The American Civil War Diaries (17 Viewers)

The figures in your photos look like their actually moving,actually in combat instead of figures standing there for a photo shoot.
The figures in your photos look like their actually moving,actually in combat instead of figures standing there for a photo shoot.

Mark - many thanks for your kind comments -Bobby Lee salutes you :salute::

Bob mate,
Absolutely bloody outstanding cobber. Hope to see you and Trudi in the Land Down Under soon.

Cheers Howard:salute::
All wonderful photos Bob, these should really be book illustrations and the dioramas themselves in American Museums. :salute:::salute:::salute:: You have a rare skill in bringing them to life. The explosions are fantastic, but for me the first photo really conveys urgency. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Bob mate,
Absolutely bloody outstanding cobber. Hope to see you and Trudi in the Land Down Under soon.

Cheers Howard:salute::

Thanks Howard and we'll be catching up with and Jen in God's country - down under - around November this year
Meanwhile Blue get in a few bottles of that Aussie Merlot ^&grin

Jackson's Last Fight: Chancellorsville - May 1863.

The Plan

Lee's plan was bold and audacious: Jackson was to take his entire Corps, travel west, and then cut north to attack the Union XI Corps, thus rolling up Hooker's line. Jeb Stuart's cavalry would screen Jackson's ten mile forced march

When Jackson rode away to execute the plan he and Lee parted for the last time

Thick dense and overgrown thickets screened the Southern troops advance as Jackson marched them at double quick time

With the alignment of his troops finally satisfying Jackson's exacting standard he quietly said to division commander Robert E Rodes "You can now go forward"

The Army of Northern Virginia's greatest moment had arrived. This most famous of Jackson's attack would be his last

The stunning Confederate onslaught totally shattered XI Corps. As they fled the field their ears were ringing with a chorus of blood-curdling Rebel yells

Great display full of your usual dynamism Bob :salute::

Planning a surprise attack

On the march

"The Rebs are here sir and advancing fast"

Hastily erected defences

"Forward Men!"

Over the top

"Hold the line"

Total Rout

As usual,Superb.Everything fits together, figures,terrain buildings,fences,etc..PERFECTION!{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
The Confederate High Tide

Garnett, Kemper and Armistead's brave but doomed assault up Cemetery Ridge

Just catching up on the new pic's Bob, superb as usual with plenty to see.

I think I've said it before but this is a amazing thread one of the best on this forum and never ceases to amaze me,I admire your discipline to stay on course and not get side tracked with other theatres of war.
Another outstanding offering of your historical and photographic genius Bob . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Incredible! I love the latest "Pickett's Charge" diorama. I have read that there was basically a wall of smoke between the Rebel and Union troops, and it looks like you did a good job of capturing that and the debris of battle.
Your ability to capture the moment is astounding.So much detail and all so well thought out.Well done that man.
everyone one of your scenes is so committed to detail...
I know how hard it is to do forest scenes...
especially to make them realistic looking...
you really excel at this...
a pleasure to view all these different set ups...

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