Tigers gallery (3 Viewers)


Agree, that is why in an earlier post, I indicated you could order this on a wink personally and just not call it the "Kelly's Heroes" Set.

That movie was just so off the wall character wise, that it would be a neat conversation piece to me. I am definitely not caring of historical value on this one, just a fond movie memory and one that I would be happy to display. To me who gives a turkey on the copyright, I am having a custom commissioned model for my display!

Speaking of Dukes, boy that is a fond memory too and I would love a Boss Hogg Figure. I got the Corgi model with figures, but they never did Boss's caddy.

This gets back to the display what you want, I flip flop, some displays are historical of mine and accurate, others are not, they just look cool IMO. For instance and I have yet to photograph, my Deli Durbar display will give some friends on the board a heart attack, ie elephants on the stage, but Hey, I like the Elephants, beautiful models and that is the way they had to fit!!


According to IMDB (the internet movie data base) the company that made this film was Avala Films, a Serbian company. Avala is also a tv network in Yugoslavia these days but who know if it's the same company or if Avala, the film maker, even exists.

Further details on the making of the movie:

Production Company:
Avala Film Katzka-Loeb Productions (looks like only the film they were involved with)

The Warriors Co.

Distribution Company:
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
Oddball says "we have the fastest tanks in the European theater of operations. We like to think we can get out of trouble quicker than we got into it". How appropriate is that regarding a Sherman tank! I know this was an average movie to most war flick experts, but for me, this was movie was alot of fun and very entertaining. Not even "Patton", or "The Battle Of The Bulge", have bragging rights over Kelly's Heroes", when it comes to portraying the real Shermans and Tigers in battle. You have to admit, that it was nice seeing those Tigers and Shermans and not some Chaffees and M48's pretending to be Shermans and Tigers. So in some ways, Kelly's Heroes for all it's comedy/drama, actually depicted WW-2 armor much more realistically, than most WW-2 movies. Like TD, I would love to have a custom Kelly's Sherman, because it really would make a nice conversation piece.
Not even "Patton", or "The Battle Of The Bulge", have bragging rights over Kelly's Heroes", when it comes to portraying the real Shermans and Tigers in battle. You have to admit, that it was nice seeing those Tigers and Shermans and not some Chaffees and M48's pretending to be Shermans and Tigers. So in some ways, Kelly's Heroes for all it's comedy/drama, actually depicted WW-2 armor much more realistically, than most WW-2 movies. Like TD, I would love to have a custom Kelly's Sherman, because it really would make a nice conversation piece.

Hate to break it to you SW, but check out the 'Tigers' in the movie again, and tell me what you see.

That not withstanding, I would be up for the Oddball sherman and perhaps a set of three figures - Kelly, Oddball and Big Joe, as they walk towards the dangerous end of the 'Tiger'.
Oddball says "we have the fastest tanks in the European theater of operations. We like to think we can get out of trouble quicker than we got into it". How appropriate is that regarding a Sherman tank! I know this was an average movie to most war flick experts, but for me, this was movie was alot of fun and very entertaining. Not even "Patton", or "The Battle Of The Bulge", have bragging rights over Kelly's Heroes", when it comes to portraying the real Shermans and Tigers in battle. You have to admit, that it was nice seeing those Tigers and Shermans and not some Chaffees and M48's pretending to be Shermans and Tigers. So in some ways, Kelly's Heroes for all it's comedy/drama, actually depicted WW-2 armor much more realistically, than most WW-2 movies. Like TD, I would love to have a custom Kelly's Sherman, because it really would make a nice conversation piece.

The Shermans were true but the Tigers were modified T-34's, but at least all was ex WWII stuff.

Kelly's Heroes was a full on comedy satire so imo you can't really compare it to other war movies. I can't say that I'm a fan of Kelly's Heroes as it's in the same pot as Catch 22 imo. I reckon you could get away with doing a Kelly's Heroes tank and crew as long as it wasn't promoted to widely as such and there wasn't any written material on the packaging about the movie.
Yes, I realize that they weren't real tigers, but at least they were made up to look like the real thing hollywood style. They at least looked like the Tiger, as compared to an M48.
Hate to break it to you SW, but check out the 'Tigers' in the movie again, and tell me what you see.

