Things that annoy me (12 Viewers)

The LA Times has a story today about all the mistakes that are being made by pharmacies. They estimate that around 10K Americans die every year after receiving the wrong prescription. And that's only the ones they know about. Countless others could die and the mistake never comes to light. Similar circumstance with hospitals. All these places are now understaffed compounding the problem. I know kids out of high school that are working in a local pharmacy.

Seems to be a problem with people studying, qualifying and working as Pharmacists all over, there definitely is a problem around here with ones shutting down or limiting hours.
Two states (to begin with), and Wash DC are banning the purchase, and use, of small engine lawn equipment such as leaf blowers and lawn mowers.
People who ride bicycles on the road creating a hazard to themselves and drivers. Absolutely insane that people are allowed to ride on roads where cars are buzzing by at 50 MPH. Here they ride on single lane roads with no shoulders. Often in large groups. You have to stop or take your chances passing them on blind curves or hills. The bicycling uniform also annoys me. I see overweight middle-aged men in those skin tight suits. Not a good look. The bicyclists also seem to think they own the road. Everyone else has to look out for them. I was in Amsterdam this summer and pedestrians take their lives in their hands when walking there. Bicycles rocket through the intersections and narrow streets with small children hanging on. At least they don't wear the biking outfits.
People who ride bicycles on the road creating a hazard to themselves and drivers. Absolutely insane that people are allowed to ride on roads where cars are buzzing by at 50 MPH. Here they ride on single lane roads with no shoulders. Often in large groups. You have to stop or take your chances passing them on blind curves or hills. The bicycling uniform also annoys me. I see overweight middle-aged men in those skin tight suits. Not a good look. The bicyclists also seem to think they own the road. Everyone else has to look out for them. I was in Amsterdam this summer and pedestrians take their lives in their hands when walking there. Bicycles rocket through the intersections and narrow streets with small children hanging on. At least they don't wear the biking outfits.

Last week 12 bikers doing 100+ while the speed limit is 55. Weaving through cars and almost causing multiple collissions.
Had to pull to the side of the road, terrible relay.
People who ride bicycles on the road creating a hazard to themselves and drivers. Absolutely insane that people are allowed to ride on roads where cars are buzzing by at 50 MPH. Here they ride on single lane roads with no shoulders. Often in large groups. You have to stop or take your chances passing them on blind curves or hills. The bicycling uniform also annoys me. I see overweight middle-aged men in those skin tight suits. Not a good look. The bicyclists also seem to think they own the road. Everyone else has to look out for them. I was in Amsterdam this summer and pedestrians take their lives in their hands when walking there. Bicycles rocket through the intersections and narrow streets with small children hanging on. At least they don't wear the biking outfits.

You sound like my wife. It doesn’t take much to get her going on this issue.
People who ride bicycles on the road creating a hazard to themselves and drivers. Absolutely insane that people are allowed to ride on roads where cars are buzzing by at 50 MPH. Here they ride on single lane roads with no shoulders. Often in large groups. You have to stop or take your chances passing them on blind curves or hills. The bicycling uniform also annoys me. I see overweight middle-aged men in those skin tight suits. Not a good look. The bicyclists also seem to think they own the road. Everyone else has to look out for them. I was in Amsterdam this summer and pedestrians take their lives in their hands when walking there. Bicycles rocket through the intersections and narrow streets with small children hanging on. At least they don't wear the biking outfits.

Agree, I hate when bike riders monopolise the road, not to mention the younger idiots on E Scooters, those things are silent and deadly. I can see the benefits in riding a push bike, I often ride mine along the paths alongside the canal I live on, I guess it's a bit like Amsterdam, nice and flat, no hills like where I used to live further inland on The Great Dividing Range, I hate hills on bikes ^&grin
A few weeks ago the garbage service that runs in our neighborhood picks up everyone's garbage except ours. My wife calls the company and they haven't received payment for that month. Some oversight in sending the bill. We have been customers for 20 plus years and paid regularly. My wife pays for the service and authorizes them to deduct straight from the bank account going forward so that we don't have to send them a check each month. They then send us a bill for $70 to "reinstate" our service. What exactly does that mean for a garbage company? That instead of driving past our house they pause to pick up our garbage. Which is what we are paying them do to.
Agree, I hate when bike riders monopolise the road, not to mention the younger idiots on E Scooters, those things are silent and deadly. I can see the benefits in riding a push bike, I often ride mine along the paths alongside the canal I live on, I guess it's a bit like Amsterdam, nice and flat, no hills like where I used to live further inland on The Great Dividing Range, I hate hills on bikes ^&grin

And I bet not one of them has a bell on their bike or the sense to use it to give warning to pedestrians also riding without lights at night!
Electric Scooters and Bikes the same.
Then there's the kamikaze Deliveroo moped riders not signaling and / or making sudden erratic manoeuvres !
The Dartmouth football coach just died after being run over by a truck while bicycling with his wife in Florida. It's just dangerous to cycle where there are no bike paths although I don't know the details.
The Dartmouth football coach just died after being run over by a truck while bicycling with his wife in Florida. It's just dangerous to cycle where there are no bike paths although I don't know the details.

