Tigers gallery (4 Viewers)


We'll be able to make the Kelly's Heroes Sherman tank when we release the Sherman. No problem. It will be fun :)


Love the 211. Can't wait to get it. Any chance for a Firefly Ana???
Bill W KX1A

Will this be an early M4 Sherman(early production-welded hull)or the M4A1 (mid-production-cast hull) & 75mm barrel. How different will it be from the Shermans earlier released?
Bill - Firefly is in the near future plans for this year.

Arnold - I'm not sure about the model of Sherman that the boyz are planning. I don't think that they have decided that yet

Bill - Firefly is in the near future plans for this year.

Arnold - I'm not sure about the model of Sherman that the boyz are planning. I don't think that they have decided that yet


Ana thats fantastic news,many on this forum have been wanting a Firefly for ages.Looks like its going to be a great year for us armour enthusiasts.:):)

I think we just lost connection to the Tiger pictures posted by Honor Bound. Includes the earlier URL to customize the Tiger. All I get is a red "X"

I believe they are having server issues. My emails to Ana bounced periodically today.

If you make a Kelly's Heroes Sherman, I am in on buying too. Can we do the crew by just not calling it that to avoid the copyright issues? What would make this special for me is to do the actual crew including Kelly Oddball and I forget Rickels character's name at the moment. This would to me be one fantastic item.


If you make a Kelly's Heroes Sherman, I am in on buying too. Can we do the crew by just not calling it that to avoid the copyright issues? What would make this special for me is to do the actual crew including Kelly Oddball and I forget Rickels character's name at the moment. This would to me be one fantastic item.


This will be absolutely awesome when it comes out.
Rickels was "Crapgame", Savalas was "Big Joe", and the tank driver/gunner was "Moriarity"

Always with the negative waves Moriarity, always with the negative waves.

Hey man I'm drinking wine, eating some cheese, catching some rays.

I only ride em man, I dont know what makes em work.

Woof, Woof !!!
That nut brought half the army with him............to a New Yorker like you, a hero is some kind of a weird sandwhich, not some nut who puts Shermans up against Tigers..........That guy has got to be a full fantatical freak or else he would have split out of this town 20 minutes ago..............GREAT movie....................
Carrol O'Connor was fabulous as General Colt. "Now Common, let's get this Army of mine back in the war!"
Jeez, How could I forget Big Joe, Moriarty and Crapgame.

Ok, so we need about 7 figures to include O'Connor's character and of course Kelly.

Now, that would be a neat set.

I gotta watch that movie again soon.

Did you guys ever to stop think that someone owns right to these characters and the name "Kellys Heroes"? While the numbers produced will probably be small, you don't think whoever owns rights in this intellectual property won't take action, at the very least a cease and desist letter?
Speaking for myself and at the risk of being ridden out of town by an angry mob,i'm really not interested in movie related items.I think HB make fantastic historically accurate vehicles from WW2 and i think they should stick to that.Sorry guys but its the slippery slope from one (mediocre)War film to who knows what!.Before we know it there will be Dukes of Hazzard,Knight rider and God knows what other rubbish being turned out,sorry guys but lets keep it real.:);)

Don't worry Rob, you and I will ride that broom togethere as we're tarred and feathered :eek:
But the beauty of custom work is that those who want the 'tv' version can have it, and those who want a real tank can have that too!

Now about Dukes of Hazard...who WOULDN'T want a Boss Hog figure...or Cletus...or Roscoe P coltrane. (somehow I suspect that with Ana at the helm [and Shannon giving advice] a Daisy Duke figure wouldn't be in the set)

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