The SOHK and IC and Anything Else Asian Thread (1 Viewer)


I wonder if Andy (K&C) reads this thread and could enlighten us? It wouldn’t be ‘Half priced K&C till Christmas’! would it? :D:D


I wonder if Andy (K&C) reads this thread and could enlighten us? It wouldn’t be ‘Half priced K&C till Christmas’! would it? :D:D


He'd better be looking in on this thread. I'm preparing my invoice for commission on increased sales as we speak.....:p:p:p
As for 1/2-priced K&C till Christmas.....Eureka - you've cracked the coded message in these ancient Chinese
symbols Jeff. But the small print at the botton says "Only for SOHK/IC collectors"....;);)
Meanwhile:- Madame Zhai's been caught on camera slipping out of the Local Police Station, where she's been reporting Mistaah And-Aaah-Saan for illegal residence in China cos he gave those two SOHK sets to The Heidette. Hmmm, she only had to wait around another six weeks until they're replaced....:confused::confused:
Nevaah, nevaah, cross a Chinese Lady - cos the nagging will have you begging for mercy....!!!!
PS. Think I'll have a go at repositioning her right hand so it faces in towards her body. That might hide the fact that the said hand is swollen - having had recent repeated high-velocity contact with my lug...!!!

Done it. It's not a great photo cos it's Dark-O-Clock at the moment here in North-East China so I had to use the flash. But I honestly think that turning the right hand in towards her body a wee bit has made a previously, somewhat "woodenly-posed" figure come alive and makes her stance much more natural. Its not evident in the photo, but her fingers curve away from the back of her hand to an extent that I've only ever seen Chinese Ladies able to do, and that just adds to the realism for me. Only have to mix up some flesh-coloured paint tomorrow and touch in where the paint has chipped a wee bit when I adjusted the hand position.
I'll post a better photo in the morning.

Thanks Rob.
The authentic Chinese accessories help to set off the displays pretty well, I think.
That's four separate SOHK/IC displays we have now. Two in the living room and two in the bedroom. If the natural light is any better tomorrow, I'll try and capture all four together.


Actually, it's five separate SOHK/IC Displays we have now. More photos on the way in the morning once I have some natural light to play with.

When I was a kid my old Granny used to take me to the movies on Saturday afternoons and her favourite- although I never understood them- was the Chinese Detective series Charlie Chan and his number one son.

Kinda reminds me of you and Jeff just of late:D:D

When I was a kid my old Granny used to take me to the movies on Saturday afternoons and her favourite- although I never understood them- was the Chinese Detective series Charlie Chan and his number one son.

Kinda reminds me of you and Jeff just of late:D:D


Yeah Reb, but which one of us is Mistaah Chan, and which one is Numbaah Wan Sun..?? :eek::eek:
Was that the Saturday afternoon matinees where you could get in by producing a couple of old jam jars or lemonade bottles perchance..?? My Great-Granny used to tell me about them....:D:D
Only kiddin'.

PS. Where's your continuation of the new ACW story. Come to think of it, where's the FIW story..?? Come on Bob, you can't get folk addicted and then put us through cold turkey.....can you..??

Cheers and Have a Good One
You've just gotta luv the guy in this set. You can see he's having a hard time. He knows the ladies are fleecing him for all his money, but he just can't figure out exactly how they're managing to cheat so consistently....Have I got news for him - they're in usual. :D:D:D
When I was a kid my old Granny used to take me to the movies on Saturday afternoons and her favourite- although I never understood them- was the Chinese Detective series Charlie Chan and his number one son.

