Tiger I late version (1 Viewer)

Awesome information CS. I like the way you managed to simplify something that can pretty confusing. Good work!
Yes, CS, this is very helpful. I was talking to Shannon yesterday and suggested that when she puts the Tiger on the Treefrog side for ordering that maybe she add some links to help collectors choose. I believe she was going to mention this to Ana to put on the HB site. I believe researching it is part of the fun so if anyone has other helpful links, please post them. Maybe later today, I will start a thread where people can post links to help collectors choose their Tigers.

By the way the bases will be available separately so while I may not get one of those Tigers, I'm definitely getting the Boulangerie base, one of the best I've seen. Really great.

P.S. See Doug, I'm not so biased:D
Excellant idea,the more info the buyer has the better.This together with the Pics of the versions HB make will be a big help.

Yes, CS, this is very helpful. I was talking to Shannon yesterday and suggested that when she puts the Tiger on the Treefrog side for ordering that maybe she add some links to help collectors choose. I believe she was going to mention this to Ana to put on the HB site. I believe researching it is part of the fun so if anyone has other helpful links, please post them. Maybe later today, I will start a thread where people can post links to help collectors choose their Tigers.

P.S. See Doug, I'm not so biased:D

I have faith in you Brad. Well done. Now start complaining about the KC track detail and you will be cured.
Hi Ana,

Am i right in thinking that with your new set up there is no time limit or limited numbers for tanks.For instance if i wanted to buy a Tiger in the summer and you'd released other Tanks by then can you still go back and do the Tiger?.Thanks for your help

Merry Xmas

I have faith in you Brad. Well done. Now start complaining about the KC track detail and you will be cured.

I wasn't too happy with the track detail on the new Tunisian Tiger, if truth be told.
Hi Ana,

Am i right in thinking that with your new set up there is no time limit or limited numbers for tanks.For instance if i wanted to buy a Tiger in the summer and you'd released other Tanks by then can you still go back and do the Tiger?.Thanks for your help

Merry Xmas


Rob - I'm pretty sure that is the case. Each tank is really a limited vehicle of its own.

Ana is in Spain with her son right now - she's checking the Forum to keep up on things, but I suspect not as regularly as usual :rolleyes:
Just wondering, if the winter Tiger was ordered, will HB customize the base with a light winter frost to match the tank.
Rob - I'm pretty sure that is the case. Each tank is really a limited vehicle of its own.

Ana is in Spain with her son right now - she's checking the Forum to keep up on things, but I suspect not as regularly as usual :rolleyes:

Thanks Peter.

Yes, steelwheels. We'll customize your base for winter with no charge :)

Rob - Pete answered my quesions correctly. Thanks, Pete.

Sorry for not answering guys, I'm still in Spain and out most of the time. I'll post a list with the add-ons prices later so you can estimate the real price of your preferences. I'll post an official announcement of the new bases and figure sets later too.

Thank you so much for your post, Canadian Samurai. It's so helpful. Thanks.

Thank you Brad for opening the new thread regarding the Tiger versions. :)

Doug, thank you so much as usual :) I can say now that this venture is having a great welcome. The list of Tigers is getting quite long :D

From Spain, Ana

Hope you're enjoying your vacation. I hear you're getting many orders so congratulations. I thought that as you make Tigers for customers, maybe you could add pictures to your web site or post them here so others can maybe get ideas or have one made like that. If it's too much trouble, just send them to me and I can post them.

Great idea. That will help people like me to choose something good.
Thanks Ana.

So for you guys that have ordered yours already,what camo did you go for?.Would be interested to see who got what.?

Re: An Early Christmas Present from K&C

The price of the HB Tiger is $350 - not $400 or $600. You could add a base or other accessories, but you could also do that with a KC tank and up the "cost." Is there some reason to believe shipping cost is different for HB products? No. I have never seen that factored into any KC prices mentioned here. So why do we now see estimates like $50 to ship? KC charges $100+ for a tank crew. So why the distress if HB charges $50? Again, some collectors might choose to pay extra for the HB tank crew, use none, or maybe use a KC crew.

