"The Zulu War" (3 Viewers)

That is a cool display. Like I have said before there is a definite benefit to focusing a colelction. Please could you post some other views of the collection. I don't recognize all the figures so a few labels would really be great.

Here's a view of some of the "Native and Colonial Ikea" Mike


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They're everywhere! Actually they are all staging for combat in my spare bedroom. My new issue is our new puppy, who can get up and grab several figures at a time:mad:
I'm thinking of using Carigan600 's "F" word:eek:


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Thanks for sending along the additonal photo Mike you'd have no problem in lauching all 5 Colums of the first Invations or Launching to two division of the second. Boy would I love to have them on hand to play with and thanks for sharing your collection.....The Lt.

Sure good use some support from the troops you've got on RR...The Lt.


Sure good use some support from the troops you've got on RR...The Lt.


As usual Joe, fabulous playtime! I can just see you sitting back enjoying your coffee and the morning sun, or is it dusk in the photo? Great natural light, wish I had THAT in my basement. Please give pedigree on the kraal rock wall!! Looks good...Need some rock walls Mike
Thanks Njja, 1879 and Spitfrnd for your commnts. Mike the walls are from Dept 56 and Spitfrnd the Zulus are all Conte plastics the figures of the 24th Foot are metal of which a few sets I have are by ANI with the balance of them my painted gloss figures by Hinchliffe, and Monarch copied Hinchcliffe figures which includea number I've converted.The Lt.
I follow along with all your wonderful photos, and I must admit more then once I have found myself peering at the Zulu War sets on Treefrog!

Wife has informed me that if one more new series appears she's going to start listing items when I'm not looking.

I do have one neat set of troopers with a few Zulu's attacking from many
years ago. I'll have to take a couple of photos so maybe someone could identify it.

Its really a terrific series to collect.

I follow along with all your wonderful photos, and I must admit more then once I have found myself peering at the Zulu War sets on Treefrog!

Wife has informed me that if one more new series appears she's going to start listing items when I'm not looking.

I do have one neat set of troopers with a few Zulu's attacking from many
years ago. I'll have to take a couple of photos so maybe someone could identify it.

Its really a terrific series to collect.


Looking forward to seeing to the photos Njja. Here's another featuring a Colour Sergeant of the 1/24th Foot fighting for his life....The Lt.


Nice of you to want to see my photos. I have had these figures for atleast

a dozen years. I bought this set and the set next to it at attention at a toy

show here in Atlanta. Hope you can see them ok, so I don't have to dig them

out of the display case!:eek:



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Nice of you to want to see my photos. I have had these figures for atleast

a dozen years. I bought this set and the set next to it at attention at a toy

show here in Atlanta. Hope you can see them ok, so I don't have to dig them

out of the display case!:eek:


Thanks for the photos Njja and they turn out fine......The Lt.

Do they look familiar to you? Any idea who they might have been made by?
All ashore!!
Unloading more supplies on the banks of the Thulega River before Fts. Tenedos and Pearson get going. Pretty soon there will be a fort on both sides of the river, manned by Naval Brigade and Infantry Companies. But first the stuff has to land by boat on the Natal side.This sloop is my new acquistion from the Shore for $10. Chelmsform did'nt have to reach deep into the Crown purse on this one, and the Lt gets some badly need supplies. Too bad it won't matter:( Mike


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All ashore!!
Unloading more supplies on the banks of the Thulega River before Fts. Tenedos and Pearson get going. Pretty soon there will be a fort on both sides of the river, manned by Naval Brigade and Infantry Companies. But first the stuff has to land by boat on the Natal side.This sloop is my new acquistion from the Shore for $10. Chelmsform did'nt have to reach deep into the Crown purse on this one, and the Lt gets some badly need supplies. Too bad it won't matter:( Mike

Nice diorama. I need to learn how to make landscapes for my figures, I get envious everytime I see all of the great dioramas. My poor figures just sit in my display cabinet. I need to learn how to create landscapes one day.

Start your passion for dioramas by going through the diorama and how-to sections of this forum. These guys know how to so stuff, and more importantly, know how to write well so you understand what to do. Or you can head outside and take some landscape photos with guys on rocks or in the tall grass. How about a Zulu squad slithering through the long stuff next to the Jungle Gym!? Mike
Nice find 1879 and good advise given along with another great photo.

Seems the 1st/24th won't be around to take advanged of the supplies you've provided........The Lt.


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