That not withstanding, I would be up for the Oddball sherman and perhaps a set of three figures - Kelly, Oddball and Big Joe, as they walk towards the dangerous end of the 'Tiger'.
I wouldn't mind the German tank commander as well. How bad can he be, he sold his tiger to oddball!
;) NICE TIGER'S! NOW Maybe a WESPE, and MARDER II/III? Hopefully, and OPEL MAULTIER (Halftrack) Cargo Truck, and HANOMAG? CIAO!
I remembered watching this years ago and was shocked by the fun and abandon goofiness of the movie. if the movie was true story, Oddball would have been the first hippie ever!

If you guys contemplate getting Oddball's sherman, then you must get the tiger 1 guarding the bank, what a diorama that would be. Kelly, Oddball and Big Joe talking to the nice Tiger 1 commander (he sold Oddball his Tiger 1 didnt he) in front of the bank, with the Tiger 1 nearby.

But for me, if i want to create a movie version, then my priority will be Richard Shaw, as Col. Hessler from Battle of the bulge.


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Speaking for myself and at the risk of being ridden out of town by an angry mob,i'm really not interested in movie related items.I think HB make fantastic historically accurate vehicles from WW2 and i think they should stick to that.Sorry guys but its the slippery slope from one (mediocre)War film to who knows what!.Before we know it there will be Dukes of Hazzard,Knight rider and God knows what other rubbish being turned out,sorry guys but lets keep it real.:);)


Mediocre War Film ! :eek:

As we say in the South - "them fighting words"

Lucky you live an Ocean away ;)
There are ways to produce items which reflect an uncanny look-like of our favorite movie Tank and characters ;)

Ask Andy at K&C - he has done it before !
Mediocre War Film ! :eek:

As we say in the South - "them fighting words"

Lucky you live an Ocean away ;)

I thought i was being generous with 'Mediocre'!!!:D;)

Sorry guys but i don't really consider Kellys or the Dirty dozen as true War films,for me they are more knockabout action films,not in the league of true War films.Battle of the Bulge for all its problems is a true War film.Just my opinion guys:)


That Tiger is was not made for a customer. It was specially made to show a sample with accessories and battle damage. I don't have more pictures than the ones that I uploaded since the boyz took them while I was in Spain. But I can give you the sample price for it if it had been customized.

Tank $350
Crew of 3 (2 figures ad a head) $76
Battle damage (bullet holes, mud, oil stains and extra weathering) $22
Accessories (helmets, mg, ammo pouches, canteens, maps, pole) $32
Shipped directly to customer $70

Total $ 550

Here you have a couple of pics of one of the Tigers from this week's batch. It's got some battle damage too.



I'll be uploading the pictures of the new batch of Tigers later today.


I thought i was being generous with 'Mediocre'!!!:D;)

Sorry guys but i don't really consider Kellys or the Dirty dozen as true War films,for me they are more knockabout action films,not in the league of true War films.Battle of the Bulge for all its problems is a true War film.Just my opinion guys:)


That's Hollywood baby ;)
I remembered watching this years ago and was shocked by the fun and abandon goofiness of the movie. if the movie was true story, Oddball would have been the first hippie ever!

If you guys contemplate getting Oddball's sherman, then you must get the tiger 1 guarding the bank, what a diorama that would be. Kelly, Oddball and Big Joe talking to the nice Tiger 1 commander (he sold Oddball his Tiger 1 didnt he) in front of the bank, with the Tiger 1 nearby.

But for me, if i want to create a movie version, then my priority will be Richard Shaw, as Col. Hessler from Battle of the bulge.

Robert Shaw's portrayal of Hessler was the only good thing about that whole movie, the rest was just awful!! Although when I was 12 it was magical but my how things change with time!!
I thought i was being generous with 'Mediocre'!!!:D;)

Sorry guys but i don't really consider Kellys or the Dirty dozen as true War films,for me they are more knockabout action films,not in the league of true War films.Battle of the Bulge for all its problems is a true War film.Just my opinion guys:)


"Always with the negative waves Moriarty, always with the negative waves." :D

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