This day in History (2 Viewers)

June 2nd 1953 – The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, who is crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories & Head of the Commonwealth, the first major international event to be televised.

This young lad seems to be enjoying himself at a Street Party in South London on the day....wonder whatever happened to him :wink2:


June 2nd 1953 – The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, who is crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories & Head of the Commonwealth, the first major international event to be televised.

This young lad seems to be enjoying himself at a Street Party in South London on the day....wonder whatever happened to him :wink2:



I believe he might have gone on to fulfill the most sought after of his Great Expectations in life which was to have one of the most impressive Trophy collections that any young lad could ever possibly dream of acquiring ..... am I close? :rolleyes2::tongue:

I believe he might have gone on to fulfill the most sought after of his Great Expectations in life which was to have one of the most impressive Trophy collections that any young lad could ever possibly dream of acquiring ..... am I close? :rolleyes2::tongue:


Blimey Buster that is very on in fact ^&grin :salute::


June 2nd 1953 – The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, who is crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories & Head of the Commonwealth, the first major international event to be televised.

This young lad seems to be enjoying himself at a Street Party in South London on the day....wonder whatever happened to him :wink2:


Great picture and full of memories. I was all of 5 months old at this time, but I did meet the Queen and shake her hand when she visited Washington, DC. I think it was in 1958, but my memory is a little unclear as to the exact date. My brush with British Royalty.:wink2::smile2: -- Al
That's a heck of a photo Martyn. Maybe we should have a thread of what we looked like when we were kids.
Great picture and full of memories. I was all of 5 months old at this time, but I did meet the Queen and shake her hand when she visited Washington, DC. I think it was in 1958, but my memory is a little unclear as to the exact date. My brush with British Royalty.:wink2::smile2: -- Al

Many thanks Al :salute::

The picture was taken outside my Nan's house in Mantua Street, Clapham Junction, SW London. A street party had been arranged to celebrate the Coronation. The whole area was redeveloped in the early 1970's, my Nan, Aunt Win and Uncle Len were moved to a new housing estate in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.....right "out in the sticks" about a culture shock for them {eek3}


That's a heck of a photo Martyn. Maybe we should have a thread of what we looked like when we were kids.

Thank's Brad :salute:: I think that would be a great idea for a thread {bravo}} I'm sure you noticed in my picture I am dressed as a soldier, "Major Quality" from the picture on the Quality Street tin to be exact ^&grin


June 5th 1900 – Anglo Boer War: British soldiers take Pretoria.
June 21st 1900 – Boxer Rebellion. China formally declared war on the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Japan, as an edict issued from the Dowager Empress Cixi.
June 23rd 1757 – Battle of Plassey – 3,000 British troops under Robert Clive defeat a 50,000 strong Indian army under Siraj Ud Daulah at Plassey



June 25th 1876 – Custer's Last Stand, the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer
June 25th 1876 – Custer's Last Stand, the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer

Thought I'd add the followig stamp to it to commenorate it............The Lt.

1861 - A rescue party leaves Melbourne to search for explorers Burke and Wills, who are long overdue from their attempt to cross Australia from south to north.

1880 - Bushrangers, the Kelly Gang, execute police informer Aaron Sherritt, shortly before they themselves are captured.

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