"The Zulu War" (7 Viewers)

Lt., it looks like pretty soon. your gonna have to fall back and form a shooting line. I still don't know what you did to tick them off. Battle On, Mike.
Chard, Bromhead, Dalton and Colour Sgt. Bourne are planning on it ...The Lt.
Hi Lt,

I dont suspose you have anyshots from the windows or of the interior of your Hospital? Good show!

David and Mike....Both Bromhead and Chard lead an assult to draw the Zulus away from the Hospital and it seems to be working as the Zulus turn to face their attackers....The Lt.


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Although continuing to take on heavy casulaties the Zulus are determined to destory B Company along with Chard and Bromhead.........The Lt.


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Hi Lt,

I dont suspose you have anyshots from the windows or of the interior of your Hospital? Good show!


Dave currently planning on creating the interior of the hospital building one room at a time with fixtures. On the hunt for the fixtures and in the planning stages of preparing each room....The Lt
B Company stands fast as Bromhead in the last photo with sword and rifle in hand shouts "HOLD THEM"....The Lt.


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Lt., that would be a great idea. Hobby Bunker has the western furniture, that might help with chairs. Popsicle sticks can be made into bunkbeds. That will be something to see. If you need any help, don't be affraid to ask. The people in this hobby love to share their talents. Battle On, Mike.
Thanks Mike and will more than likely seeking your help.......The Lt.
The Zulus are relentless in their determination to destory the defenders but as you can see B Company continues to hold on........The Lt.


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Good to see these nice dioramas.
As it's the first time I run into a all zulu war topic on a forum I would like to ask some questions;

I've been interested in the zulu war some time now and would like to make a diorama.
I have a few A call to arms and Conte sets as well as Britains 'holding the line part 1' and 'Durnfords last stand' sets.

With Corgi starting a zulu war range at the beginning of 2007, what to collect up till then?
I've seen on these boards that Trophy is out of business but Little Legion might be ok. However I don't have too much to spend so I won't buy them to try them. LL's online catalog features tiny grainy pics.

Is there any guide to compare the different (available) figures Size/paint/detailwise?

I'll probably buy some Tradition figures to paint myself to beef up the ranks.
For those interested in homecasting; Dutkins sells several zulus and brits, which i don't really like, but they do have one zulu that actually looks great and has a smooth rectangular base instead of the textured one. looks very toysoldier-ish and out of place in their lineup. http://www.dutkins.com/catalog/photos/LA/2406.JPG
The photo is bad (bad angle and bended shield) but it's really nice in person.

Oh yes, which gatling gun (army version) should I hunt down? Trophy, Britains or LL (or some version i don't know of:))

Thanks Joachim

Welcome to this Forum. I can't answer most of your questions but I thought somebody had said somewhere that new owners might restart the Trophy line.

Welcome to this Forum. I can't answer most of your questions but I thought somebody had said somewhere that new owners might restart the Trophy line.

Joachim, greetings.

Funny thing Brad. I was talking to Ken Jackson of Maision Militaire as while ago and he said that when he bought the Trophy range there was nearly 5000 different castings most of which hadn't got any indentification of what was in each mould (each mould contains up to 12 figures). He would have to cast each silicone mould to find this out. He hopes to restart Trophy range some time in the future but didn't give any time scales due to the huge task involved.

Thats very interesting,i bought many trophy miniatures in years gone by and would be interested in more if they are reproduced.Will look out for announcements in the future.


How are you? I hope your back isn't giving you too much problem today. Have you seen the Traction Engines that Trophy made? I saw these at the Guards Toy Soldier Shop in London the other week, amazing....one was pulling a wagon with a howizter on tow!

Hi Jeff how are you mate? I'm afraid i'm still house bound and a bit fed up,but there you go theres a lot of people a lot worse off than me, so i can't moan.I havn't seen those Traction engines.I am meant to be going into London soon so will check them out.I really like the sound of the one towing the Howitzer.

Joachim I've just finished taking a few photos that should answer most of your question and help you to decide which way to go.

The 1st Zulu appearing in the photos is from New Hope Design followed by one from Tradition then Conte, Trophy and Little Legion. The New Hope and Tradition Figures appear in Duskin Catalog as Kits.

Photos 2 & 3 show figures from Tradition, Conte's Metal & Plastic, Trophy and Little Legion.

Photo 4 is from Traditions Kit 401/1

Photo 5 is showing Little Legions Set Z/31 Schiess and Zulu Attacker giving you a larger photo of the set and it's quality and appears on his site.

Traditions individual Kits vs their set. You'll find that in the long run your better off purchasing any one of the following Sets of 8 vs the Kits. Set 401 and 403 are their 24th Foot while 402 and 404 are of the Zulus. You'll find that the set are available at The Hobby Bunker and can view their photos.

I've also have Britians Holding the Line sets 1 & 2 Along with Durnfords Last Stand and have found slightly smaller over all but blend in well when shown in various scenes.

Hope both the photos and comments will help guide you in deciding what to add to your collection.........The Lt.


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Hi Joachim,

Welcome to the forum. You picked a great era to collect and I am sure the choices will make you crazy. I will tell you that Britains and Frontline make or made some really great sets and if you can get them the older frontline glossy sets are great looking! I would probably advise you to look for the Britains Gatling gun it is still comes up on ebay for reasonable prices. The old Tropy sest still show up on Ebay too so thats a good place to look for them. I will tell you that the Lt whose thread this is will be able to advise you best but I really like the Britains Rorkes Drift sets.

Good luck

I've said in the past a pictures worth a thousand words. Trophy, Conte, and Little Legion make up the following scene...........The Lt.

That is brilliant,simply stunning.Many congrats on your excellant work


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