The American Civil War Diaries (18 Viewers)


It's a given that your work is outstanding beyond words! Every time I see your latest installment I get very excited to see it not just for the history lesson, but also to glean dio points, ideas and inspiration.

Mike Miller already complimented you on what a great job you did with this being a forest scene. I want to add that I can't help but notice how well you staged everything. You always do a perfect job in staging your dio's but this one looked very hard to do.

Specifically I'm referring to the mass group of soldiers. I think the way you arranged them makes the whole scene look authentic. Particularly those first 2 photos. When the eye catches all those soldiers fighting in mass surrounded by the detail work you did on the trees, debris, ground work, etc., it shows that you are a true master at not only telling the historical story but at dio making too.

Jackson and Longstreet at Sharpsburg

Federal batteries were pounding Jackson's position on the Dunker plateau. One of Jackson's aides Major Robert Dabney pointed to his right shouting to Jackson "Sir, Black Hats on our right flank" Jackson replied "Yes major, I am aware of the danger. Find General Hood and ask him to report to me"

Indeed Gibbon's Iron Brigade were forming up on the Confederate right

When Hood reached the plateau Jackson said "General Hood assemble your Texans with Law's brigade and support our line there and with the most immediacy sir"

The Texas Brigade needed no second orders and threw themselves at the hated "Black Hats"

Meanwhile: The Federal II Corps had flanked the Confederates out of Bloody Lane and had begun their advance. Near the Piper orchard Longstreet and his staff came across the battered 3rd Company of Washington Artillery who were trying to hold back the Yankees. The incoming fire from the enemy had felled a number of Reb gunners that had left one cannon unmanned. Longstreet immediately ordered his staff officers to man the silent gun.

Perhaps no more distinguished gun crew ever assembled on a Civil War battlefield for it included Maj John Fairfax; Maj. Moxley Sorrel; Major Thomas Walton and Lt Thomas Goree. Beside them spotting the effect of the fire sat Longstreet.

I'm so thankful that you keep this thread going!!!!

Always love being dazzled and amazed at the work I see in each new installment.

Keep up your great job of this incredible story telling of yours. What an awesome way for us to learn about the ACW!!

I'm so thankful that you keep this thread going!!!!

Always love being dazzled and amazed at the work I see in each new installment.

Keep up your great job of this incredible story telling of yours. What an awesome way for us to learn about the ACW!!


Thanks for the likes guys

And thankyou Mark for your continual kind comments. I think I have mentioned it before that its a bit unusual for a Brit to study your civil war "struggle" especially when one considers the amount of famous historical British military campaigns. But I do believe I got hooked on the subject whilst a teenager in college when I took out two books from the library - Crane's The Red Badge of Courage and the diary of Captain of the Coldstream Guards - Arthur Fremantle's book published under the title Three Months in the Southern States. at the time the only two books on the ACW I could locate in the UK. I remember it well because I got hauled into the Principal's study for keeping the books for six months without returning them - Oops! ^&grin ^&grin

June 1864:
Following the brutal battle at Spotsylvania and several days of inconclusive fighting along Totopotomoy Creek and Bethesda Church - Grant and his generals were more than frustrated. They needed to get Lee and his army out in the open and defeat them. Grant also needed to remove the seemingly mystic spell Lee had cast over the Army of the Potomac that "Old Bobby Lee was unbeatable" He needed a new plan.

Meanwhile Lee knew that he had to make Grant pay dearly for every mile he moved closer to Richmond and Lee had no intention of a full frontal battle or indeed being pinned down in the Confederate capital. Lee's was more than satisfied with his entrenchments which were intricate lines within lines.....

…….and lines protecting the flanks of lines

Grant weary of being blocked at every turn was still confident that he could beat Lee in one final battle. But this overconfidence and miscalculation would result in the most disastrous decision Grant would make in his military career

Later that evening Lee addressed his staff and told them "Time is our best weapon. General Grant's Overland Campaign has deeply reduced President Lincoln's chance for re-election this coming November"

Lee then said "Gentlemen if we can make the cost of Grant's offensive too high - Northern voters might accomplish what we cannot. A new political environment might just allow for a Southern independence"

On June 3rd 1964 Grant made his decision - his army would make a full scale frontal offensive on the Confederate lines near the small hamlet of Cold Harbor

To be bloodily concluded

Once again Bob, brilliantly done . . . Ole Butcher Grant is in for a surprise for sure . . .
:smile2: Mike
Amazing photos and great historical commetaries in the "june 1864".{sm3}
Hi guys

All OK here from the land of blighty - make that "blight" as we are still in total lockdown.

Reason for wrapping up my threads has been the "Cancel Culture" that seems to have swept the UK and it would seem the US. As the Froggers on here are aware my interest and figure collections are solely ACW/Alamo and FIW eras. Consequently and unfortunately it became very obvious to me that over the last year or so my historical interests have become somewhat "Taboo" in particular the Confederacy what with tearing down or defacing the statues of Bobby Lee and other Southern dignitaries and damming their association with slavery. The subject has even caused a hell of a fuss here in the UK when Churchill's statue in Parliament Square was defaced with paint spelling out "racist". My collection of Native Americans and Mexicans would probably downstream attract the same diatribes. Like most of you on here what we all collect and display in dioramas is "history" but unfortunately there are a growing number of academics and talking heads demanding we hang our heads in shame for what our forbears undertook.

Therefore under the current climate to carry on relating the history of Lee/Grant/Longstreet/Sherman through dioramas I decided would become fraught with problems.

Stay safe guys and many thanks for remembering me

Bob still the UKReb but now undercover.:(
Hi guys

All OK here from the land of blighty - make that "blight" as we are still in total lockdown.

Reason for wrapping up my threads has been the "Cancel Culture" that seems to have swept the UK and it would seem the US. As the Froggers on here are aware my interest and figure collections are solely ACW/Alamo and FIW eras. Consequently and unfortunately it became very obvious to me that over the last year or so my historical interests have become somewhat "Taboo" in particular the Confederacy what with tearing down or defacing the statues of Bobby Lee and other Southern dignitaries and damming their association with slavery. The subject has even caused a hell of a fuss here in the UK when Churchill's statue in Parliament Square was defaced with paint spelling out "racist". My collection of Native Americans and Mexicans would probably downstream attract the same diatribes. Like most of you on here what we all collect and display in dioramas is "history" but unfortunately there are a growing number of academics and talking heads demanding we hang our heads in shame for what our forbears undertook.

Therefore under the current climate to carry on relating the history of Lee/Grant/Longstreet/Sherman through dioramas I decided would become fraught with problems.

Stay safe guys and many thanks for remembering me

Bob still the UKReb but now undercover.:(


Why give in to a tiny minority? That is what they want; to determine their narrative. Their actions are akin to fascism.

The vast majority of people - I believe - are dismayed by the behaviour of the 'cancel mob'; Rowan Atkinson (aka Black Adder) said recently it was akin to medieval peasants with pitchforks !!!

No academic worth their sort would want to stifle debate and discussion. The few I hear spouting nonsense are pursing an ideological agenda (or to sell a book!!!), not an education / academic one.

The ACW is not a big interest of mine but I enjoy the story telling and massed formations of your dios. They are superb.

Keep on posting


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