The Reason why we add shipping is because you have to special order them so the each person will be paying from their dealer and from ana, unless you order it solely from ana and then the cost will probably be more. Also very few if any HB tanks will be order stock. I can gaurante people will add something whether it be crews bases or what not. I was going to buy an HB tank until i learned you had to pay extra for the crew.
I'm thinking of my customised Tiger with the spare K&C crew set.
First of all, now that the pricing info is out, the crew isn't that much, to be honest. However, I may just use a K & C crew and have hatches closed in a couple of areas. In the absence of information, we made a big deal about it but in retrospect, it wasn't that big a deal.
Re: An Early Christmas Present from K&C

The price of the HB Tiger is $350 - not $400 or $600. You could add a base or other accessories, but you could also do that with a KC tank and up the "cost." Is there some reason to believe shipping cost is different for HB products? No. I have never seen that factored into any KC prices mentioned here. So why do we now see estimates like $50 to ship? KC charges $100+ for a tank crew. So why the distress if HB charges $50? Again, some collectors might choose to pay extra for the HB tank crew, use none, or maybe use a KC crew.


The HB website has bourne out the information provided to me, and pretty much shoots down your price estimate. To get any one of the "sample" tanks depicted on this thread, all of which include two half-figure tank commanders ($32 each) a head and shoulders driver ($12), custom battle damage ($22), you are looking at $450, before you even see shipping (from $50-80) or a base ($65).

As far as K&C charging for tank crew, K&C's separate tank crew sets include four full figures for $100. As far as I know, K&C has never charged extra for half-figures or head and shoulder figures, these are always included in the price of the tank.

Still for the level of quality HB is providing with these tanks I don't think the price is excessive. Its all a matter of what you collect, and what your finances are. If you are a Tiger fanatic, the HB Tiger ($350 to $510), along with the Figarti Tiger ($300), the old wood K&C Tigers ($380) or the Heco Tin Tiger ($450) are must haves, because they are all works of art.

If on the other hand, you are a toy soldier collector who doesn't focus only on tanks, you might prefer to spend your money on the 4-5 sets you could get from another manufacturer for this price.

Personally, I think that K&C Warbirds are rather expensive, but I love Warbirds, and I love the level of detail on K&C's Warbirds, so I buy them. I also think Figarti's E-Boat and B17 are very expensive, but worth the price if that is what you are into. I certainly think that the HB Tigers fit into this category of very expensive, very special collectible.

Indeed, the HB Tiger fully kitted out (with crew, custom battle damage and display base) ($510 before shipping) as almost as expensive as the single engine Warbirds ($650-$695 with display stand before shipping). I think that this is a more fair comparison, and it is a bit disingenuous to compare the cost of a plain, unweathered HB Tiger without any crew to the largest and most expensive Warbird K&C has produced, a medium bomber.
I am not going to take any sides in this discussion. Juts to put some perspective on this has anyone seen the latest Toy Soldier Collector magazine. On the front cover is a Russian produced Roman war elephant. It weighs in at 2 500 GBP. That makes the warbirds and the HB tiger look relatively cheap.
It really does depend on your collecting philosophy. Is it armour or planes. Is it accuracy or toy soldier style nostalgia. It may be a mix of both. Quantity or quality. We all collect for slightly different reasons.
Damian Clarke
Re: An Early Christmas Present from K&C


The HB website has bourne out the information provided to me, and pretty much shoots down your price estimate. To get any one of the "sample" tanks depicted on this thread, all of which include two half-figure tank commanders ($32 each) a head and shoulders driver ($12), custom battle damage ($22), you are looking at $450, before you even see shipping (from $50-80) or a base ($65).

I was not the one providing price estimates and you can buy the HB Tiger for $350. My point is that if you are comparing the cost of product A and B then why add in shipping costs in product A, but not B? The shipping on the warbird is $90. You could add addtional ground crew for the warbird or a base for a KC tank etc to up the potential cost of that product. I think we have beat this to death - so buy it or not as you see fit.

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