"The Zulu War" (6 Viewers)

Lt., I was just looking at your Chaplin Smith figure, he would make a great guy handing out candy at my Moms Spooky Halloween setup. Great pics Lt., they get better each time, Mike:)
The defenders continue to struggle to survive.....The Lt.

Were was the gatlin gun when you needed it. One onslaught at a time, I guess the Zulu thought was to wear them down. Imagine what a good automatic would have done in the right hands. Would the Zulu had kept chargeing? Mike:)
Were was the gatlin gun when you needed it. One onslaught at a time, I guess the Zulu thought was to wear them down. Imagine what a good automatic would have done in the right hands. Would the Zulu had kept chargeing? Mike:)

Good Grief! Oh I should hope not! One rather hopes that indigent tribes would respect modern weaponry old boy.;)
Good Grief! Oh I should hope not! One rather hopes that indigent tribes would respect modern weaponry old boy.;)

I don't know KV, look at how the US, French, and British charged the Germans MG's in the modern era of WWI. Makes me wonder how many Zulu would have kept chargeing. Remember in the movie Zulu, when the Zulu were getting mowed down, and they were just counting the British guns.Mike:eek:
I don't know KV, look at how the US, French, and British charged the Germans MG's in the modern era of WWI. Makes me wonder how many Zulu would have kept chargeing. Remember in the movie Zulu, when the Zulu were getting mowed down, and they were just counting the British guns.Mike:eek:

My point exactly old chum! Bloody fools should head in the other direction poste haste! No respect what so ever!
Thanks panda1gen I've been enjoying yours. Having gotten a little rest Trophy now returns to the defending of the Drift as the hand to hand fighting continues......The Lt.



I've replaced my Conte Wagons with my new Frontline ones adding my scatched mealie bags and a few biscuits boxes and used most of my Frontline figures for the photo shoot.........The Lt.





I've replaced my Conte Wagons with my new Frontline ones adding my scatched mealie bags and a few biscuits boxes and used most of my Frontline figures for the photo shoot.........The Lt.
Does anyone know if the wagons were not tipped over as shown in the movie Zulu?:confused:
Does anyone know if the wagons were not tipped over as shown in the movie Zulu?:confused:

Stephen the wagons were not tipped over as shown in the movie they appeared as shown in the photos above reinforced using mealie bags and biscuit boxes......The Lt.

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