Kinda reminds me of you and Jeff just of late:D:D


Cheers Reb.........I think? :confused:


You've just gotta luv the guy in this set. You can see he's having a hard time. He knows the ladies are fleecing him for all his money, but he just can't figure out exactly how they're managing to cheat so consistently....Have I got news for him - they're in usual. :D:D:D

Harry, at this rate you must have most of the current ranges of SOHK & IC :eek:

Harry, at this rate you must have most of the current ranges of SOHK & IC :eek:


Ummm....Yup. :):)
I'd need to check the catalogue but I think we have all the IC range now except IC06, the "Opera Soldier" and IC27, the "Chinese Gate" - neither of which has any great appeal for us. We don't have IC30, "Spear Practice", but I'll likely get it in May.
As for SOHK, we probably have around 90% of the available range apart from the facades. Still not sure if we'll get them.
So, with almost all the available items from these ranges obtained and keeping up with new releases being easy enough, it's been time to look around for a new era to collect. I really like K&C's Crusader/Saracen range, but we don't want more than around 50% of what's been available so far. I don't want more Napoleonics for the time being, apart from some specific sets that might compliment what we already have.
I like a lot of the WWI German figures but would like to avoid becoming too embroiled in this era unless K&C were to release some figures from the Middle East conflict - they would be irresistible.
WWII..?? I've decided it'll be Desert War only from now on, and even then, it'll be cherry-picked.
AE..?? Kind of got all the ones I wanted for the scenario we already have.
Alamo..?? I like what I see, but again, don't want to get bogged down in it, although I might get a few figures from this range that really appeal and offer some versatility, such as the new Mrs Dickinson figure.
So, apart from the occasional new K&C figures in the ranges we collect and the ones mentioned above, I've been looking at other manufacturers lately. You have to understand that whatever new ranges I get into, it's a pre-requisite that they have to appeal to THE BOSS as well. This one has already been addressed. Watch out for a couple of new threads being started end of May, beginning of June. And of course there's K&C UK's TRL range that'll hit us around June which is a must-have.
All of this depends on what the promised new ranges from K&C this year are going to be of course. I simply can't see myself not getting TRES excited at, say, Trojan War, Mongols, Boxer Rebellion or Pacific 1925 - 1942, for example.

Hi Harry, Your Wife And You Must Really Be Proud Of Your Collection, I Love Your Display Cabinet, I Don't Collect Streets Of Hong Kong, But Always Thought They Are One Of The Most Interesting,being That They Are Not Tied To A War Theme,also Love Your Wwii Dioramas, Looks Like You Been Collecting For Sometime....sammy
Hi Harry, Your Wife And You Must Really Be Proud Of Your Collection, I Love Your Display Cabinet, I Don't Collect Streets Of Hong Kong, But Always Thought They Are One Of The Most Interesting,being That They Are Not Tied To A War Theme,also Love Your Wwii Dioramas, Looks Like You Been Collecting For Sometime....sammy

Thanks for the kind comments Sammy. Yeah, we're both pretty much in love with SOHK/IC, so much so, we're going out soon to sniff around the local market again and see if we can pick up some more "accessories".
Having said that, I do want to get another WWII Winter dio completed before I have to return to Thailand. You know, work - that boring activity that gets in the way of our hobby - but does finance it.....:):):)
A wee scenario from Chinatown, Venice, Italy.

"Oranges Are Cheap Today",
"Cheaper Than Yesterday",
"Le Prugne Thay Sono Okay",
"Qui In Cina Relativa Un Bello Day".


Due to increasing concern about the amount of graft down in Old Wanchai, and the regular disappearance of raw materials, today's the day the downtrodden masses at "The Sweatshop Statue Factory" have been dreading. Yup, the authorities have sent in a task-force of Bean-Counters and declared that it's "AUDIT DAY"....:eek::eek:
The Evil Old Capitalist Factory Owner checks out Miss Houng as she converts the Head Accountant's calculations into shorthand, while the downtrodden artisans are just about to knock off for a while and partake of some refreshing and reviving Green Chai - before the Corruption Cops (sic) turn up and make mass arrests.




I just love The Evil Old Capitalist Factory Owner checking out Miss Houng as she converts the Head Accountant's calculations into shorthand - cos he's the spitting image of an old boss of mine who fits that description to a tee.....:eek::eek::D:D. Never mind, he'll get his just deserts come the revolution - Power to the People..!!
Mind you, that's a real bonny view at the back of the sweatshop the factory drones have ,while they're figuring out who's going to man the barricades come the glorious revolution.




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