Things that annoy me (3 Viewers)

UPS and USPS. Multiple notices from both of pkgs to be delivered that day and then nothing. Spoke with a UPS rep at the central shipping hub here and was told they are still backed up from the storm of almost two weeks ago and have still not unloaded trailers of pkgs. Received a Christmas card yesterday that was mailed 25 days ago. Thus proving the adage "The mail always gets thru." :rolleyes:
Hamas is getting 30 terrorists for every hostage released. What a great deal. And who gets to pick up the tab to rebuild Gaza? I bet I can guess. The deal should have been the unconditional surrender of Hamas whose leaders would be put on trial for war crimes and the release of all the hostages. A one-time take it or leave it offer before the hammer comes down. Even Trump's administration has been celebrating this like VE day. They are in for a rude awakening. There only two outcomes here. Total capitulation or half measures that create future generations of terrorists. The latter of which have now learned that taking hostages is a winning strategy. Meanwhile the strategy in Ukraine is endless war with no effort to end it.
The one post mentioned the endless war in Ukraine. Here is what stumps me. I just ordered some plastic 3D printed figures that are being produced in Ukraine. For some reason I can't wrap my head around a country that is being invaded by a superior force and yet that invaded country can still produce toy soldiers!
The one post mentioned the endless war in Ukraine. Here is what stumps me. I just ordered some plastic 3D printed figures that are being produced in Ukraine. For some reason I can't wrap my head around a country that is being invaded by a superior force and yet that invaded country can still produce toy soldiers!
You pretty much summed up the war in a couple of sentences. The conflict is all smoke & mirrors, staged managed by continuous propaganda and corrupt leaders of the so called free world.
Social security should have paid for itself. Unfortunately, all that money has been misappropriated for other purposes. That money is gone. That's the reality that we face. Something like 70% of the US budget is for the military, social security, and health care. Something has to give. The US is $38 trillion in debt and counting. There is two ways to go. Stick our heads in the sand and pretend this problem doesn't exist. Or acknowledge it and try to fix it. The US always does the former instead of being honest and telling people hard truths. The decision is going to be taken out of our hands shortly as the money is gone. It's not a sustainable situation. The types of cuts being discussed by Musk and Vivak are laughable. Grains of sand on the beach. And even those are not likely achievable. The US is in big trouble.
The US is not alone, sadly this is the reality for most western democracies now-a-days, huge debt that few are willing to tackle, let alone acknowledge. Instead lets distract the public with woke ideologies and simply deny the obvious or better still blame someone else. Common sense be dammed.

Some days it feels like we're swimming in a sea of idiots, hell bent on destroying what our forefathers sacrificed and worked towards trying to make the world a better place.....
Hamas is getting 30 terrorists for every hostage released. What a great deal. And who gets to pick up the tab to rebuild Gaza? I bet I can guess. The deal should have been the unconditional surrender of Hamas whose leaders would be put on trial for war crimes and the release of all the hostages. A one-time take it or leave it offer before the hammer comes down. Even Trump's administration has been celebrating this like VE day. They are in for a rude awakening. There only two outcomes here. Total capitulation or half measures that create future generations of terrorists. The latter of which have now learned that taking hostages is a winning strategy. Meanwhile the strategy in Ukraine is endless war with no effort to end it.
Yes they're out on the streets celebrating and loving the LA fires as their gods retribution on unbelievers
You pretty much summed up the war in a couple of sentences. The conflict is all smoke & mirrors, staged managed by continuous propaganda and corrupt leaders of the so called free world.
Odd that the Western part of Ukraine is hardly touched by Russia and their infrastructure hasn't been totally destroyed and now Starmer gives guarantees of UK cash support for the next hundred years wtf when has stripped pensioners of their Winter heating allowance, and is looking at taking away their free bus passes and free prescriptions and thinking of means testing their state pensions so that those who chose the careful course of putting money aside, doing without things in the expectation of having a comfortable retirement during their working life, would be stripped of the state pension they will have paid into, so that those who frittered away anything that came their way, would still get a state pension. And all the time handing out homes and paying for the running costs through benefits to illegal immigrants, who rock up here to claim all the freebies handed to them and all the while demanding we change our way of life to suit them and send crime figures soaring, be it rape, murder or muggings plus the increase in drug dealing and all its related crime !
Tough to write this since I generally align with those posting on this thread but I disagree.

