Hopefully this post won't be deleted like my last two. In my humble opinion the popularity of the Zulu War Figures and the post and views on the forum come from the figures and sets that have been offered over the years by those who provided them and the way they attracted the attention of many on the forum in the photos in which they appeared. Granted the Movies Zulu and Zulu Dawn along with the many books written on the subject play an important part in their popularity but the figures themselves are the stars and leading factor of their popularity. It's nice seeing what's recently been done by all of the providers of the period and what's now headed our way along with what else they have in store for us. Now I'll return you to the other periods that been a added to the thread for discussion.........The Lt.
In common with you Joe, I have also had a contribution deleted from this thread.
Now, I want to make it perfectly clear here and now, I have no axe to grind or any hidden agendas with the individuals who own this site or the moderators who keep ALL the members in line. I could have been banned for life on a couple of occasions where I overstepped the mark in the sand in the past, but yet I continue to be allowed to post on this board – a pastime that I do in fact enjoy – (usually immensely).
However, the manner in which the rules of moderation are applied to certain posts by the administrators have always been, and indeed remain, a complete and utter mystery to me..??
My post was not detrimental, offensive, unpleasant, or negative in any way towards any individual, ethnic group, country or anything else – well, at least, not that I’m aware of. All I said – and this is from memory so I’m sure it’s not exact – “Other British Colonies such as [x] or [y] didn’t seem to have the same kind of wars with their indigenous populations as South Africa, although it would be interesting to see how a range depicting the Maori Wars might be received by collectors”. Like I say, I’m sure that’s not exact, but it was something like that I wrote anyway. (I’ve replaced the countries I originally used as an example with the letters x and y, just in case that was what caused the problem).
I then went on to praise the Britain’s Zulu War figures, stating that the 24th Foot was a wee bit ho-hum, but the Zulu figures were magnificent. Just my honest opinion, you understand.
Now, I’m not asking anyone to explain why my post was deleted. I’m only saying that, (to me), it’s inexplicable..?? And I’m now completely confused as to what is and what isn’t acceptable in a discussion about Toy Soldiers in general conversation.
I wanted to join in with what appeared to be an interesting discussion began by UKReb, that wasn't WWII-biased, but was in fact about the Anglo-Zulu War in general and miniature figurines depicting the same in particular, but it’s perfectly obvious that I must have offended someone (?) before my innocuous post was deleted.
Maybe it was some descendent of a member of the 24th Foot – Well okay then, the Britain’s 24th Foot are magnificent figures as well….!!!!
It’s completely beyond me folks.
I’m heading back to the Diorama, East of India, First Legion and Miscellaneous sections of this forum toot-de-sweet. I haven't had a single post deleted on those sections since I agreed to begin contributing here again on a regular basis.
Kindest Regards