The American Civil War Diaries (7 Viewers)

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Be very careful my Lord General I've a hunch the Texans under the guidance of the UKReb's have other plans for them Yankee blue coats. Great photos and story line gentleman and Bob I've no idea how to enlarge the wowee posted by KV and the best I can do is triple WOWEEE, WOWEEE, WOWEEE in small caps......The Lt.

Uhhhh Lt. They kin shoot them blue bellies to tarnayshun. Long as they stay clar o tah Irush.;)
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

The Reb regiments take up positions behind the low stone wall in front of the sunken road and await the Federal attack on the Confederate centre.

"Hey Billy Joe, Colonel reckons thems a bunch of Yankees on the way, if that be so I reckons this gonnabe better than an Alabamee hog shoot"

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

The Federal 2nd Corps advance at the double-quick to probe the Confederate centre unaware that at the top of the rise 3 Reb regiments of Rodes Division have moved forward and lie in wait behind the sunken road


Hearing the jangling equipment of the advancing Union troops Colonel John B Gordon mounts his horse and rides down the Confederate line rallying his troops by shouting "Now men now, and blast them all to hell".


With a blood curdling Rebel yell the Confederate regiments rose all along their line


Took careful aim at the fast approaching men in blue and............

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Just great UKReb Looks like us Yankees are in for it
Re: Antietam: Bloody Lane

The Reb regiments fired a lethal volley into the advancing Federal 2nd Corps who were no more than 10yards from the Reb line


The result of that first volley is devastating as the front lines of the Union troops are cut down like stalks of corn. One Union officer later wrote "When that first volley was fired across the sunken road you could have held out your hat and completely filled it with Reb minie balls"

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

UKReb, your photos would make great posters, you seem to know how to capture a charge, great stuff, Mike:)
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Them Johnny Reb's is sure givin them Yankee's a what's it for. Once again UKReb another outstanding piece of work.....The Lt.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Your dioramas are simply described as inspirational. Thanks for posting these, they really are amazingly detailed and like I believe all great dioramas should - they tell a story.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Really great stuff. I am getting inspired.

Wow! KV you of all people need little inspiration from me, for example you could easily post your excellent little glossy ACW campsite dio located on the "bored" thread to follow my shot with a title such as:- The 2nd Corps survivors or "D#mned if we're going to do that again"
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

He is right though - it is inspirational. I am already wondering how I can learn from your superb thread.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

I told you I was inspired:eek: The woods are thick with Rebs!

Gettysburg: The Third Day

Nine months after the stale-mate at Antietam Lee invaded the North again in June 1863. His Army of Northern Virginia met the Army of the Potomac in the quiet Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg on July 1st but this time Lee was determined to achieve a final decisive battle and totally destroy the Union army.

On the third day of the battle following two days of bitter and bloody fighting by repeated Confederate attacks on the right and left flanks of the Federal army
Lee makes the decision to charge the Union centre.


On Cemetery Hill Hancock's II Corps, Gibbons and Hays divisions and two of Doubleday's brigades watched in silence across the mile long field that seperated the two armies. Hancock looked at Gibbon and said "Relax General, there'll be no fighting here today the Old Gray Fox would not be foolish enough to attack our centre"


Back at the Confederate line General Longstreet whose Virginia Division had been chosen to lead the attack did not share Lee's enthusiasm of striking at the Federal centre. He decided that he must try to dissuade the Commanding General from his course of action.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Reb, Hope you do not mind. I was inspired by your efforts.
Gen'l Jackson points the way

And one of the Gentleman of the south leads his men to the attack

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

The two mighty Armies collide

An Union Bugler sounds the attack

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Standard Bearers charge gallantly against Southern strongholds

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Pretty cool cinematic battle by KV and UKREB. You should video it and put it on You-tube:)


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