Things that annoy me (15 Viewers)

I go inside too. You always have to pull up and wait until they bring it out to you anyway.
I go inside too. You always have to pull up and wait until they bring it out to you anyway.

With my luck, I'll try that.............and get behind the one human on the planet who's never been to McDonalds and is standing there studing the menu trying to figure out what they want.

Never fails.
I go to McDonalds maybe two or three times a year to eat, it's either on the way home from a toy soldier show or coming back from buying a collection when I'm in a hurry, I always go through the drive through.

It never, as in ever fails; I get behind a minivan with a soccer Mom or Dad taking the kids for a meal and as in the case yesterday, they drop 65.00 and it takes forever to get my food.

Just another reason to avoid McDonalds.

I go inside to order when there are 6+ cars in the drive thru. Usually the only one at the counter. I've seen cars lined up thru the parking lot to the road for the drive thru. Don't understand that.
I go inside to order when there are 6+ cars in the drive thru. Usually the only one at the counter. I've seen cars lined up thru the parking lot to the road for the drive thru. Don't understand that.

Soccer Mom and Dad in their economical van were the only people in line ahead of me............65.00 and about 10 minutes later, there were 10 cars behind me and I was ready to blow a head gasket.

And I love the way the clambrain at the window hands people one drink at a time; so no trays to put all 4 drinks into it to save time then huh?
The western states claiming they are in an end of the world drought situation one week, then having flooding the next week. Repeat endlessly. Multiple years' worth of rain is about to fall on California. Of course, they never pursue a proactive solution like using the Pacific Ocean to obtain their water instead of relying on the whims of nature.
When an online store shows a figure in stock but after I order it and pay, they do not have it in stock or the figure is retired and out of production.
But it takes the store weeks to refund my payment!!!!
When an online store shows a figure in stock but after I order it and pay, they do not have it in stock or the figure is retired and out of production.
But it takes the store weeks to refund my payment!!!!

I thought the shopping cart feature is foolproof, the quantity on hand is shown via the cart and once it sells out, it sets to 0 in stock?

Awhile ago I had someone busting my balls on this forum because I don't have a shopping cart feature and they're not going to bother emailing me or calling me to place an order, too much work, I need to get with the times.

Well, I've never had someone pay me for something I don't have, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
I thought the shopping cart feature is foolproof, the quantity on hand is shown via the cart and once it sells out, it sets to 0 in stock?

Awhile ago I had someone busting my balls on this forum because I don't have a shopping cart feature and they're not going to bother emailing me or calling me to place an order, too much work, I need to get with the times.

Well, I've never had someone pay me for something I don't have, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

You are right George, Treefrog is not one of the stores that this happened to me. I ordered from the same store rarely and this is the third time this happened.
The authorities in PA suggesting that the recent house explosion might be related to the hot water heater. That house went up like Hiroshima. Nothing left but a smoldering hole in the ground. If a hot water heater can do that kind of damage, the military should start using them in combat.
A house blew up in Buena NJ right around the corner from where one of my co-workers live. 2 adults,2 children dead. 2 children critical. Supposedly they had all these chemicals to make fireworks but I have my doubts about that.
A house blew up in Buena NJ right around the corner from where one of my co-workers live. 2 adults,2 children dead. 2 children critical. Supposedly they had all these chemicals to make fireworks but I have my doubts about that.

Jeez, that's terrible! Chemicals for fireworks,in other words Gunpowder. Some people just don't take things seriously in keeping it out of the reach of children and of course, kids being kids they're going mess about.Shame.
You should have seen the list of items they found in a car and a outbuilding. A lot for fireworks but some things not for that.
You should have seen the list of items they found in a car and a outbuilding. A lot for fireworks but some things not for that.

Mmmm, does sound like something not quite right, was going on there !
Well you can tell it's getting election time again as the halfwits are talking masks and lockdowns.
Fast food restaurants and gas stations that assume I want to hear country music blaring while I'm there. Chris
I'm probably repeating myself, but, people who drive slow in the passing lane. Especially the sh-theads who don't get the hint when you pass them on the right. When a lot of drivers pass them on the right.

People who don't pay attention at stop signs or red lights, and don't go when they should. Though there is one mitigation for this, that their vehicles have an idle stop, to save the planet. If it's engaged, it will take a couple seconds for the vehicle to move. I turn mine off.

People who edge forward a couple of times at a red light, then sit when it turns green.

People who pull into the middle of the intersection on a green, as opposing traffic goes through. Where you going when the fire truck comes roaring through, bright boy?

People who don't know how to use a traffic circle. You voted for the idiots who approved 'em, but you don't know how to use 'em? Great. This is why democracy does not work.

People who don't pull over into an empty left lane, to let someone merge from an onramp. Thanks, a$$h0le!

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