Russia sucker punched Ukraine and when the world stepped in Russia said that Ukraine’s face hit them in the fist.
Tough to write this since I generally align with those posting on this thread but I disagree.

Russia sucker punched Ukraine and when the world stepped in Russia said that Ukraine’s face hit them in the fist.
There is no doubt that the Russians are the bad guys in this conflict, but the US can't be expected to right every wrong in the world. And I think we have done more than our part having sent them billions in aid and military equipment. What is happening now is that we are simply funding an endless stalemate in which innocent people are dying by the thousands with no plan for ending it. Israel was strongarmed by the Biden administration into a cease fire. They are giving up a lot - hundreds of terrorists and leaving Hamas in power. Ukraine should be pressured to make some concessions to bring this terrible war to an end. For their own good as well as the world.
And the demonstrations against Israel will continue with those and those who support such fools taking part in these demonstrations, continued and probably increased hatred of Israel and Jews because Hamas and the people of Gaza and West Bank. Still don't love their children more than they hate jews.
So the terrorist attacks everywhere supported by these haters will go on.
Odd that the Western part of Ukraine is hardly touched by Russia and their infrastructure hasn't been totally destroyed and now Starmer gives guarantees of UK cash support for the next hundred years wtf when has stripped pensioners of their Winter heating allowance, and is looking at taking away their free bus passes and free prescriptions and thinking of means testing their state pensions so that those who chose the careful course of putting money aside, doing without things in the expectation of having a comfortable retirement during their working life, would be stripped of the state pension they will have paid into, so that those who frittered away anything that came their way, would still get a state pension. And all the time handing out homes and paying for the running costs through benefits to illegal immigrants, who rock up here to claim all the freebies handed to them and all the while demanding we change our way of life to suit them and send crime figures soaring, be it rape, murder or muggings plus the increase in drug dealing and all its related crime !
Yeah I don't get it either Steve. Very sad actually. The UK seems to be in a right mess and then there's the continuing 'grooming gang' controversy that keeps rearing its ugly head.
I'm not interested in getting into a stoush with anyone here over the Ukraine war and I'm no fan of Putin & Co, however its too easy and convenient to simply blame Russia for the conflict all the time.

NATO have much to answer for too, particularly their continued expansion into eastern Europe after Germany's unification and on going political interference in countries such as the Ukraine.

And lets not forget who really benefits from such conflicts......weapons manufacturers and banks and NATO's got plenty of those.....

As tragic as it is war is business and right now business is good.
Yeah I don't get it either Steve. Very sad actually. The UK seems to be in a right mess and then there's the continuing 'grooming gang' controversy that keeps rearing its ugly head.
Yep and they still continue trying to cover up the fact that almost all of these perverts come from one demographic and the explosion in knife crime is linked closing with another certain demographic.
Repatriation really is the only answer, diversity is not a strength, it is proving to be a fatal weakness that is covered up all over the Western world.
Yes they're out on the streets celebrating and loving the LA fires as their gods retribution on unbelievers
And you can bet a number of their supporters are starting some of these fires, if any were caught, it's not something they would mention on the media, to Politically Correct for them.

BTW what happened to the guy with the blow torch?
I'm not interested in getting into a stoush with anyone here over the Ukraine war and I'm no fan of Putin & Co, however its too easy and convenient to simply blame Russia for the conflict all the time.

NATO have much to answer for too, particularly their continued expansion into eastern Europe after Germany's unification and on going political interference in countries such as the Ukraine.

And lets not forget who really benefits from such conflicts......weapons manufacturers and banks and NATO's got plenty of those.....

As tragic as it is war is business and right now business is good.

I respect your opinion, however no matter how much NATO expands I can’t see them ever invading Russia.

The weapon manufacturers and banks need conflict not World War 3.


I respect your opinion, however no matter how much NATO expands I can’t see them ever invading Russia.

The weapon manufacturers and banks need conflict not World War 3.

As always Jason mate, its good to have these chats and exchange views regardless of the topic.

I'd also like to thank Julie & the team for allowing us members the opportunity to blow off steam etc, even though we clearly push the boundaries when it comes to the forum rules.

