Good to see these nice dioramas.
As it's the first time I run into a all zulu war topic on a forum I would like to ask some questions;
I've been interested in the zulu war some time now and would like to make a diorama.
I have a few A call to arms and Conte sets as well as Britains 'holding the line part 1' and 'Durnfords last stand' sets.
With Corgi starting a zulu war range at the beginning of 2007, what to collect up till then?
I've seen on these boards that Trophy is out of business but Little Legion might be ok. However I don't have too much to spend so I won't buy them to try them. LL's online catalog features tiny grainy pics.
Is there any guide to compare the different (available) figures Size/paint/detailwise?
I'll probably buy some Tradition figures to paint myself to beef up the ranks.
For those interested in homecasting; Dutkins sells several zulus and brits, which i don't really like, but they do have one zulu that actually looks great and has a smooth rectangular base instead of the textured one. looks very toysoldier-ish and out of place in their lineup.
The photo is bad (bad angle and bended shield) but it's really nice in person.
Oh yes, which gatling gun (army version) should I hunt down? Trophy, Britains or LL (or some version i don't know of

Thanks Joachim