I assume a lot of folks bicycle and jog for health reasons, but as I tell my wife, it just takes one inattentive teenager looking at their phone while driving to do more harm than all the benefits of exercising in the world. I don't get it. In addition to the unsafe drivers, I see women jogging along the road by themselves. Insane. I guess they don't watch the news with all the abduction stories. Not to be overly risk adverse but a little common sense goes a long way. Nothing good ever happens from being on the roadways.
The endless Deion hype. I like Deion. He seems like a genuinely good guy who cares about his players. That distinguishes him from most every other college football coach. He also has star power. It puzzles me that so many other coaches apparently have a chip on their shoulder about the guy. Is it all the attention he is getting or a feeling that he hasn't earned his shot as a coach like they have? I do take issue with the grievance culture of the Buff players. Every week they are complaining about their opponent disrespecting them. Deion is either going to succeed or crash and burn very quickly. I can see this going sideways really fast if there is no oversight and he is bringing in undisciplined players. Sadly, the final result may be that he claims racism was the cause if it doesn't work out. To his credit, I haven't heard him complain as yet that the other coaches dislike him due to race but my fear is that is coming. He should stay above that.
Stopping by 7-11 for a Coca-Cola Slurpee and finding that the Slurpee machine is broken.
Fake panic about the government shutdown. Even if it happens almost no one would know except for the hysterical media reporting. All the essential services will remain operating. People will still get their social security checks. Many government agencies don't even close at all because they have enough funds in their budgets to remain open for days or weeks after the shutdown begins. This is just another effort to politicize an event instead of getting at the root cause of the problem.
Returning to Gettysburg National Battlefield Park after 25 yrs and finding out the Little Round Top area is closed to the public for 18 months. :mad: Chris
Returning to Gettysburg National Battlefield Park after 25 yrs and finding out the Little Round Top area is closed to the public for 18 months. :mad: Chris
Chris, that certainly sucks. Any idea why? Such a huge part of the park and tour. My favorire area, especially since they cleaned out the undergrowth many years back. Beautiful views and very peaceful, ironically enough. Closing LRT really guts the whole park experience. -- Al
Chris, that certainly sucks. Any idea why? Such a huge part of the park and tour. My favorire area, especially since they cleaned out the undergrowth many years back. Beautiful views and very peaceful, ironically enough. Closing LRT really guts the whole park experience. -- Al

They probably have left over COVID funds to blow. It wouldn't take 18-months to reconstruct the Great Wall of China but here is the "official" excuse:

[h=4]Little Round Top CLOSED TO ALL VISITATION on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. This project will take approximately 18 months to complete.[/h][FONT=&quot]
The rehabilitation of Little Round Top will address overwhelmed parking areas, poor accessibility and related safety hazards, significant erosion, and degraded vegetation. The scope of the project will reestablish, preserve, and protect the features that make up this segment of the battlefield landscape. This project will also enhance the visitor experience with improved interpretive signage, new accessible trail alignments, and gathering areas. These improvements will allow visitors to better immerse themselves into the historic landscape that is essential to understanding the three-day Battle of Gettysburg.[/FONT]
Chris, that certainly sucks. Any idea why? Such a huge part of the park and tour. My favorire area, especially since they cleaned out the undergrowth many years back. Beautiful views and very peaceful, ironically enough. Closing LRT really guts the whole park experience. -- Al

Al, the Park Service is redoing the roads and parking area. Looked like major construction. Chris
Chris, that certainly sucks. Any idea why? Such a huge part of the park and tour. My favorire area, especially since they cleaned out the undergrowth many years back. Beautiful views and very peaceful, ironically enough. Closing LRT really guts the whole park experience. -- Al

While certainly a disappointment, we still had a great time and the new (2008) visitor center is amazing. We followed up with a one day tour of Antietam (my friend had never been) and Monocacy Battlefield, which I had never before visited.
While certainly a disappointment, we still had a great time and the new (2008) visitor center is amazing. We followed up with a one day tour of Antietam (my friend had never been) and Monocacy Battlefield, which I had never before visited.
Great to hear. It has been years since I have been able to visit any of them. In fact, last time I was in Gettysburg, the 'new' visitors center had just opened up. Hard to believe it was so long ago. The Park Service has done a tremendous job with the battlefields and everyone who has the chance should visit them. -- Al
Jeter's latest Jeep Wagoneer commercial. Glad he was able to activate the Night Vision googles powers on his dash to avoid the scary wolf that was out running around in the middle of the road during a hurricane. {sm2}{sm3}{sm3}

To be fair though, his suits the last couple nights on MLB Network are fly a hell- just needs to shave to get it all right.

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