Tigers gallery (2 Viewers)

I'm sure the "Negative Waves" are for free, but the loud speaker, the pots and pans along with Oddball, Kelly, crapgame anf big Joe will cost a few bucks.

Got to say, I'd love to see it done.
Thought about doing it in 1/35, but it's on the 'great list of things to be done' list. :rolleyes:

Is there any way you can list what was done to each tank as "extras" and what the bottom price of each.


Frank was kind enough to post this info on the Canadian forum - I wasn't sure if he is a member here so regarding Tiger #312:

Base Tank - $350
Figures - $64
Logs - $12
Shipping - $45
Total - $471

Changed color of red-brown
Tiger 312 3./s.H.Pz.Abt.505 Nowe Koszary, Poland, June 1944
Removed spare track from front
Added logs
Changed existing panzer crew members to reed green summer uniform.
Frank was kind enough to post this info on the Canadian forum - I wasn't sure if he is a member here so regarding Tiger #312:

Base Tank - $350
Figures - $64
Logs - $12
Shipping - $45
Total - $471

Changed color of red-brown
Tiger 312 3./s.H.Pz.Abt.505 Nowe Koszary, Poland, June 1944
Removed spare track from front
Added logs
Changed existing panzer crew members to reed green summer uniform.

It's a beautifully made tank. I'm sure it must be the centerpiece of his collection. :)
I'm sure the "Negative Waves" are for free, but the loud speaker, the pots and pans along with Oddball, Kelly, crapgame anf big Joe will cost a few bucks.

This is also on my long-term radar screen as well. The Kelly's Hero's Sherman and Tiger facing off outside the bank would be a unique addition to anyone's collection - and its the only way I'll part with that kind of money for two model tanks.

Sorry for the delay in my answer. Yes, I can post the details and price for each.
The details from Frank's tank have already been posted by Doug. The rest have less add-ons. The basic tank costs $350 plus $45 for shipping in bulk, or $70 shipped directly to the customer. Each figure costs $32, and $12 for the small bust. The scene costs extra $77.

The next batch of Tigers have full crew and scene, so the add-ones are standard and easy to figure out. But the following batch has tanks with special numbers, battle damage, regiments, camo pattern, etc. I'll post new details then.

One word; absolutely stunning. Ok, that's two words, but you get my drift.

To those of you who have ordered one of these babies, congrats to you, I admire your taste and dedication to the hobby. You will never, ever see a finer example of a late War Tiger I anywhere, anytime, end of story.

Kudos to Honour Bound for making these works of art available to collectors.........................
One word; absolutely stunning. Ok, that's two words, but you get my drift.

To those of you who have ordered one of these babies, congrats to you, I admire your taste and dedication to the hobby. You will never, ever see a finer example of a late War Tiger I anywhere, anytime, end of story.

Kudos to Honour Bound for making these works of art available to collectors.........................

Never is a long time George, don't forget that Figarti are yet to make a 1/30 scale Tiger ;)
With the pictures we've seen so far i don't think theres anything between the Figarti MK4 and HB's Tiger 312.But for my mind that Tiger 312 is really looking stunning.Figarti's MK4 also looks a superb model,this is all good for us collectors.

Good point Oz, I stand corrected. The Figarti Mark IV is a beauty, my customers seem to like it very much.

Whichever company is the first to make a Panzer IV Ausf H version with turret and side skirt armor in three tone camo will make a fortune.

If Honour Bound makes it, even Gustavflyer will buy one. :D

Then again, maybe not. :rolleyes:

Your Tigers are the cats MEOWWWW ! :D

Very Nice.

Question - Do you think that you can make a "Kelly Heroes" Sherman Tank ?

I think there are a lot of us out there who would buy one.

Good point Oz, I stand corrected. The Figarti Mark IV is a beauty, my customers seem to like it very much.

Whichever company is the first to make a Panzer IV Ausf H version with turret and side skirt armor in three tone camo will make a fortune.

If Honour Bound makes it, even Gustavflyer will buy one. :D

Then again, maybe not. :rolleyes:

I have got to laugh on that one :D !!!! I am waiting for ANYONE to make a summer version of a late Mark IV with skirts and yes I have preordered the Figarti tank :eek: IF I get myself caught up with the numerous sets I still want, I will take the plunge and invest in a HB Tiger!! Yes you heard me right!! You cant deny these beasts, they are flawless and quite frankly perfect tanks. As a matter of fact I have my book, Tigers in Action, and have been trolling through it trying to decide on which direction I would go in someday. Ana and the gang are turning out masterpieces and art of that quality isnt cheap. Everytime I look at Tiger #312, that is the exact one I want!!! Time will tell!!!
I knew you'd come around ;); a German armor collector like you can't resist a beauty such as the Tiger I, your taste is too good to pass it up............:cool:

We'll be able to make the Kelly's Heroes Sherman tank when we release the Sherman. No problem. It will be fun :)

Just as long as it comes with a piece of long pipe to stick on the gun barrel so that "The krauts think it's a 105mm gun"..............:p

Here are the pictures of Wittmann's Tiger and its crew. Enjoy.




These are all the possibilities for the crew. The sitting Bobby Wohl is supposed to sit on the tank (the ammo boxes don't come with the figure, they're just for the picture). The other Bobby Wohl, the first from the left, is him again but in the tank. You won't see him in tank 007 because he wasn't in this Tiger.


We also have a Michael Wittmann standing, to go beside the tank.


Thanks for posting the photos. Those Tiggers are seriously well done and the crew members, likewise. Great job.


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