"The Zulu War" (7 Viewers)

Gee Lt., those were some brave war correspondents! I'm not even going to ask how they got behind Zulu lines, but how did they survive getting trampled by those 17th Lancers?:eek::D:p
Gee Lt., those were some brave war correspondents! I'm not even going to ask how they got behind Zulu lines, but how did they survive getting trampled by those 17th Lancers?:eek::D:p

Louis it was a Zulu photographer who then switch cameras and caught the next shot in living color.....The Lt.

Lancer are unleashed from the British Square at Ulundi against a group of Zulu Warriors....The Lt.

Returning to The Zulu War and it's Heros of the Mission Station at Rorke's Drift

Lieutenant John Rouse Marriott Chard of the Royal Engineers 5th Company Commanding Awarded The Victoria Cross


Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead Commanding B Compay 2nd Battalion 24th Regiment of Foot Awarded The Victoria Cross


Others to Follow
Returning to The Zulu War and it's Heros of the Mission Station at Rorke's Drift

Lieutenant John Rouse Marriott Chard of the Royal Engineers 5th Company Commanding Awarded The Victoria Cross


Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead Commanding B Compay 2nd Battalion 24th Regiment of Foot Awarded The Victoria Cross


Others to Follow

Joining Chard and Bromhead

Surgeon BA MB ChB James Henry Reynolds of The Army Medical Department and Army Hospital Corps Awarded The Victoria Cross


James Langley Dalton Acting Assitant Commissary of The Army's Commissary and Transportation Department

Men from the HMS Shah have supplies for the Lt.. Upon hearing the devastating new of Isandhlwana, the Captain of HMS turned around from a homeward journey, against orders, to lend some much needed help to Lord Chelmsford by landing a several hundred bluejackets, Gatling guns and artillery near Durban. This launch crew has supplies on board and is looking for a dart through the surf to reach the beach on the Natal Coast
(Pedigree-repainted Dorset crew from Crimea series and carved out ex-sailing hull) The ratings from the Shah were the only members of the Naval Brigade in the Zulu War to wear straw tennet hats with the ship name stitched on a blue wrap around the rim. Mike


  • Picture 0031.JPG
    Picture 0031.JPG
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:eek: That looks seriously good Mike. The LT will be pleased that supplies are on the way. Can I ask what you used to create the water?


Appreciate it "Magic water" is what its called... and blue testors enamel mixed with silicone at about 14' DEEP. I even included Jersey Shore sand on the beach side! Mike
Yes, nicely done on the water, there, Mike! The Jersey beach sand is a nice touch, too. I get mine at Ocean City. Just watch out for the needles! :eek:

Hey, Hey, Hey Brad! No medical wastage here. Finely sequestered via kid's pail and shovel. I'll post another picture when I can of the water . It looks great from above. I'm thinking of an Indianapolis diorama theme:D:p:eek::(:rolleyes: Mike

Thanks for the badly needed supplies for my next trek into Zulu Land. Very nicely done Mike and looking forward to your next photo....The Lt.
Hey, Hey, Hey Brad! No medical wastage here. Finely sequestered via kid's pail and shovel. I'll post another picture when I can of the water . It looks great from above. I'm thinking of an Indianapolis diorama theme:D:p:eek::(:rolleyes: Mike


I thought I saw a dentist in boat behind the whaleboat, with some garbage bags, what a chucklehead that guy was!

An Indianapolis dio would be cool, don't forget Quint--"I'll never put on a life jacket again!"

Brad, Scott, Joachim, Joe and Friends,
Here is another shot of the HMS supply launch. I wish you could see it in real life. I love it and only took a couple hours. I can also use it for any other beach/surf scenes. I did homogenize, pasteurize and sterilize the NJ shore beach sand at Brad's request. Mike


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    Picture 045s.JPG
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Great shot Mike.......looks like it's "full steam" ahead to LT's zululand with the supplies. Fantastic job !!!
Great shot Mike.......looks like it's "full steam" ahead to LT's zululand with the supplies. Fantastic job !!!

Second that Scott and looking forward to seeing what else Mike puts together using the water way again.......The Lt.
I like the way this photo came out and thought I'd share it without cropping it.


and showing it cropped


I like the 1st photo for it's over all effect.......The Lt.
Assitant Commissary Dalton rushes to join Lt. Chard while the Reverend Smith hands a packet of ammo to Colour-Sergeant Borne as Private Hook joins Coporal Schiess whose just fired his pistol.......The Lt.

Like the pics! Especially the minister with the ammo! "I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." :D

Keep posting pics!

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