Cheers Toddy
A frosty -12 here in some parts of Central PA. I can't remember it ever being this cold. Brutal on the utility bill.
Here is a legitimate question that may invoke some unintended political views but is intended to be neutral on the politics. There must have been dozens or even hundreds of Capitol Hill police officers on duty on Jan. 6. Why are only the same two guys ever interviewed on any cable news show relating to the event? The same two guys who testified at the multiple hearings. I haven't seen or heard from any other Capitol Hill police officer. Just these same guys over and over after four years and counting. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but it is very curious to see these guys on TV more often than the My Pillow guy. They apparently wrote books and ran for office but not a peep from any of the others. Just odd.
Here is a legitimate question that may invoke some unintended political views but is intended to be neutral on the politics. There must have been dozens or even hundreds of Capitol Hill police officers on duty on Jan. 6. Why are only the same two guys ever interviewed on any cable news show relating to the event? The same two guys who testified at the multiple hearings. I haven't seen or heard from any other Capitol Hill police officer. Just these same guys over and over after four years and counting. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but it is very curious to see these guys on TV more often than the My Pillow guy. They apparently wrote books and ran for office but not a peep from any of the others. Just odd.
I don't have a problem with Trump pardoning most of the Jan.6 people but I don't think he should have on the ones that actually assaulted the police. I am bias having been a police officer for 40 years. But in regards to the other post about the 3 or 4 officers, think ex-officers now, that they continually interview. I remember watching some of there testimony when congress was having it's hearings and these officers were "sobbing" as they told congress their story. They said the protesters were calling them names and they were afraid for their life and how traumatic it was for them. I have a few words for those cops. You are . Would not want any of them to be my partner. Probably left the police department because of the embarrassment they caused to the profession. There was a sign on the North Patrol Station in St louis. It read "Home of the real police". North St louis is for lack of a better term, a **** hole. When I pissed off a boss where did they send me? North St Louis. Just for the record. I did 9 months and got back to South St louis where there was a 180 in terms of area and people. The one thing I will give the Capital police is I'm sure until Jan. 6 there main duty was telling visitors where the nearest restroom was.
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I don't have a problem with Trump pardoning most of the Jan.6 people but I don't think he should have on the ones that actually assaulted the police. I am bias having been a police officer for 40 years. But in regards to the other post about the 3 or 4 officers, think ex-officers now, that they continually interview. I remember watching some of there testimony when congress was having it's hearings and these officers were "sobbing" as they told congress their story. They said the protesters were calling them names and they were afraid for their life and how traumatic it was for them. I have a few words for those cops. You are . Would not want any of them to be my partner. Probably left the police department because of the embarrassment they caused to the profession. There was a sign on the North Patrol Station in St louis. It read "Home of the real police". North St louis is for lack of a better term, a **** hole. When I pissed off a boss where did they send me? North St Louis. Just for the record. I did 9 months and got back to South St louis where there was a 180 in terms of area and people. The one thing I will give the Capital police is I'm sure until Jan. 6 there main duty was telling visitors where the nearest restroom was.
I am on the same page as you on this. Look, the actions of January 6 were bad, real bad and atrocious, especially where it took place, how it took place and why it took place. End of the day, it is the definition of a riot - a demonstration that started out as an expression of free speech and when law and order broke down, it was a riot, no doubt with a number (small) out of the mob that were the catalyst. I wasn't there, I have never seen a full accounting of it, but I agreed and still do with the prosecution of the rioters. I feel that in other riots, the same manner of justice should have been handed out. I have no sympathy for unruly rioters/looters, etc. It is just wrong, illegal and everyone knows better and knows it is wrong and illegal.

Now, were the majority of people caught up in this more or less good people who let their emotions lead them to bad decisions, yes. Were a lot of them convicted, plea bargained solely on being there inside the capital, yes. Did the majority of them never have brushes with the law - yes. OK , so if you are into rehabilitating people and basically trying tor restore their lives for that group - pardon is appropriate. Now, do I think some of them should not have been pardoned. YES. Should it have been commuted to time served for the marginal apples without violence attached to it, ok, I can buy that. However, the ones who were convicted of, I think they should have served full time or whatever the normal punishment was and it should have stuck there. Correct me if I am wrong, but he didn't pardon a number of them who were convicted of violence, correct? Long story short, if it were me, I would have gone over each individual conviction and made my decision based on what I laid out above.
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