Wow Mike, it's been awhile since we have conversed, but worth the wait, your comments are exceptional. Just when I thought perhaps the forum were getting tired of my displays, you have restored my beliefs to carry on, sorry for the forum members who are over me^&grin. You are no slouch with your diorama's either, some of the best going. Note mine are not diorama's only displays, because I am too lazy to cover the bases.
I am thrilled with Jacob's work, I have lost count of how many he has sent and also my local guy can make anything. He is currently pressing me to commission him to build a rail gun. So far I am resisting due to the size of the thing

My sister-in-law can paint any backdrop I want to compliment a scene, so the sky is the limit.
Andy and John are turning out some amazing product as are others, so 2018 promises to be an exciting year. I will try to dazzle you again over the next 6 months Mike, but one thing for sure, you will not be able to top your comments to date. Many many thanks, have a fantastic Christmas. Robin.