The eventual needle he's going to get is far too lenient. He's only 19, spending the rest of his days in a dark 4 x 6 cell could be a more fitting punishment. They should wallpaper the walls with pictures of his victims.
I'm with you Paul...don't kill him...leave him in jail forever...and I would prefer "general population"...
I have not heard a peep as to the fire arms these two used. I only assume they were hand guns , and the older brother { a naturalized citizen} got them legally , even with MA's tight gun laws requiring permits for handguns.
Evidently Nothing on his record prior to this would deny his ability to purchase legally.
Illegally purchased or traded? Could be. Since they were fully capable and willing to make bombs and kill and maim innocent people, I doubt they were too concerned with violating any gun laws . They violated their contract as human beings.
They willingly resigned from humanity.What Religion or Ideology is worth that?
I'm with you Paul...don't kill him...leave him in jail forever...and I would prefer "general population"...
Apparently The Russian's did contact the FBI about the older Brothers strange behaviour a few years back.Couldn't agree more Brad, I just don't get how the younger one came off the rails like he did.
The older one apparently was on the international radar as far back as 2010, the FBI did nothing about it.
He also was back in his native country for six months, this is probably when he got his training in bomb building, etc, etc.
He was also married with a three year old; so while he was building bombs in his house, his wife never said anything then?
Just glad they got caught before they launched more attacks as it looks like this was the plan.
I hope the survivor, after spilling what he knows, is not around too long to enjoy prison food.
There are a great many runners in London today supporting the Boston cause and the organizers have announced that for every person crossing the finish line today they will donate two pounds to the fund for victims and families of those killed and injured in Boston. Should be a tidy amount of cash!{bravo}}
A perfectly observed silence in memory of those kiled in Boston has just been held at start of London marathon. Alot of defiance and anger there today regarding what happened .
Someone quoted an excellent point:
' If you want to try and break human spirit , marathon runners are the wrong people to pick on ' !!{bravo}}
Latest report I have heard says that these two scumbags were on welfare! Just unbelievable!The US lets them in AND supports their existence here.
-- Al