Things that annoy me (13 Viewers)

The Pats owner apologizing for firing Mayo. Let me get this one straight. They hire the guy to coach, pay him millions, his team finishes near the bottom, and they need to apologize to him? My guess is that Kraft was afraid of being accused of racism. Either they had confidence in Mayo and should have kept him on or they didn't and have no reason to apologize. You can't have it both ways.
The Pats owner apologizing for firing Mayo. Let me get this one straight. They hire the guy to coach, pay him millions, his team finishes near the bottom, and they need to apologize to him? My guess is that Kraft was afraid of being accused of racism. Either they had confidence in Mayo and should have kept him on or they didn't and have no reason to apologize. You can't have it both ways.
"This one is on me"..............yeah it is you you senile creep, he conned you into thinking he'd be a great coach, man did you get jobbed.

I used to think Kraft was a great owner who'd never let the team slip back into mediocrity/become a laughing stock like they were mostly from 1960-2000; boy was I wrong, fact of the matter is he got lucky with Brady and Belichick, an incredible never to be repeated 20 year run, but it's nothing but a pleasant memory now, this organization is screwed for years to come.
When you finish a back breaking cleanup of the snow in your driveway, and then the snowplow comes along and pushes a mountain of snow from the street into the end of your driveway. The kind of frozen iceberg snow that weighs about 50lbs per shovel full.
The images of the most recent LA fires are like something out of the end of times. I'd rather be in the snow than Dante's Inferno.
Jimmy Carter's casket was delivered to the capital via horse drawn caisson courtesy of the 3rd Reg't US Army. There's been a scandal in recent years regarding the lack of care given the horses. Several died within days in 2022, one having 44 lbs of gravel in its gut due to poor nutrition. Nine other horses died with a similar condition. The herd were in pastures with only 20% of the minimum acreage recommended. The Army has budgeted more funding to improve facilities and better train the soldiers assigned to their care. Sounds like a dereliction of duty by Army vets, or maybe contracted vicenarians.
Jimmy Carter's casket was delivered to the capital via horse drawn caisson courtesy of the 3rd Reg't US Army. There's been a scandal in recent years regarding the lack of care given the horses. Several died within days in 2022, one having 44 lbs of gravel in its gut due to poor nutrition. Nine other horses died with a similar condition. The herd were in pastures with only 20% of the minimum acreage recommended. The Army has budgeted more funding to improve facilities and better train the soldiers assigned to their care. Sounds like a dereliction of duty by Army vets, or maybe contracted vicenarians.
I'm sure the funds were diverted for a much more "important" use. :mad:

Looks terrible.

Lots of reports of no water in the fire hydrants. This is one of the wealthiest communities in the history of the world that sits on an ocean and they have no water. Just more incompetence. Not unlike the NO situation where the road barriers were not operational on New Year's Eve. An easily predictable and fixable issue.
Lots of reports of no water in the fire hydrants. This is one of the wealthiest communities in the history of the world that sits on an ocean and they have no water. Just more incompetence. Not unlike the NO situation where the road barriers were not operational on New Year's Eve. An easily predictable and fixable issue.
I am just amazed at the videos of the firefighters.

Even without water and limited numbers, thanks to massive budget diversions at the state and local level, they continue to risk their lives to save multi million dollar homes, some of which exceed $20 mil.

Meanwhile, at the base of the hills Governor Gavin Newson holds press conferences acting like a conquering general when he is one of the biggest reasons why this is all happening.
I am just amazed at the videos of the firefighters.

Even without water and limited numbers, thanks to massive budget diversions at the state and local level, they continue to risk their lives to save multi million dollar homes, some of which exceed $20 mil.

Meanwhile, at the base of the hills Governor Gavin Newson holds press conferences acting like a conquering general when he is one of the biggest reasons why this is all happening.
There are never any consequences for incompetence. If they had an election today while the fires are still burning out of control and there is no water, the citizens of California whose homes and businesses are burning would re-elect Newsom and Bass in a landslide. It's hard to figure. Nothing has gone right in California, but they just keep putting the same politicians in office year after year and double down. There has to be an element of brainwashing involved from the media.
People like Newsom and LA's mayor are immune to the effects of the laws and policies they push on everyone else. If they had to feel the pain their actions inflict, they might change their ways.
The game plan for these disasters is to: 1) hold a press conference; 2) pat each other on the back on the great job they are doing; 3) claim this is not the time to politicize the matter by asking why they were not prepared as though that somehow hinders the disaster response; 4) hide behind the efforts of the police and firefighters; and 5) try to run the clock out on the news cycle. The politicos in NO are delighted by this fire. It has moved the spotlight off of them.
Lots of reports of no water in the fire hydrants. This is one of the wealthiest communities in the history of the world that sits on an ocean and they have no water. Just more incompetence. Not unlike the NO situation where the road barriers were not operational on New Year's Eve. An easily predictable and fixable issue.
No water in the fire hydrants. THe decision not to build the desalinization plant not looking so good right now.
The commentators who claimed that all the presidents gathering for the Carter funeral was a symbol of unity. LOL. The Clintons spoke to no one. Biden didn't acknowledge Kamala who looked miserable. Pence and Trump grudgingly acknowledged each other while Pence's wife staired daggers at him. It was like a Game of Thrones gathering in which everyone was plotting against each other. Obama was the only guy who looked relaxed. Maybe because his wife wasn't there.
The commentators who claimed that all the presidents gathering for the Carter funeral was a symbol of unity. LOL. The Clintons spoke to no one. Biden didn't acknowledge Kamala who looked miserable. Pence and Trump grudgingly acknowledged each other while Pence's wife staired daggers at him. It was like a Game of Thrones gathering in which everyone was plotting against each other. Obama was the only guy who looked relaxed. Maybe because his wife wasn't there.
They all hate each other which sums up the sad state of our country.

They despise each other based on party affiliation and conceit within the own individual accomplishments.
The initial estimate of the damage in LA is $150 billion. How much would it have cost to bury the power lines which start many of these fires? They always claim it is too expensive. How about having the Army or someone do that? It is not sustainable to just pay for these reoccurring natural disasters. The insurance companies can't and won't do it. There needs to be some type of Marshall Plan to address these disasters like after WWII. We just sent another $500 million to Ukraine. How about redirecting that to address the water and fire issues in California? If some person intentionally started these fires, they should be subject to the death penalty. It's an act of terrorism.
The news coverage of celebrities who have been affected by the LA fires. They have the insurance and means to rebuild.

Maybe do a story about the dishwasher or line cook at their favorite restaurant who has no insurance and lost everything.
The use of the word "unhoused" by the media to describe those whose house has burned down in LA with no place to go. That would be humorous in any other circumstance. The media apparently believes the term "homeless" is derogatory. So the same false sensitivities that allowed this situation to occur in the first place are being applied to avoid offending anyone whose house has burned down. As though such people are more concerned with words than results.

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