorry to see you stop posting pics. And thank you for earlier posts featuring you wonderfull displays
Hi guys

All OK here from the land of blighty - make that "blight" as we are still in total lockdown.

Reason for wrapping up my threads has been the "Cancel Culture" that seems to have swept the UK and it would seem the US. As the Froggers on here are aware my interest and figure collections are solely ACW/Alamo and FIW eras. Consequently and unfortunately it became very obvious to me that over the last year or so my historical interests have become somewhat "Taboo" in particular the Confederacy what with tearing down or defacing the statues of Bobby Lee and other Southern dignitaries and damming their association with slavery. The subject has even caused a hell of a fuss here in the UK when Churchill's statue in Parliament Square was defaced with paint spelling out "racist". My collection of Native Americans and Mexicans would probably downstream attract the same diatribes. Like most of you on here what we all collect and display in dioramas is "history" but unfortunately there are a growing number of academics and talking heads demanding we hang our heads in shame for what our forbears undertook.

Therefore under the current climate to carry on relating the history of Lee/Grant/Longstreet/Sherman through dioramas I decided would become fraught with problems.

Stay safe guys and many thanks for remembering me

Bob still the UKReb but now undercover.:(

Great shame we are no longer privileged to Bobs wonderful dioramas, for whatever reason. I have been inspired by those magical works for a long time. I find my self in a position now to deluge my interest in the Civil War, I will enjoy my interest and hobby here by posting images of what I enjoy and have an interest in creating because that is my desire. While appreciating others points of view I hold to no PC view of History. There are some normal old fashion standards I am mindful of when posting but I consider that common sense! I express no right or wrong of the war, or any conflict which the hobby covers or if it seems that one side or the other is posted more often, it will be because of available figures. Well that's my yearly rant! Post what you enjoy and PC be buggered! Hope you start posting again Bob.

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