time on my hands at last (23 Viewers)

Absolutely outstanding Robin . . . . I really, really like what you have created from the overall diorama, to the staging of the figures and scenics, and to the story . . . . . :salute:::salute::

:smile2: Mike
I trust Skippy won't wander too far from the troops Robin !{sm4}
Great scenes showing your troops. Well done :salute::

D-Day plus one, the search for Private Ryan begins. Robin.


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A simple wedding for Herman's sister. Robin.


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Imaginative out of the box scene Robin. The future star though I think is another of Jacobs masterpieces which you are tantalizing us with by just showing a bit of it !^&grin


it's been a long time since I really sat down and really enjoyed your thread...
I have caught pieces of it here and there...
but am dazzled with the eye candy...
now that I have time to really look closely at your dioramas...

your man cave is so cool...
I'm jealous and want one like yours to play in...

your photography skills are off the chart...
all the photos are so well lit...
clear and focused...
every picture tells a small story......

this is definitely the best thread on this forum to see displays and collections...
you have a real talent when it comes to figure placement...
and the sheer size of your collection is surreal...
your tastes in collecting is so diverse...
a little something for everyone...

thank you for the entertaining morning I spent sipping through two cups of coffee...
browsing your thread and getting caught up on your work...
your talent is immeasurable...

a few of my favorite photos of your...

the cracked and dried up river bed...
timeless in creation to use for almost any series that suits that climate...
American Indian...
even Zulu if you wanted...
your guy did an awesome job on it...

the Japanese/Marine dio...
very nice!

that diorama is epic...
I loved looking through all the action...
the buildings and props turn it into a cinematic delight...

the Lighthorse moving through the Arab village...
looks like a scene from a movie...

you really have an amazing thread...


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Wow Mike, it's been awhile since we have conversed, but worth the wait, your comments are exceptional. Just when I thought perhaps the forum were getting tired of my displays, you have restored my beliefs to carry on, sorry for the forum members who are over me^&grin. You are no slouch with your diorama's either, some of the best going. Note mine are not diorama's only displays, because I am too lazy to cover the bases.
I am thrilled with Jacob's work, I have lost count of how many he has sent and also my local guy can make anything. He is currently pressing me to commission him to build a rail gun. So far I am resisting due to the size of the thing:eek: My sister-in-law can paint any backdrop I want to compliment a scene, so the sky is the limit.
Andy and John are turning out some amazing product as are others, so 2018 promises to be an exciting year. I will try to dazzle you again over the next 6 months Mike, but one thing for sure, you will not be able to top your comments to date. Many many thanks, have a fantastic Christmas. Robin.
Wow Mike, it's been awhile since we have conversed, but worth the wait, your comments are exceptional. Just when I thought perhaps the forum were getting tired of my displays, you have restored my beliefs to carry on, sorry for the forum members who are over me^&grin. You are no slouch with your diorama's either, some of the best going. Note mine are not diorama's only displays, because I am too lazy to cover the bases.
I am thrilled with Jacob's work, I have lost count of how many he has sent and also my local guy can make anything. He is currently pressing me to commission him to build a rail gun. So far I am resisting due to the size of the thing:eek: My sister-in-law can paint any backdrop I want to compliment a scene, so the sky is the limit.
Andy and John are turning out some amazing product as are others, so 2018 promises to be an exciting year. I will try to dazzle you again over the next 6 months Mike, but one thing for sure, you will not be able to top your comments to date. Many many thanks, have a fantastic Christmas. Robin.

Robin...no blowing smoke up your rear end...you really are one of the premier guys for dazzling Treefroggers with your displays/dioramas...thoroughly enjoyed catching up on them today...
Advance by any means. Robin.


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Another wonderful scene. The scenery looks fantastic and was that backdrop specifically painted to match that terrain board? {eek3}
I like you dio there Robin.

What are the Indian Army guys in left background waiting for ? Fire !{sm0}

The FFL guy I see is having a hell of a time moving his mule too !{sm4}

I like you dio there Robin.

What are the Indian Army guys in left background waiting for ? Fire !{sm0}

The FFL guy I see is having a hell of a time moving his mule too !{sm4}


FFL guy is a just a plant to see if anyone actually looks at the layout, you pass Steve.^&grin, Robin.
You have a wonderful collection with outstanding setups.I really enjoy your thread.
FFL guy is a just a plant to see if anyone actually looks at the layout, you pass Steve.^&grin, Robin.

Despite thinking I went over all the details, I only noticed him after it was pointed out, and only then on my second go through all the pictures in search of him. :eek:
Robin - a nice display. I like the K&C Japanese on cycles. Another item on the wish list!
D-Day plus 2, the search continues. Robin.


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Not so quite on the Western Front, but this British Signals unit carries on without regard, providing essential communications. Robin.


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Your WWI scene showcasing John's latest motorcycles is very nicely done Robin . . . .
:smile2: Mike

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