no th eproblem is that i do not know all the english words,so that is why i write dig in,and i put it in " dig in" which do not mean literaly dig in in a hole.
It mean cover,this is take 5 minutes to take cover,prepare enough amunition.
When i say surronded i didnt mean that surronded with all people.I say that they need to surrond the exit from this place.I do not know how this place look like and neither than most of you anyway,but Custer was there and he should now.So what my "master plan " is that he should look for the exit from this vilage,because there was also woman and childreen the exit is where it can go large number of people,because some of them will go for them selves but the most of them will stay together(like buffalos) and they will try to escape together and there you should meet them,on their way out.How to make this is simple.You just look where the wind is blow,from which direction,fire the grsa(prarie),the wind will blow fire towards the indians,indians will try to escape on the other way,where you will meet them.If you have 600 soldiers,than you put 300 on foot to shoot at them and 150 cavalry on the left blank and another 150 cavalry to the right blank,for those who will change the direction after the soldiers shoot at them.Because when the indians will see that behind is immposible to go because of the fire,the front is also imposible to go because of the 300 soldiers,than some of them will go left or right and there the cavalry will meet them.It is simple,easy.
But if i was there i will be on the indians side anyway so we will win-off course.After this battle i will united all the tribes,and we will have large teritory to control.United all the tribes it will be around 20000 indians and more.Which will make one big village,than i will put 5000 wariors to search for the bufalos,fishes,deers,....so there is plenty food for all,than another 5000 indians i will sent to search for other indian tribes in the south and west and united with me(Apaches on the south,Nez Perce on the west,Comances on the south,....) with another 10000 indians i will atack forts,pioners,...so than the blue soldiers will need a lot of man like 5000-10000,and before they will arive our Apaches,Comanches,Nez Perce,...will also arrive so we will have around 50000 warior ready to fight and than the blue soldiers will be defetaed again and after that lost of 5000-10000 blue soldiers,they will think twice to attack us again.And we will united all the other tribes and we will have more than 100000 indians,control large of the land by us.Because there is a lot of land it will be also a lot of opurtunity to hunt,so there will be enough food,from all that killing blue soldiers we will have enough weapons,....blue soldiers will be scared because they lost too many people so they will have trouble to get more new soldiers and even if they get they will have people who just join in the army,with no military skill,AND WE WILL BE WAITING FOR THEM