"The Zulu War" (4 Viewers)

And it ends at the Wagon Park...The Lt.

Returning to the Drift Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead calls out to Corporal Allen and Private Hitch to come forward with the ammo as the defenders of the north wall begin to run low on ammo........The Lt.

Returning to the Drift Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead calls out to Corporal Allen and Private Hitch to come forward with the ammo as the defenders of the north wall begin to run low on ammo........The Lt.


Who makes those?:confused::D
The Lt. has a lovely collection of these Frontline figures. Of with a location of??? , It's against my better judgement to tell you!:p
Also Frontline has a couple wagon sets that are superb...it's hard to get a matte 1879 wagon these days. Mike
Britians makes the Wagon in there Gloss version of Zulu War. I just sprayed mine with a matte finish takes the glossy look out of it perfectly.
Based on research I posted this back in May on some information on the wagon colors. Most were green body with red wheels. ID flags were flown above in the following colors.
RED = Ammunition waggon

BLUE = Commissariat waggon

RED over WHITE (diagonally divided) = Staff waggon

RED over BLUE (diagonally divided) = Royal Artillery waggon

RED over FACING COLOUR (diagonally divided) = Waggon attached to an Imperial Regiment; red over green = 24th Regt. etc

RED over YELLOW (diagonally divided) = Waggon to a colonial unit

RED CROSS on a WHITE field = Hospital waggons and ambulances.
Britians makes the Wagon in there Gloss version of Zulu War. I just sprayed mine with a matte finish takes the glossy look out of it perfectly.

Oh my God! Jag, you did not just mattify the beautiful Britains gloss wagon!?
You will need to report to the Lt. forthwith for twenty
lashes of the cat-o'-nine at noon with the other nare-do-wells!:eek: I hope you learn your lesson after the lashings and never muck with the gloss again!
I would be nice to have a matte wagon, but having said that I think Pierre posted a pic of a matte figure in the gloss wagon and it didn't look out of place.
To date I find the Frontline wagons the best available on the market for the money.....The Lt.

Are the frontline wagons still available? Actually is the entire series retired? :confused:
Are the frontline wagons still available? Actually is the entire series retired? :confused:

Don't think so. Theyre on e-bay at $108 in the buyitnow section with figures.
One is being overturned for defence.. one is being unloaded. Punch in "Frontline Zulu". Mike
Good morning LT. I have been admiring your pictures. Great use of a backdrop - really adds depth and realism to your pics. After looking at these I feel like watching my DVD copy of Zulu - always one of my favorite movies. Thanks for sharing -

Privates John Smith, Robert Norris and Thomas Stevens manning the barricade in front of the Hospital..........The Lt.

Private Frederick Hitch joins fellow members of B Company and turns asking for a packet or two of ammo.....The Lt.


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