"The Zulu War" (5 Viewers)

A sincere thank you! I love the depth of the scene. You really pull it off facing the figures away, while we all have them front and center! I don't think they need any practice in Pearson's Column. Didn't a young bombardier get mentioned in dispatches for landing a couple right into some homesteads? These, as you well know, are the ancestors of the current MLRS platforms of today!

Now if we could have had that at Isandlwana;)


One for Mike(1879fanatic);)

Following on from the disaster at Isandlwana where Major Russell’s Rocket Battery had only managed to fire 1 or 2 rockets before being overwhelmed the order is given for more practice before the march to relive Fort Eshowe. Here three 9 pr Hale’s Rockets are about to be demonstrated to a group of Army and Navy officers




Martyn--this is a masterpiece!!!!

Assistant Commiissary Walter A, Dunne along with Trooper Henry Lugg of the Natal Mounted Police face off against a group of on rushing Zulu Warriors.....The Lt.


Those new guys are really good looking, and I mean the Zulus as well! Nice picture!
Assistant Commiissary Walter A, Dunne along with Trooper Henry Lugg of the Natal Mounted Police face off against a group of on rushing Zulu Warriors.....The Lt.


Those are some sharp looking spears:eek::eek:...but the Henry Martini, and carbine are more scary!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Yeah c'mon Martyn, we know you have the hospital :D

And Scott in the event you hadn't noticed he also acquired a set or two or three of WBritain's mealie bag walls which he's had the Trophy Defenders behind them in front of his Commissary Storehouse and the newer sets shown in the report from the Mich Show I'm sure will push him over the edge....The Lt.
And Scott in the event you hadn't noticed he also acquired a set or two or three of WBritain's mealie bag wall which he's had the Trophy Defenders behind them in front of his Commissary Storehouse and the newer sets shown in the report from the Mich Show I'm sure will push him over the edge....The Lt.

AH YES !!! I do remember seeing those photos, lovely they were.
And Scott in the event you hadn't noticed he also acquired a set or two or three of WBritain's mealie bag wall which he's had the Trophy Defenders behind them in front of his Commissary Storehouse and the newer sets shown in the report from the Mich Show I'm sure will push him over the edge....The Lt.

AH YES !!! I do remember seeing those photos, lovely they were.

And the limited edition from Modelzone has a 24th figure standing on the bags


and Modelzone have a shop in the town next to mine, Guildford:D

Does anyone have these figures?


And the limited edition from Modelzone has a 24th figure standing on the bags


and Modelzone have a shop in the town next to mine, Guildford:D

Does anyone have these figures?



LOl no I don't have it but I wouldn't mind getting one. Trouble is postage and duties.
Martyn if I'm not mistake Jagdpanter has the set and was very pleased with it. It's one piece set of figures that are not removeable from the mealiebag wall. I'm sure they'll blend in nicely with yourmealiebag walls very nicely.................The Lt.
Captain Younghusband commanding C Company of the 1st/24th was sent by Lt. Colonel Pulleine to cover the retreat of Captain Mostyn F Company along with Capatain's Cavaye E Company finds himself soon to be caught in the Horns of the Bull.....The Lt.


Another couple of great pics LT. I can just imagine the chap with the ammo box saying to himself, "Aw s**t!"

Captain Younghusband commanding C Company of the 1st/24th was sent by Lt. Colonel Pulleine to cover the retreat of Captain Mostyn F Company along with Capatain's Cavaye E Company finds himself soon to be caught in the Horns of the Bull.....The Lt.



Excellent, I love it;)


Captain Younghusband commanding C Company of the 1st/24th was sent by Lt. Colonel Pulleine to cover the retreat of Captain Mostyn F Company along with Capatain's Cavaye E Company finds himself soon to be caught in the Horns of the Bull.....The Lt.



I think the Zulus got upset when they found out that Company C were cheering for the Cardinals. The Zulus are well known Steeler fans.:D
The Zulus are on their way.


Looks like an unfortunate ending for this poor chap as the Zulu begin to close in.


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