Harry, at this rate you must have most of the current ranges of SOHK & IC

I'd need to check the catalogue but I think we have all the IC range now except IC06, the "Opera Soldier" and IC27, the "Chinese Gate" - neither of which has any great appeal for us. We don't have IC30, "Spear Practice", but I'll likely get it in May.
As for SOHK, we probably have around 90% of the available range apart from the facades. Still not sure if we'll get them.
So, with almost all the available items from these ranges obtained and keeping up with new releases being easy enough, it's been time to look around for a new era to collect. I really like K&C's Crusader/Saracen range, but we don't want more than around 50% of what's been available so far. I don't want more Napoleonics for the time being, apart from some specific sets that might compliment what we already have.
I like a lot of the WWI German figures but would like to avoid becoming too embroiled in this era unless K&C were to release some figures from the Middle East conflict - they would be irresistible.
WWII..?? I've decided it'll be Desert War only from now on, and even then, it'll be cherry-picked.
AE..?? Kind of got all the ones I wanted for the scenario we already have.
Alamo..?? I like what I see, but again, don't want to get bogged down in it, although I might get a few figures from this range that really appeal and offer some versatility, such as the new Mrs Dickinson figure.
So, apart from the occasional new K&C figures in the ranges we collect and the ones mentioned above, I've been looking at other manufacturers lately. You have to understand that whatever new ranges I get into, it's a pre-requisite that they have to appeal to THE BOSS as well. This one has already been addressed. Watch out for a couple of new threads being started end of May, beginning of June. And of course there's K&C UK's TRL range that'll hit us around June which is a must-have.
All of this depends on what the promised new ranges from K&C this year are going to be of course. I simply can't see myself not getting TRES excited at, say, Trojan War, Mongols, Boxer Rebellion or Pacific 1925 - 1942, for example.